Upgrade the ProductCategoryFilterGui module

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This document describes how to upgrade the ProductCategoryFilterGui module.

Upgrading from version 1.* to 2.*

In the version 2.* of the ProductCategoryFilterGui module, we adjusted CategoryTreeController::indexAction() to remove fill-up of the deprecated categoryTree view parameter.

Estimated migration time: 15 minutes. 

To upgrade the ProductCategoryFilterGui module from version 1.* to 2.*:

  1. Update the ProductCategoryFilterGui module to version 2.0.0:
composer require spryker/product-category-filter-gui:"^2.0.0" --update-with-dependencies
  1. Generate transfer objects:
console transfer:generate
  1. Update the navigation cache:
console navigation:build-cache

Ensure that https://mysprykershop.com/product-category-filter-gui displays a category tree.