Tutorial: Content and search - attribute-cart-based catalog personalization

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This tutorial shows how to boost and personalize the catalog using the color attribute of a product when it’s added to the cart.


This tutorial is also available on the Spryker Training website. For more information and hands-on exercises, visit Spryker Training.

When you add a red camera to the cart, all red cameras are going to be boosted in the catalog and pushed to the top of the products.

This tutorial also explains how to work with plugins and extend the search plugin stack.

Challenge solving highlights

In this task, you are using the cart only for the sake of training. In a real-life scenario, you can use the customer’s order history to analyze what colors this customer likes and boost the catalog accordingly, or even use another attribute.

Full-text search engines like Elasticsearch provide a possibility to influence the sorting of products by tweaking the scoring function. The scoring function assigns weights to each result based on a formula, which is usually based on text similarity or synonyms. However, you can change it to boost specific products higher than others.

In this challenge, you affect the scoring function based on products that are already in the cart.

To solve the challenge, use the instructions from the following sections.

1. Prepare the search query plugin

As you are working with search and Elasticsearch, you need to work with the client level. You need the catalog because your main place to work is CatalogClient in src/Pyz/Client/Catalog.

The client uses a stack of plugins that implement \Spryker/Client/SearchExtension/Dependency/Plugin/QueryExpanderPluginInterface. In this task, you extend this plugin stack by creating a new plugin for boosting and injecting it into the plugin stack. By creating a new plugin for boosting and injecting it into the plugin stack, you can alter the search query accordingly

To create the plugin:

  1. Inside the catalog client directory, create the following directories: Plugin/Elasticsearch/QueryExpander.

  2. Inside the QueryExpander directory, create a new query plugin and call it AttributeCartBasedBoostingQueryExpanderPlugin. This plugin implements QueryExpanderPluginInterface.

namespace Pyz\Client\Catalog\Plugin\Elasticsearch\QueryExpander;

use Elastica\Query;
use Elastica\Query\BoolQuery;
use Elastica\Query\FunctionScore;
use Elastica\Query\MultiMatch;
use Generated\Shared\Search\PageIndexMap;
use Generated\Shared\Transfer\ItemTransfer;
use Generated\Shared\Transfer\QuoteTransfer;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Spryker\Client\Kernel\AbstractPlugin;
use Spryker\Client\SearchExtension\Dependency\Plugin\QueryExpanderPluginInterface;
use Spryker\Client\SearchExtension\Dependency\Plugin\QueryInterface;
use Spryker\Shared\Kernel\Store;

class AttributeCartBasedBoostingQueryExpanderPlugin extends AbstractPlugin implements QueryExpanderPluginInterface
     * @param QueryInterface $searchQuery
     * @param array $requestParameters
     * @return QueryInterface
    public function expandQuery(QueryInterface $searchQuery, array $requestParameters = []): QueryInterface
        $quoteTransfer = $this->getFactory()

        // Don't need to change query when cart is empty.
        if (!$quoteTransfer->getItems()->count()) {
            return $searchQuery;

        // Make sure that the query you are extending is compatible with your expectations.
        $boolQuery = $this->getBoolQuery($searchQuery->getSearchQuery());

        // Boost query based on cart.
        $this->boostByCartItemColors($boolQuery, $quoteTransfer);

        return $searchQuery;

     * @param \Elastica\Query $query
     * @return \Elastica\Query\BoolQuery
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
    protected function getBoolQuery(Query $query): BoolQuery
        $boolQuery = $query->getQuery();

        if (!$boolQuery instanceof BoolQuery) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
                'Cart boost query expander available only with %s, got: %s',

        return $boolQuery;

     * @param BoolQuery $boolQuery
     * @param QuoteTransfer $quoteTransfer
     * @return void
    protected function boostByCartItemColors(BoolQuery $boolQuery, QuoteTransfer $quoteTransfer): void
        $functionScoreQuery = new FunctionScore();
        // Define how the computed scores are combined for the used functions.
        // Define how the newly computed score is combined with the score of the query.

        foreach ($quoteTransfer->getItems() as $itemTransfer) {
            $color = $this->getProductColor($itemTransfer);

            if ($color) {
                // Create filter for all products that contains the same color.
                $filter = $this->createFulltextSearchQuery($color);

                // Boost the results with a custom number.
                $functionScoreQuery->addFunction('weight', 20, $filter);

        // Extend the original search query with function_score that will change the score of the results.

     * @param ItemTransfer $itemTransfer
     * @return string|null
    protected function getProductColor(ItemTransfer $itemTransfer): ?string
        // You get the concrete product from the key-value storage (Redis).
        $productData = $this->getFactory()

        return $productData['attributes']['color'] ?? null;

     * @param string $searchString
     * @return \Elastica\Query\MultiMatch
    protected function createFulltextSearchQuery($searchString): MultiMatch
        // You search for color in the "full-text" and "full-text-boosted" fields.
        $matchQuery = (new MultiMatch())
                PageIndexMap::FULL_TEXT_BOOSTED . '^3', // Boost results with custom number.

        return $matchQuery;
  1. CartClient does not exist as a dependency for CatalogClient. Add this dependency, so your query plugin works. For this, in src/Pyz/Client/Catalog, open CatalogDependencyProvider and add CartClient as a dependency:
namespace Pyz\Client\Catalog;

use Spryker\Client\Cart\CartClientInterface;
use Spryker\Client\Catalog\CatalogDependencyProvider as SprykerCatalogDependencyProvider;
use Spryker\Client\Kernel\Container;

class CatalogDependencyProvider extends SprykerCatalogDependencyProvider
    public const CLIENT_CART = 'CLIENT_CART';

     * @param \Spryker\Client\Kernel\Container $container
     * @return \Spryker\Client\Kernel\Container
    public function provideServiceLayerDependencies(Container $container): Container
        $container = parent::provideServiceLayerDependencies($container);

        $container = $this->addCartClient($container);

        return $container;

     * @param \Spryker\Client\Kernel\Container $container
     * @return \Spryker\Client\Kernel\Container
    protected function addCartClient(Container $container): Container
        $container->set(static::CLIENT_CART, function (Container $container): CartClientInterface {
            return $container->getLocator()->cart()->client();

        return $container;
  1. Get the CartClient dependency using CatalogFactory.
  2. Extend the CatalogFactory of the catalog client in src/Pyz/Client/Catalog and get CartClient.
namespace Pyz\Client\Catalog;

use Spryker\Client\Cart\CartClientInterface;
use Spryker\Client\Catalog\CatalogFactory as SprykerCatalogFactory;

class CatalogFactory extends SprykerCatalogFactory
     * @return \Spryker\Client\Cart\CartClientInterface
    public function getCartClient(): CartClientInterface
        return $this->getProvidedDependency(CatalogDependencyProvider::CLIENT_CART);
  1. To get the color of a product from the cart, read the product data from the key-value storage Redis. For this, ProductStorageClient must be used with the getProductAbstractStorageData() method.

Like CartClient, ProductStorageClient needs to be added to the CatalogDependencyProvider. Then the CatalogFactory can get it from the dependency provider:

namespace Pyz\Client\Catalog;

class CatalogDependencyProvider extends SprykerCatalogDependencyProvider

	 * @param \Spryker\Client\Kernel\Container $container
	 * @return \Spryker\Client\Kernel\Container
	public function provideServiceLayerDependencies(Container $container): Container
		$container = parent::provideServiceLayerDependencies($container);

		$container = $this->addCartClient($container);
		$container = $this->addProductStorageClient($container);

		return $container;

     * @param \Spryker\Client\Kernel\Container $container
     * @return \Spryker\Client\Kernel\Container
    protected function addProductStorageClient(Container $container): Container
        $container->set(static::CLIENT_PRODUCT_STORAGE, function (Container $container): ProductStorageClientInterface {
            return $container->getLocator()->productStorage()->client();

        return $container;
... }
namespace Pyz\Client\Catalog;

use Spryker\Client\Catalog\CatalogFactory as SprykerCatalogFactory;
use Spryker\Client\ProductStorage\ProductStorageClientInterface;

class CatalogFactory extends SprykerCatalogFactory {
     * @return \Spryker\Client\ProductStorage\ProductStorageClientInterface
    public function getProductStorageClient(): ProductStorageClientInterface
        return $this->getProvidedDependency(CatalogDependencyProvider::CLIENT_PRODUCT_STORAGE);

2. Extend the catalog’s search queries stack

In CatalogDependencyProvider, there is a stack of plugins for expanding the search query.

Boosting the catalog is an expansion of the base search query for changing the weight of products on the catalog page so that the order of products on that page changes as well.

To use your new plugin, inject it into the CatalogDependencyProvider in the createCatalogSearchQueryExpanderPlugins() method:

  1. Replace the SortedCategoryQueryExpanderPlugin() with your AttributeCartBasedBoostingQueryExpanderPlugin().
  2. Make sure that you keep the same position of the plugin because the order of these plugins matters for the search results.
 * @return \Spryker\Client\SearchExtension\Dependency\Plugin\QueryExpanderPluginInterface[]
protected function createCatalogSearchQueryExpanderPlugins(): array
	return [
		new StoreQueryExpanderPlugin(),
		new LocalizedQueryExpanderPlugin(),
		new ProductPriceQueryExpanderPlugin(),
		new FacetQueryExpanderPlugin(),
		new SortedQueryExpanderPlugin(),
		new AttributeCartBasedBoostingQueryExpanderPlugin(),
		new PaginatedQueryExpanderPlugin(),
		new SpellingSuggestionQueryExpanderPlugin(),
		new IsActiveQueryExpanderPlugin(),
		new IsActiveInDateRangeQueryExpanderPlugin(),

In your shop https://mysprykershop.com/en/cameras-&-camcorders/digital-cameras, go to the Cameras catalog page and do the following:

  1. Add a red camera to the cart.
  2. Go back to the same catalog page.

All red cameras are on the top now.

To see how simple it’s to update this boosting, go to CatalogDependencyProvider, comment out and then uncomment AttributeCartBasedBoostingQueryExpanderPlugin(), and then check how this affects the catalog page.