Product Labels feature overview

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The Product Label feature lets product catalog managers highlight the needed products by adding a special type of information—product labels.

Product label

A product label is a sales-related piece of information conveying a message about the product to a buyer.

The product labels are applied to products to be displayed on their product cards and product details pages.

Product label on a product card—Storefront

product label on product card

Product label on a product details page—Storefront

product label on product details page

A Back Office user can create product labels and assign them to products in the Back Office.

A developer can create dynamic product labels.

Dynamic product label

Dynamic product label is a product label that follows the condition rules defined on a code level. Unlike the regular product label, the dynamic product label is automatically applied to the product that fulfills the condition rules. A developer can edit the rules or create new dynamic product labels. The following dynamic product labels are shipped by default:

  • Discontinued
    The Discontinued product label is added when you discontinue a product. The label is active until the product becomes inactive. To learn more, see Discontinuing a product.

  • Alternatives available
    The Alternatives available product label goes along with the Discontinued product label. It is added when you discontinue a product that has existing alternative products. The label is active until the product becomes inactive. To learn more, see Adding product alternatives.

  • NEW
    The NEW label is added when you create a product. It is active for the time period defined inclusively in the New from and New to fields. To learn more, see Creating an abstract product.

  • SALE
    The SALE product label is added to a product automatically when the product’s original price is superior to the default price. To learn more, see Creating an abstract product.


A default price shows the current value of the product on Storefront.

An original price is displayed as a strikethrough to identify that the value of the product has been decreased as if there is a promotion.

Product label design

A Back Office user can select the design and the position of the product label on a product card. The following label designs are shipped by default:


alternative product label design


discontinued product label design


top product label design


new product label design


sale product label design

When creating a product label, a Back Office user selects a design by entering its name as a Front-end Reference. To learn more, see Creating product labels

If the product label designs shipped by default are not sufficient for your project, a developer can create new HTML classes to use as a Front-end Reference.

Product label priority

When several product labels are applied to a product, all of them are displayed on its product card and product details page.

product label priority

A Back Office user can define the order in which product labels are displayed on the product card and product details page by entering a Priority value when creating a product label.

The product labels are displayed in ascending order of Priority. So, the label with the smallest priority value always goes first while the product label with the highest Priority value goes last.

In the preceding figure, the priority value of the Alternatives available product label is 4. The Priority value of the Discontinued product label is 5.

To learn how a Back Office user can define the product label priority, see Creating product labels.

Product label store relations

A Back Office user can define the stores each product label is displayed in. For example, if a promotion campaign targets Germany, the Sale product label can be displayed only in the DE store.

To learn how a Back Office user can define store relation for a product label, see Creating product labels.

A developer can also import store relations for product labels.

Product label statuses

A product label can have the following statuses:

  • Active
  • Inactive

If a product label is active, it’s displayed on all the product pages it’s applied to. If a product label is inactive, it’s still applied to the selected product, but it’s not displayed on the respective product pages. This might be useful when you want to prepare for an event beforehand. You can create an inactive product label and apply it to the needed products. When the event starts, you just need to activate the label to show it on all the product pages it’s applied to.

To learn how a Back Office user can activate and deactivate product labels in the Back Office, see Edit product labels

Product label exclusivity

The Exclusive product label is a product label that, when applied to a product, discards all the other product labels applied to it. The other product labels are still applied to the product, but only the exclusive one is displayed on the respective product card and product details page. This might be useful when running several discounts in a store at the same time. By assigning the labels with corresponding discount names to needed products, you can show the shop users to which products each discount is applied.

To learn how a Back Office user can create an exclusive product label, see Creating product labels.

Product label filtering on the Storefront

Shop users can view product cards with labels on any Storefront page. Also, they can filter products by labels on category and search results pages.

Filter product labels

Create product labels
Edit product labels
Install the Discontinued Products feature ProductLabel migration guide Retrieving product labels
Install the Product Labels Glue API ProductLabelGui migration guide
Upgrade the ProductLabelSearch module
Upgrade the ProductLabelStorage module