Install the Persistent Cart Sharing feature
Edit on GitHubInstall feature core
Install the required features:
Spryker Core | 202307.0 |
Resource Sharing | 202307.0 |
1) Install the required modules
Install the required modules using Composer:
composer require spryker-feature/persistent-cart-sharing: "202307.0" --update-with-dependencies
Make sure the following modules have been installed:
PersistentCartShare | vendor/spryker/persistent-cart-share |
PersistentCartShareExtension | vendor/spryker/persistent-cart-share-extension |
2) Set up transfer objects
Generate transfer changes:
console transfer:generate
Make sure that the following changes in transfer objects:
Transfer | Type | Event | Path |
ResourceShareData.idQuote | property | added | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ResourceShareDataTransfer |
ResourceShareData.ownerCompanyUserId | property | added | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ResourceShareDataTransfer |
ResourceShareData.ownerCompanyBusinessUnitId | property | added | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ResourceShareDataTransfer |
Install feature frontend
Please overview and install the necessary features before beginning the integration step.
Spryker Core | 202307.0 |
Resource Sharing | 202307.0 |
Customer Account Management | 202307.0 |
1) Install the required modules
Install the required modules using Composer:
composer require spryker-feature/persistent-cart-sharing: "202307.0" --update-with-dependencies
Make sure the following modules have been installed:
PersistentCartSharePage | vendor/spryker-shop/persistent-cart-share-page |
PersistentCartShareWidget | vendor/spryker-shop/persistent-cart-share-widget |
2) Add translations
Append glossary according to your configuration:
persistent_cart_share.error.resource_is_not_available,The cart you are trying to access is not available.,en_US
persistent_cart_share.error.resource_is_not_available,"Der Warenkorb, auf den Sie zugreifen möchten, ist nicht verfügbar.",de_DE
persistent_cart_share.error.quote_is_not_available,The cart you are trying to access is not available.,en_US
persistent_cart_share.error.quote_is_not_available,"Der Warenkorb, auf den Sie zugreifen möchten, ist nicht verfügbar.",de_DE
persistent_cart_share.share_options.internal.READ_ONLY,Read Only,en_US
persistent_cart_share.share_options.internal.FULL_ACCESS,Full Access,en_US
persistent_cart_share.share_options.internal.FULL_ACCESS,Ohne Einschränkung,de_DE
persistent_cart_share.external_users,External Users,en_US
persistent_cart_share.external_users,Externe Benutzer,de_DE
persistent_cart_share.internal_users,Internal Users,en_US
persistent_cart_share.internal_users,Interne Benutzer,de_DE
persistent_cart_share.title,Share Cart via link,en_US
persistent_cart_share.title,Einkaufswagen per Link teilen,de_DE
clipboard.copy.success,Successfully copied to clipboard!,en_US
clipboard.copy.success,Erfolgreich in die Zwischenablage kopiert!,de_DE
clipboard.copy.error,Copying to clipboard is not supported by your browser. Try to copy the text manually.,en_US
clipboard.copy.error,Das Kopieren in die Zwischenablage wird von Ihrem Browser nicht unterstützt. Versuchen Sie den Text manuell zu kopieren.,de_DE
persistent_cart_share_page.preview,Preview: %title%,en_US
persistent_cart_share_page.preview,Vorschau: %title%,de_DE
Import data:
console data:import glossary
Make sure that, in the database, the configured data are added to the spy_glossary
3) Set up behavior
Enable the following behaviors by registering the plugins:
CartPreviewRouterStrategyPlugin | Redirects company user to the Cart Preview page if a cart was shared with Preview access. | None | SprykerShop\Yves\PersistentCartSharePage\Plugin |
PreviewCartShareOptionPlugin | Provides an external (preview) share option for the Share Cart via link widget. | None | Spryker\Client\PersistentCartShare\Plugin |
namespace Pyz\Yves\ResourceSharePage;
use SprykerShop\Yves\PersistentCartSharePage\Plugin\CartPreviewRouterStrategyPlugin;
use SprykerShop\Yves\ResourceSharePage\ResourceSharePageDependencyProvider as SprykerResourceSharePageDependencyProvider;
class ResourceSharePageDependencyProvider extends SprykerResourceSharePageDependencyProvider
* @return \SprykerShop\Yves\ResourceSharePageExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ResourceShareRouterStrategyPluginInterface[]
protected function getResourceShareRouterStrategyPlugins(): array
return [
new CartPreviewRouterStrategyPlugin(),
namespace Pyz\Client\PersistentCartShare;
use Spryker\Client\PersistentCartShare\PersistentCartShareDependencyProvider as SprykerPersistentCartShareDependencyProvider;
use Spryker\Client\PersistentCartShare\Plugin\PersistentCartShare\PreviewCartShareOptionPlugin;
class PersistentCartShareDependencyProvider extends SprykerPersistentCartShareDependencyProvider
* @return \Spryker\Client\PersistentCartShareExtension\Dependency\Plugin\CartShareOptionPluginInterface[]
protected function getCartShareOptionPlugins(): array
return [
new PreviewCartShareOptionPlugin(),
Make sure that when you followed cart share link with Preview access, you’re redirected to the Cart Preview page.
Make sure, that you are able to share a cart with “Preview” access to external users from the cart page.
4) Enable controllers
Route list
Register the following route provider plugins:
PersistentCartSharePageRouteProviderPlugin | SprykerShop\Yves\PersistentCartSharePage\Plugin\Router |
PersistentCartShareWidgetRouteProviderPlugin` | SprykerShop\Yves\PersistentCartShareWidget\Plugin\Router |
namespace Pyz\Yves\Router;
use Spryker\Yves\Router\RouterDependencyProvider as SprykerRouterDependencyProvider;
use SprykerShop\Yves\PersistentCartSharePage\Plugin\Router\PersistentCartSharePageRouteProviderPlugin;
use SprykerShop\Yves\PersistentCartShareWidget\Plugin\Router\PersistentCartShareWidgetRouteProviderPlugin;
class RouterDependencyProvider extends SprykerRouterDependencyProvider
* @return \Spryker\Yves\RouterExtension\Dependency\Plugin\RouteProviderPluginInterface[]
protected function getRouteProvider(): array
return [
new PersistentCartSharePageRouteProviderPlugin(),
new PersistentCartShareWidgetRouteProviderPlugin(),
Make sure, that when you proceed with
link, you’re redirected to the “404” page with “Resource is not found by provided UUID.” error message.
Make sure, that when you’re on a cart page, you can see the “Share Cart via Link” widget with an “External Users” radio button (if you logged in as company user and when you click on it - the cart share link is generated successfully and placed in the appeared text box (requires ShareCartByLinkWidget
to be enabled).
5) Set up widgets
Register the following plugins to enable widgets:
ShareCartByLinkWidget | Provides an ability to share a cart for External Users (Preview). | None | SprykerShop\Yves\PersistentCartShareWidget\Widget |
namespace Pyz\Yves\ShopApplication;
use SprykerShop\Yves\PersistentCartShareWidget\Widget\ShareCartByLinkWidget;
use SprykerShop\Yves\ShopApplication\ShopApplicationDependencyProvider as SprykerShopApplicationDependencyProvider;
class ShopApplicationDependencyProvider extends SprykerShopApplicationDependencyProvider
* @return string[]
protected function getGlobalWidgets(): array
return [
Run the following command to enable Javascript and CSS changes:
console frontend:yves:build
Make sure, that when you’re on a cart page, you can see the “Share Cart via Link” widget with an “External Users” radio button (if you logged in as company user).
Login to Yves as Company User, add some product to the cart and go to the cart page.
Make sure, that you can see the “Share Cart via Link” widget on a cart page.
Make sure you can see an “External Users” radio button. Click on it.
Make sure, that you can see the generated link for Preview access.
Make sure, that you can see a “Copy” button near the link. Click on it.
Make sure, that the link was copied to the clipboard (or a message that it’s impossible due to some browser limitations).
Copy the Cart Preview link and proceed with it. Make sure, that you are redirected to the Cart Preview page.
Thank you!
For submitting the form