Upgrade the CmsBlockCategoryConnector module
Edit on GitHubUpgrading from version 1.* to version 2.*
Because of introducing the CMS Block positioning and CMS Block templates for Category, the CMS Block Category Connector module now requires Category >=4.0. The migration will contain the following steps:
- New module installation
- Deprecations migration
- Database migration
- Data migration
1. New module installation
Install a new module by adding the following into your composer.json: "spryker/cms-block-category-connector": "^2.0.0"
and running the composer update.
Follow the installation instructions to enable all connector plugins: CMS Block Category Connector: Installation.
2. Deprecations migration
Change the usage of \Spryker\Shared\CmsBlockCategoryConnector\CmsBlockCategoryConnectorConstants::RESOURCE_TYPE_CMS_BLOCK_CATEGORY_CONNECTOR
to \Spryker\Shared\CmsBlockCategoryConnector\CmsBlockCategoryConnectorConfig::RESOURCE_TYPE_CMS_BLOCK_CATEGORY_CONNECTOR
3. Database migration
Run Propel migrations. vendor/bin/console propel:diff
, manual review is necessary for the generated migration file. vendor/bin/console propel:migratevendor/bin/console propel:model:build
4. Data migration
You can skip this step if you don’t have data in spy_cms_block_category_connector
We prepared a migration script to migrate relations to Category.
The script can be found in Upgrade the CMSBlockCategoryConnectorConsole module.
Copy the script to src/Pyz/Zed/CmsBlockCategoryConnector/Communication/Console/CmsBlockCategoryPosition.php
and register it in Pyz\Zed\Console\ConsoleDependencyProvider
Check that the script covers your Category and CmsBlockCategoryConnector
namespace Pyz\Zed\Console;
class ConsoleDependencyProvider extends SprykerConsoleDependencyProvider
public function getConsoleCommands(Container $container)
$commands = [
Run console script to migrate CMS Block - Category relations to the new structure: vendor/bin/console cms-block-category-connector:migrate-position
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