Extend Gui tables

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This document describes how to extend an existing Gui table in the Merchant Portal. With this step by step instructions you will learn how to extend a Gui table with a new text column and a new select filter.


To install the Marketplace Merchant Portal Core feature providing the GuiTable module, follow the Install the Marketplace Merchant Portal Core feature.

1) Add a new column

Add a new column to the configuration provider:

 * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\GuiTableConfigurationTransfer
public function getConfiguration(): GuiTableConfigurationTransfer
    //initial configuration

    $guiTableConfigurationBuilder->addColumnText('example_column_key', 'Example Column');

    return $guiTableConfigurationBuilder->createConfiguration();

Add a new column to the data provider fetchData() method using a newly introduced column key:

     * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\MerchantProductTableCriteriaTransfer $criteriaTransfer
     * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\GuiTableDataResponseTransfer
    protected function fetchData(AbstractTransfer $criteriaTransfer): GuiTableDataResponseTransfer
        //getting data and GuiTableDataResponseTransfer setup

        foreach ($productAbstractCollectionTransfer->getProductAbstracts() as $productAbstractTransfer) {
            $responseData = [
                //initial columns data
                'example_column_key' => 'test data',

            $guiTableDataResponseTransfer->addRow((new GuiTableRowDataResponseTransfer())->setResponseData($responseData));

        return $guiTableDataResponseTransfer;

2) Add a new filter

Extend the table criteria transfer with a new filter property:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<transfers xmlns="spryker:transfer-01" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="spryker:transfer-01 http://static.spryker.com/transfer-01.xsd">

    <transfer name="ProductTableCriteria">
        <!--Initial properties-->
        <property name="filterExampleFilter" type="bool"/>


Generate transfers:

console transfer:generate

Add a new filter to the configuration provider:

 * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\GuiTableConfigurationTransfer
public function getConfiguration(): GuiTableConfigurationTransfer
    //initial configuration

    $guiTableConfigurationBuilder->addFilterSelect('exampleFilter', 'Example filter', false, [
        '1' => 'Select title 1',
        '0' => 'Select title 2',

    return $guiTableConfigurationBuilder->createConfiguration();

Adjust the data provider fetchData() method to filter the data by ProductTableCriteria.filterExampleFilter value.