Comments feature overview

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The Comments feature provides the ability for online owners to add the comments widget. The widget lets the customers leave comments, special requests, or instructions to any entity in the Spryker shop and tag these comments depending on your project specification.

An entity is a unit or component with some properties and may have relationships with other entities within a system. So, in terms of Spryker Commerce OS, an entity is represented by a Shopping Cart, Shopping List, and CMS page. It is where the Comments Widget can be located.

As an example of this generic solution, we have implemented Comments on the Shopping Cart page.

Comments help multiple customers to have a dialog on the cart contents. How does it work? Let’s imagine a situation where you have a company account and three HR members (HR assistant, HR manager, and the head of the HR department) who are responsible for purchasing the products for the whole office. They share the same shopping cart. The HR assistant adds the products to the shopping cart and includes a comment requesting to review the shopping cart by an HR manager. With the help of comments, they decide on the final quantity of the products and finalize the shopping cart contents. After the shopping cart is ready, the HR manager adds a comment for the head of the HR department to approve the total price. By means of the conversation in the cart comments, the head of the department makes the latest corrections to the cart’s contents and attaches the important comments concerning the shipping of some products to the shopping cart. From now on, the HR assistant can proceed to Checkout. The attached comments will be available on the Checkout page and if the order is successfully placed, in the order history.

Thus, the Comments feature lets your B2B customers effectively communicate and discuss the purchases with colleagues, thereby improving customer satisfaction and speeding up the process by avoiding additional communication outside of the context.

Comments widget

Within the Comments feature, we have created the Comments widget. The widget can be placed on any entity page. In our case, it is the Shopping Cart page.

The comment contains the following information:

  • Company user’s name
  • Date when the comment was left
  • Contents of the comment
  • Comment Tag

Company users can add comments to a shared cart with both Read-only and Full Access permissions. A user can also add a comment before submitting the order on the Checkout Summary page, as well as post factum after the order has been placed on the Order History page:


When reordering the existing order, the comments attached to the order are not duplicated.

When the order with the attached comments is placed, the Back Office user can view it with the comments in the Orders section of the Back Office.

Comment tags

Every comment may be tagged. Tags are keywords associated with the comments. The tags are added to the group the comments sharing a similar idea or topic. For example, you may have several comments where colleagues have covered the details about delivering the order. You may tag these comments with the Delivery tag for convenience. Also, in the drop-down menu, you can filter the comments according to the tags added.

Comments on the Storefront

Company users can perform the following actions using the Comments widget on the Storefront:

Create and edit comments


Remove comments


Tag comments


Filter comments by tags


Install the Comments feature File details: comment.csv
Install the Comments + Persistent Cart feature
Install the Comments + Order Management feature