Integrating Econda cross-selling

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Cross sell is highly customizable and it depends on your setup. Please refer to Econda offical documentation.

All necessary JS files are already integrated into the module, the only thing you need to do is to add your API key inside the econda_crosssell.twig template:

<input type="hidden" name="econda_aid" value="ADD_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE">


The econda JS SDK download

An Econda ID can be found in your account details (see image below).

These instructions assume you are using Antelope for your Yves assets management. If your project uses other frontend automation you can still use the instructions as guidelines.

Installing assets

After you have successfully downloaded the SDK you need to register it in Yves. One way is to create an Econda folder in assets/Yves/<themeName> folder and extract the SDK to it (look at picture below)

Now add an entry point for loading econda specific JS by adding the econda.js file in the Econda folder.

Add a require line require('./sdk/econda-recommendations');

Now we need to add our new Econda module to entry.js.

by adding a line:



Cross sell is highly customizable and it depends on your setup. Please refer to Econda offical documentation.

Here is a sample econda-widget.js you can use as a help to integrate cross sell widget to your website:

'use strict';


var econda_aid = "<put_your_econda_id_here>";

module.exports = {
 init: function() {
 * Setup widget, load data and render using defined rendering function
 if(typeof window.ecWidgets == 'undefined') {
 window.ecWidgets = [];
 if (document.getElementById('econda_widget_container')) {
 var product_sku = document.getElementsByName('econda_product_sku')[0].value;
 var category_name = document.getElementsByName('econda_category_name')[0].value;
 element: document.getElementById('econda_widget_container'),
 renderer: {type: 'template', uri: '/assets/default/html/cross-sell-widget.html'},
 accountId: econda_aid,
 id: 2, //id of widget you defined in econda UI
 context: {
 products: [{id: product_sku }],
 categories: [{
 type: 'productcategory',
 path: category_name
 chunkSize: 3

Register your tracking module in econda.js by adding to econda.js.

var econdaWidget = require('./econda-widget');

In econda-widget.js we are include the cross-sell-widget.html for the widget template. Template example is below.

<section class="products-set">
 <h3>You may also like</h3>
 <% for (ip = 0; ip < products.length; ip++) { %>
 <article class="catalog__product">
 <a href="<%= products[ip].deeplink %>" title="<%= products[ip].name %>" class="product__link">
 <img src="<%= products[ip].iconurl %>" alt="<%= products[ip].name %>" class="product__image"/>
 <h1 class="product__name"><%= products[ip].name %></h1>
 <h2 class="product__price"><%= products[ip].price %></h2>
 <% } %>

Please refer to Econda visual widget documentation.

Adding the Cross Sell Widget to Twig

To include this snippet in your project, you need to include this code in your twig template:

{% include "@econda/partials/econda_crosssell.twig" with {
 product: product,
 category: category
} %}

List of accepted template variables:

product Associative array representing product data. Accepted keys: abstractSku
category Associative array representing category. Accepted keys: name


Do not forget to build your frontend by running antelope build yves from you project root folder.

Checking Your Setup

If your setup is correct you should see the new Econda widget on the page where the cross sell widget was added.