Merchant users overview

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The merchant concept presupposes having employees with access to the Merchant Portal that will perform various actions on behalf of the merchants. To enable that, the merchant user entity is introduced. From the technical point of view, Merchant Portal is a subset of modules in Zed functioning separately from the Back Office application. As in the Back Office, there are users performing different types of actions (they are further on called Back Office users); the Merchant Portal has merchant users that function similarly within a merchant account.


For example, there can be a person responsible only for creating and managing product offers; the other person takes care of shipping merchant orders to their buyers. It means that two merchant users need to be created for these purposes.

To add merchant users for a merchant, the merchant must be created first. When the merchant record exists, a Marketplace administrator can set up one or several merchant users to manage the merchant account.

The merchant users concept follows certain rules:

  • Every merchant user has a unique email address in the system.
  • A merchant user belongs to one merchant, and the same merchant user can’t be assigned to two or more merchants.

Merchant user statuses

The following table explains all the statuses that may apply to a merchant user.

Active When the merchant user has the Active status, it means that the merchant is approved, the merchant user account is activated, the email with reset password instructions has been sent, and the merchant user has access to the Merchant Portal.
Deactivated Access to the Merchant Portal is revoked for a deactivated merchant user. A merchant user can be deactivated when:
  • A merchant or Marketplace administrator deactivates the merchant user.
  • The merchant to whom the merchant user belongs has been denied.
Deleted Access to the Merchant Portal is revoked for the deleted merchant user. In the current implementation, both statuses Deactivated and Deleted have the same functionality—they restrict access to the Merchant Portal. However, this can be changed and adapted on the project level.

Merchant user access

Both merchant and typical Back Office users have a common entry point, but the login URLs to the Back Office and Merchant Portal are different. The exemplary login link to the Merchant Portal is

To log in to the Merchant Portal, both a merchant and merchant user need to be activated in the Back Office.


If a merchant is denied, all their merchant users get deactivated automatically. If the merchant is re-approved again, their merchant users need to be re-activated one by one manually.

Upon entering the Merchant Portal, a separate area with a different navigation menu is displayed to a merchant user. Merchant users have access only to the information related to their organization through the Merchant Portal application (profile, products, offers, orders); that is, merchant users have their own area and do not access the Back Office.

Merchant user workflow

  1. A Marketplace administrator creates a merchant and approves it.
  2. When the merchant is approved, corresponding merchant users can be created in Back Office > Merchant > Users.
  3. A Marketplace administrator can assign needed user groups to allow or restrict certain permissions for Merchant Portal in Back Office > Users > Users.
  4. After the merchant user is created, they need to be activated to log in to the Merchant Portal.
  5. The “Reset Password” email is sent to the activated merchant user.
  6. After the password is reset, the merchant user can log in to the Merchant Portal.