Glue API: Manage shopping lists

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With the help of the Shopping Lists feature, company users can manage shopping lists for their company to plan purchasing activities beforehand. Unlike Wishlists, shopping lists contain not only a list of items to be purchased but also the quantity of each item.

In your development, the resources can help you to enable the shopping list functionality in your application.


For detailed information on the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see:

Create a shopping list

To create a shopping list for a registered user, send the request:

POST /shopping-lists


Authorization string String containing digits, letters, and symbols that authorize the company user. Authenticate as a company user to get the value.

Request sample: create a shopping list


        "type": "shopping-lists",
            "name":"My Shopping List"
name string Name of the shopping list to create.


Response sample: create a shopping list
    "data": {
        "type": "shopping-lists",
        "id": "sdb17f85-953f-565a-a4ce-e5cb02405f83",
        "attributes": {
            "owner": "Anne Boleyn",
            "name": "Laptops",
            "numberOfItems": 0,
            "updatedAt": "2020-02-07 09:26:01.623754",
            "createdAt": "2020-02-07 09:26:01.623754"
        "links": {
            "self": ""

shopping-lists owner String First and last names of the shopping list owner.
shopping-lists name String Shopping list name.
shopping-lists numberOfItems Integer Number of items on the shopping list.
shopping-lists updatedAt String Date when the shopping list was last updated.
shopping-lists createdAt String Date when the shopping list was created.

Retrieve shopping lists

To retrieve shopping lists, send the request:

GET /shopping-lists


Authorization string String containing digits, letters, and symbols that authorize the company user. Authenticate as a company user to get the value.
include Adds resource relationships to the request. shopping-list-items, concrete-products

To retrieve concrete products in a shopping list, include shopping-list-items and concrete-products resources.

GET Retrieve all shopping lists.
GET,concrete-products Retrieve all shopping lists with its items and respective concrete products.


Response sample: no shopping lists are retrieved
    "data": [],
    "links": {
        "self": ""
Response sample: Retrieve own and shared shopping lists
    "data": [
            "type": "shopping-lists",
            "id": "ecdb5c3b-8bba-5a97-8e7b-c0a5a8f8a74a",
            "attributes": {
                "owner": "Spencor Hopkin",
                "name": "My Shopping List",
                "numberOfItems": 19,
                "updatedAt": "2020-02-07 07:59:09.621433",
                "createdAt": "2020-02-07 07:59:09.621433"
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "shopping-lists",
            "id": "184ea79d-a2d3-549a-8ca2-4ea36879ceee",
            "attributes": {
                "owner": "Spencor Hopkin",
                "name": "My Shopping List 2",
                "numberOfItems": 0,
                "updatedAt": "2020-02-07 08:01:11.539074",
                "createdAt": "2020-02-07 08:01:11.539074"
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "shopping-lists",
            "id": "f5ce1365-1429-5d99-97a9-c1b19e4fede6",
            "attributes": {
                "owner": "Niels Barr",
                "name": "Shared Shopping List",
                "numberOfItems": 0,
                "updatedAt": "2020-02-07 09:34:41.438426",
                "createdAt": "2020-02-07 09:34:41.438426"
            "links": {
                "self": ""
    "links": {
        "self": ""
Response sample: retrieve shopping lists with the details on its items and concrete products
    "data": {
        "type": "shopping-lists",
        "id": "ecdb5c3b-8bba-5a97-8e7b-c0a5a8f8a74a",
        "attributes": {...},
        "links": {...},
        "relationships": {
            "shopping-list-items": {
                "data": [
                        "type": "shopping-list-items",
                        "id": "c3e12dfb-05e5-51c3-ae8f-ba2f07b6bd17"
                        "type": "shopping-list-items",
                        "id": "00fed212-3dc9-569f-885f-3ddca41dea08"
    "included": [
            "type": "concrete-products",
            "id": "136_24425591",
            "attributes": {
                "sku": "136_24425591",
                "isDiscontinued": false,
                "discontinuedNote": null,
                "averageRating": null,
                "reviewCount": 0,
                "name": "Acer Chromebook C730-C8T7",
                "description": "Amazing mobility Slip the Acer Chromebook into your bag and work from anywhere, without recharging, because it has enough battery life to last all day long on a single charge. Indulge your e✓ and see everything in vivid detail on the Acer Chromebook's Full HD display. The Acer Chromebook features the latest 802.11ac wireless technology, for a smooth internet experience at connection speeds that are up to three times faster than that of previous-generation wireless technologies. The Acer Chromebook starts within 8 seconds, so you can wait less and do more. At less than an inch thin and extremely light, the Acer Chromebook is the perfect tool for on-the-go computing. Plus, it sports a fanless design for whisper-quiet computing.",
                "attributes": {
                    "product_type": "Chromebook",
                    "form_factor": "clamshell",
                    "processor_threads": "2",
                    "processor_boost_frequency": "2.58 GHz",
                    "brand": "Acer",
                    "color": "Grey"
                "superAttributesDefinition": [
                "metaTitle": "Acer Chromebook C730-C8T7",
                "metaKeywords": "Acer,Entertainment Electronics",
                "metaDESCRIPTION": "Amazing mobility Slip the Acer Chromebook into your bag and work from anywhere, without recharging, because it has enough battery life to last all day long",
                "attributeNames": {
                    "product_type": "Product type",
                    "form_factor": "Form factor",
                    "processor_threads": "Processor Threads",
                    "processor_boost_frequency": "Processor boost frequency",
                    "brand": "Brand",
                    "color": "Color"
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "shopping-list-items",
            "id": "c3e12dfb-05e5-51c3-ae8f-ba2f07b6bd17",
            "attributes": {...},
            "links": {...},
            "relationships": {
                "concrete-products": {
                    "data": [
                            "type": "concrete-products",
                            "id": "136_24425591"
            "type": "concrete-products",
            "id": "005_30663301",
            "attributes": {
                "sku": "005_30663301",
                "isDiscontinued": false,
                "discontinuedNote": null,
                "averageRating": null,
                "reviewCount": 0,
                "name": "Canon IXUS 175",
                "description": "Creative play Play with your creativity using a range of Creative Filters. Re-create the distortion of a fish-eye lens, make scenes in stills or movies look like miniature scale models and much more. Capture the stunning detail in everyday subjects using 1 cm Macro to get right up close. Enjoy exceptional quality, detailed images thanks to 20.0 Megapixels and DIGIC 4+ processing. Face Detection technology makes capturing great shots of friends effortless, while Auto Zoom intelligently helps you select the best framing at the touch of a button.",
                "attributes": {
                    "optical_zoom": "8 x",
                    "combined_zoom": "32 x",
                    "display": "LCD",
                    "hdmi": "no",
                    "brand": "Canon",
                    "color": "Blue"
                "superAttributesDefinition": [
                "metaTitle": "Canon IXUS 175",
                "metaKeywords": "Canon,Entertainment Electronics",
                "metaDESCRIPTION": "Creative play Play with your creativity using a range of Creative Filters. Re-create the distortion of a fish-eye lens, make scenes in stills or movies loo",
                "attributeNames": {
                    "optical_zoom": "Optical zoom",
                    "combined_zoom": "Combined zoom",
                    "display": "Display",
                    "hdmi": "HDMI",
                    "brand": "Brand",
                    "color": "Color"
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "shopping-list-items",
            "id": "00fed212-3dc9-569f-885f-3ddca41dea08",
            "attributes": {...},
            "links": {....},
            "relationships": {
                "concrete-products": {
                    "data": [
                            "type": "concrete-products",
                            "id": "005_30663301"
shopping-lists owner String First and last names of the shopping list owner.
shopping-lists name String Shopping list name.
shopping-lists numberOfItems Integer Number of items on the shopping list.
shopping-lists updatedAt String Date when the shopping list was last updated.
shopping-lists createdAt String Date when the shopping list was created.
concrete-products sku String SKU of the concrete product.
concrete-products isDiscontinued Boolean Specifies whether a product is discontinued:
true - the product is discontinued and requires a replacement item;
false—the product is not discontinued.
concrete-products discontinuedNote String Optional note that was specified when marking a product as discontinued.
concrete-products averageRating String Average rating of the product based on customer rating.
concrete-products reviewCount Integer Number of reviews left by customer for this product.
concrete-products name String Name of the concrete product.
concrete-products description String Description of the concrete product.
concrete-products attributes Object List of attribute keys and their values for the product.
concrete-products superAttributeDefinition String List of attributes that are flagged as super attributes.
concrete-products metaTitle String Meta title of the product.
concrete-products metaKeywords String Meta keywords of the product.
concrete-products metaDescription String Meta description of the product.
concrete-products attributeNames String List of attribute keys and their translations.
concrete-products productAbstractSku String Unique identifier of the abstract product owning this concrete product.
shopping-list-items productOfferReference String Unique identifier of the product offer.
shopping-list-items merchantReference String Unique identifier of the merchant.
shopping-list-items quantity Integer Quantity of the product.
shopping-list-items sku String Product SKU.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.displayData Array Array of variables that are proposed to a Storefront user to set up in the configurator.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.configuration Array Default configuration of the configurable product.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.configuratorKey String Configurator type.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.isComplete Boolean Shows if the configurable product configuration is complete:
  • true—configuration complete.
  • false—configuration incomplete.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.quantity Integer Quantity of the product that is added to the wishlist.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.availableQuantity Integer Product quantity available in the store.

Retrieve a shopping list

To retrieve a shopping list, send the request:

GET /shopping-lists/{{shopping_list_id}}

{{shopping_list_id}} Unique identifier of a shopping list to retrieve.


Authorization string String containing digits, letters, and symbols that authorize the company user. Authenticate as a company user to get the value.
include Adds resource relationships to the request. shopping-list-items, concrete-products
Included resources

To retrieve concrete products in a shopping list, include shopping-list-items and concrete-products resources.

GET Retrieve the shopping list with the id sdb17f85-953f-565a-a4ce-e5cb02405f83.
GET Retrieve the shopping list with the id ecdb5c3b-8bba-5a97-8e7b-c0a5a8f8a74a with its items.
GET,concrete-products Retrieve the shopping list with the id ecdb5c3b-8bba-5a97-8e7b-c0a5a8f8a74a with its items and respective concrete products.


Response sample: retrieve a shopping list
    "data": {
        "type": "shopping-lists",
        "id": "ecdb5c3b-8bba-5a97-8e7b-c0a5a8f8a74a",
        "attributes": {
            "owner": "Spencor Hopkin",
            "name": "My Shopping List",
            "numberOfItems": 19,
            "updatedAt": "2020-02-07 07:59:09.621433",
            "createdAt": "2020-02-07 07:59:09.621433"
        "links": {
            "self": ""
Response sample: retrieve a shopping list with the details on the shopping list items
    "data": {
        "type": "shopping-lists",
        "id": "ecdb5c3b-8bba-5a97-8e7b-c0a5a8f8a74a",
        "attributes": {...},
        "links": {...},
        "relationships": {
            "shopping-list-items": {
                "data": [
                        "type": "shopping-list-items",
                        "id": "c3e12dfb-05e5-51c3-ae8f-ba2f07b6bd17"
                        "type": "shopping-list-items",
                        "id": "00fed212-3dc9-569f-885f-3ddca41dea08"
    "included": [
            "type": "shopping-list-items",
            "id": "c3e12dfb-05e5-51c3-ae8f-ba2f07b6bd17",
            "attributes": {
                "quantity": 15,
                "sku": "136_24425591"
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "shopping-list-items",
            "id": "00fed212-3dc9-569f-885f-3ddca41dea08",
            "attributes": {
                "quantity": 4,
                "sku": "005_30663301"
            "links": {
                "self": ""
Response sample: retrieve a shopping list with the details on the shopping list items and concrete products
    "data": {
        "type": "shopping-lists",
        "id": "ecdb5c3b-8bba-5a97-8e7b-c0a5a8f8a74a",
        "attributes": {...},
        "links": {...},
        "relationships": {
            "shopping-list-items": {
                "data": [
                        "type": "shopping-list-items",
                        "id": "c3e12dfb-05e5-51c3-ae8f-ba2f07b6bd17"
                        "type": "shopping-list-items",
                        "id": "00fed212-3dc9-569f-885f-3ddca41dea08"
    "included": [
            "type": "concrete-products",
            "id": "136_24425591",
            "attributes": {
                "sku": "136_24425591",
                "isDiscontinued": false,
                "discontinuedNote": null,
                "averageRating": null,
                "reviewCount": 0,
                "name": "Acer Chromebook C730-C8T7",
                "description": "Amazing mobility Slip the Acer Chromebook into your bag and work from anywhere, without recharging, because it has enough battery life to last all day long on a single charge. Indulge your e✓ and see everything in vivid detail on the Acer Chromebook's Full HD display. The Acer Chromebook features the latest 802.11ac wireless technology, for a smooth internet experience at connection speeds that are up to three times faster than that of previous-generation wireless technologies. The Acer Chromebook starts within 8 seconds, so you can wait less and do more. At less than an inch thin and extremely light, the Acer Chromebook is the perfect tool for on-the-go computing. Plus, it sports a fanless design for whisper-quiet computing.",
                "attributes": {
                    "product_type": "Chromebook",
                    "form_factor": "clamshell",
                    "processor_threads": "2",
                    "processor_boost_frequency": "2.58 GHz",
                    "brand": "Acer",
                    "color": "Grey"
                "superAttributesDefinition": [
                "metaTitle": "Acer Chromebook C730-C8T7",
                "metaKeywords": "Acer,Entertainment Electronics",
                "metaDESCRIPTION": "Amazing mobility Slip the Acer Chromebook into your bag and work from anywhere, without recharging, because it has enough battery life to last all day long",
                "attributeNames": {
                    "product_type": "Product type",
                    "form_factor": "Form factor",
                    "processor_threads": "Processor Threads",
                    "processor_boost_frequency": "Processor boost frequency",
                    "brand": "Brand",
                    "color": "Color"
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "shopping-list-items",
            "id": "c3e12dfb-05e5-51c3-ae8f-ba2f07b6bd17",
            "attributes": {...},
            "links": {...},
            "relationships": {
                "concrete-products": {
                    "data": [
                            "type": "concrete-products",
                            "id": "136_24425591"
            "type": "concrete-products",
            "id": "005_30663301",
            "attributes": {
                "sku": "005_30663301",
                "isDiscontinued": false,
                "discontinuedNote": null,
                "averageRating": null,
                "reviewCount": 0,
                "name": "Canon IXUS 175",
                "description": "Creative play Play with your creativity using a range of Creative Filters. Re-create the distortion of a fish-eye lens, make scenes in stills or movies look like miniature scale models and much more. Capture the stunning detail in everyday subjects using 1 cm Macro to get right up close. Enjoy exceptional quality, detailed images thanks to 20.0 Megapixels and DIGIC 4+ processing. Face Detection technology makes capturing great shots of friends effortless, while Auto Zoom intelligently helps you select the best framing at the touch of a button.",
                "attributes": {
                    "optical_zoom": "8 x",
                    "combined_zoom": "32 x",
                    "display": "LCD",
                    "hdmi": "no",
                    "brand": "Canon",
                    "color": "Blue"
                "superAttributesDefinition": [
                "metaTitle": "Canon IXUS 175",
                "metaKeywords": "Canon,Entertainment Electronics",
                "metaDESCRIPTION": "Creative play Play with your creativity using a range of Creative Filters. Re-create the distortion of a fish-eye lens, make scenes in stills or movies loo",
                "attributeNames": {
                    "optical_zoom": "Optical zoom",
                    "combined_zoom": "Combined zoom",
                    "display": "Display",
                    "hdmi": "HDMI",
                    "brand": "Brand",
                    "color": "Color"
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "shopping-list-items",
            "id": "00fed212-3dc9-569f-885f-3ddca41dea08",
            "attributes": {...},
            "links": {....},
            "relationships": {
                "concrete-products": {
                    "data": [
                            "type": "concrete-products",
                            "id": "005_30663301"
shopping-lists owner String First and last names of the shopping list owner.
shopping-lists name String Shopping list name.
shopping-lists numberOfItems Integer Number of items on the shopping list.
shopping-lists updatedAt String Date when the shopping list was last updated.
shopping-lists createdAt String Date when the shopping list was created.
concrete-products sku String SKU of the concrete product.
concrete-products isDiscontinued Boolean Specifies whether a product is discontinued:
true - the product is discontinued and requires a replacement item;
false—the product is not discontinued.
concrete-products discontinuedNote String Optional note that was specified when marking a product as discontinued.
concrete-products averageRating String Average rating of the product based on customer rating.
concrete-products reviewCount Integer Number of reviews left by customer for this product.
concrete-products name String Name of the concrete product.
concrete-products description String Description of the concrete product.
concrete-products attributes Object List of attribute keys and their values for the product.
concrete-products superAttributeDefinition String List of attributes that are flagged as super attributes.
concrete-products metaTitle String Meta title of the product.
concrete-products metaKeywords String Meta keywords of the product.
concrete-products metaDescription String Meta description of the product.
concrete-products attributeNames String List of attribute keys and their translations.
concrete-products productAbstractSku String Unique identifier of the abstract product owning this concrete product.
shopping-list-items productOfferReference String Unique identifier of the product offer.
shopping-list-items merchantReference String Unique identifier of the merchant.
shopping-list-items quantity Integer Quantity of the product.
shopping-list-items sku String Product SKU.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.displayData Array Array of variables that are proposed to a Storefront user to set up in the configurator.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.configuration Array Default configuration of the configurable product.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.configuratorKey String Configurator type.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.isComplete Boolean Shows if the configurable product configuration is complete:
  • true—configuration complete.
  • false—configuration incomplete.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.quantity Integer Quantity of the product that is added to the wishlist.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.availableQuantity Integer Product quantity available in the store.

Edit a shopping list

To edit a shopping list, send the request:

PATCH /shopping-lists/{{shopping_list_id}}

{{shopping_list_id}} Unique identifier of a shopping list to edit.


Authorization string String containing digits, letters, and symbols that authorize the company user. Authenticate as a company user to get the value.
include Adds resource relationships to the request. shopping-list-items, concrete-products
Included resources

To retrieve concrete products in a shopping list, include shopping-list-items and concrete-products resources.

PATCH Edit the shopping list with the id ecdb5c3b-8bba-5a97-8e7b-c0a5a8f8a74a.
PATCH,concrete-products Edit the shopping list with the id ecdb5c3b-8bba-5a97-8e7b-c0a5a8f8a74a and include its items and respective concrete products into the response.
   "data": {
      "type": "shopping-lists",
      "attributes": {
         "name": "New Name"
name String New name of the shopping list.


Response sample: edit a shopping list
    "data": {
        "type": "shopping-lists",
        "id": "ecdb5c3b-8bba-5a97-8e7b-c0a5a8f8a74a",
        "attributes": {
            "owner": "Spencor Hopkin",
            "name": "New Name",
            "numberOfItems": 19,
            "updatedAt": "2020-02-08 14:17:38.288982",
            "createdAt": "2020-02-07 07:59:09.621433"
        "links": {
            "self": ""
Response sample: edit a shopping list with the details on its items and concrete products
"data": {
        "type": "shopping-lists",
        "id": "ecdb5c3b-8bba-5a97-8e7b-c0a5a8f8a74a",
        "attributes": {...},
        "links": {...},
        "relationships": {...},
    "included": [
            "type": "concrete-products",
            "id": "090_24495844",
            "attributes": {
                "sku": "090_24495844",
                "isDiscontinued": false,
                "discontinuedNote": null,
                "averageRating": null,
                "reviewCount": 0,
                "name": "Sony SmartWatch 3",
                "description": "The way you like it Whatever your lifestyle SmartWatch 3 SWR50 can be made to suit it. You can choose from a range of wrist straps—formal, sophisticated, casual, vibrant colours and fitness style, all made from the finest materials. Designed to perform and impress, this smartphone watch delivers a groundbreaking combination of technology and style. Downloadable apps let you customise your SmartWatch 3 SWR50 and how you use it.         Tell SmartWatch 3 SWR50 smartphone watch what you want and it will do it. Search. Command. Find.",
                "attributes": {
                    "internal_ram": "512 MB",
                    "flash_memory": "4 GB",
                    "weight": "45 g",
                    "protection_feature": "Water resistent",
                    "brand": "Sony",
                    "color": "Silver"
                "superAttributesDefinition": [
                "metaTitle": "Sony SmartWatch 3",
                "metaKeywords": "Sony,Smart Electronics",
                "metaDESCRIPTION": "The way you like it Whatever your lifestyle SmartWatch 3 SWR50 can be made to suit it. You can choose from a range of wrist straps—formal, sophisticated,",
                "attributeNames": {
                    "internal_ram": "Internal RAM",
                    "flash_memory": "Flash memory",
                    "weight": "Weight",
                    "protection_feature": "Protection feature",
                    "brand": "Brand",
                    "color": "Color"
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "shopping-list-items",
            "id": "c3e12dfb-05e5-51c3-ae8f-ba2f07b6bd17",
            "attributes": {
                "quantity": 1,
                "sku": "090_24495844"
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "relationships": {
                "concrete-products": {
                    "data": [
                            "type": "concrete-products",
                            "id": "090_24495844"
            "type": "concrete-products",
            "id": "128_27314278",
            "attributes": {
                "sku": "128_27314278",
                "isDiscontinued": false,
                "discontinuedNote": null,
                "averageRating": null,
                "reviewCount": 0,
                "name": "Lenovo ThinkCentre E73",
                "description": "Small Form Factor Small Form Factor desktops provide the ultimate performance with full-featured scalability, yet weigh as little as 13.2 lbs / 6 kgs. Keep your business-critical information safe through USB port disablement and the password-protected BIOS and HDD. You can also safeguard your hardware by physically securing your mouse and keyboard, while the Kensington slot enables you to lock down your E73. Lenovo Desktop Power Manager lets you balance power management and performance to save energy and lower costs. The E73 is also ENERGY STAR compliant, EPEAT® Gold and Cisco EnergyWise™ certified—so you can feel good about the planet and your bottom line. With SuperSpeed USB 3.0, transfer data up to 10 times faster than previous USB technologies. You can also connect to audio- and video-related devices with WiFi and Bluetooth® technology.",
                "attributes": {
                    "processor_threads": "8",
                    "pci_express_slots_version": "3",
                    "internal_memory": "8 GB",
                    "stepping": "C0",
                    "brand": "Lenovo",
                    "processor_frequency": "3.6 GHz"
                "superAttributesDefinition": [
                "metaTitle": "Lenovo ThinkCentre E73",
                "metaKeywords": "Lenovo,Tax Exempt",
                "metaDESCRIPTION": "Small Form Factor Small Form Factor desktops provide the ultimate performance with full-featured scalability, yet weigh as little as 13.2 lbs / 6 kgs. Keep",
                "attributeNames": {
                    "processor_threads": "Processor Threads",
                    "pci_express_slots_version": "PCI Express slots version",
                    "internal_memory": "Max internal memory",
                    "stepping": "Stepping",
                    "brand": "Brand",
                    "processor_frequency": "Processor frequency"
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "shopping-list-items",
            "id": "00fed212-3dc9-569f-885f-3ddca41dea08",
            "attributes": {
                "quantity": 1,
                "sku": "128_27314278"
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "relationships": {
                "concrete-products": {
                    "data": [
                            "type": "concrete-products",
                            "id": "128_27314278"
shopping-lists owner String First and last names of the shopping list owner.
shopping-lists name String Shopping list name.
shopping-lists numberOfItems Integer Number of items on the shopping list.
shopping-lists updatedAt String Date when the shopping list was last updated.
shopping-lists createdAt String Date when the shopping list was created.
concrete-products sku String SKU of the concrete product.
concrete-products isDiscontinued Boolean Specifies whether a product is discontinued:
true - the product is discontinued and requires a replacement item;
false—the product is not discontinued.
concrete-products discontinuedNote String Optional note that was specified when marking a product as discontinued.
concrete-products averageRating String Average rating of the product based on customer rating.
concrete-products reviewCount Integer Number of reviews left by customer for this product.
concrete-products name String Name of the concrete product.
concrete-products description String Description of the concrete product.
concrete-products attributes Object List of attribute keys and their values for the product.
concrete-products superAttributeDefinition String List of attributes that are flagged as super attributes.
concrete-products metaTitle String Meta title of the product.
concrete-products metaKeywords String Meta keywords of the product.
concrete-products metaDescription String Meta description of the product.
concrete-products attributeNames String List of attribute keys and their translations.
concrete-products productAbstractSku String Unique identifier of the abstract product owning this concrete product.
shopping-list-items productOfferReference String Unique identifier of the product offer.
shopping-list-items merchantReference String Unique identifier of the merchant.
shopping-list-items quantity Integer Quantity of the product.
shopping-list-items sku String Product SKU.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.displayData Array Array of variables that are proposed to a Storefront user to set up in the configurator.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.configuration Array Default configuration of the configurable product.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.configuratorKey String Configurator type.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.isComplete Boolean Shows if the configurable product configuration is complete:
  • true—configuration complete.
  • false—configuration incomplete.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.quantity Integer Quantity of the product that is added to the wishlist.
shopping-list-items productConfigurationInstance.availableQuantity Integer Product quantity available in the store.

Delete a shopping list

To delete a shopping list, send the request:

DELETE shopping-lists/{{shopping_list_id}}

{{shopping_list_id}} Unique identifier of a shopping list to delete. To get it, Retrieve shopping lists.


Request sample: delete a shopping list



If the shopping list is deleted successfully, the endpoint returns the 204 No Content status code.

Possible errors

001 Access token is incorrect.
002 Access token is missing.
400 Provided access token is not an access token of a company user.
901 Shop list name or item name is not specified or too long.
Item quantity is not specified or too large.
1501 Shopping list ID or item is not specified.
1503 Specified shopping list is not found.
1506 Shopping list with given name already exists.

To view generic errors that originate from the Glue Application, see Reference information: GlueApplication errors.