Amazon Pay - Sandbox Simulations

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In order to reproduce some edge cases like declined payment or pending capture Amazon provides two solutions. First is special methods marked with red star on payment widget.

Click Me

It allows reproducing different cases of decline payment workflow. But there are more edge cases like expired authorisation or pending capture there is only one way to reproduce - pass simulation string as ‘SellerNote’ parameter of API request.


In order to use Amazon Pay system as well as related Spryker module, Amazon merchant account has to be created. After that all related credentials must be specified in spryker configuration file.

$config[AmazonpayConstants::CLIENT_ID] must be taken as value of Client Id of Amazon merchant
$config[AmazonpayConstants::CLIENT_SECRET] must be taken as value of Client Secret of Amazon merchant
$config[AmazonpayConstants::SELLER_ID] must be taken as value of Merchant ID of Amazon merchant
$config[AmazonpayConstants::ACCESS_KEY_ID] must be taken as value of Access Key ID of Amazon merchant
$config[AmazonpayConstants::SECRET_ACCESS_KEY] must be taken as value of Secret Access Key of Amazon merchant
$config[AmazonpayConstants::REGION] must be specified in ISO2 format. For example "DE" or "US".
$config[AmazonpayConstants::SANDBOX] must be set to false in production environment
$config[AmazonpayConstants::SUCCESS_PAYMENT_URL] must be specified as an URL where customer will be redirected after successful resulf of MFA challenge.
$config[AmazonpayConstants::FAILURE_PAYMENT_URL] must be specified as an URL where customer will be redirected after unsuccessful resulf of MFA challenge.

Next, two settings are about behaviour of authorization process and were described above:

$config[AmazonpayConstants::AUTH_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT] according to info from Amazon this value is 1440.
State Machine must be set according to the values of these two settings.

$config[SalesConstants::PAYMENT_METHOD_STATEMACHINE_MAPPING][AmazonpayConstants::PAYMENT_METHOD] =
 $config[AmazonpayConstants::CAPTURE_NOW] ? 'AmazonpayPaymentSync01' : 'AmazonpayPaymentAsync01';
And one setting is spryker related only. It is a level of logging of Handling orders with Amazon Pay API calls

The value ERRORS_ONLY is recommended for production so that all errors can be investigated and fixed then.


There’s only one related key in glossary: amazonpay.payment.failed. It defines the message to display on cart page in case of failed payment.

Modifications of the Project Code

The module provides not only Facade with all functionality behind but also controllers, templates, javascripts for rendering amazonpay widgets. It is usually very different from one shop to another but on early stage it could be useful to use what bundle provides.

First of all, AmazonpayControllerProvider must be added to YvesBootstrap. Modify src/Pyz/Yves/Application/YvesBootstrap.php as follows:

 * @param bool|null $isSsl
 * @return \Pyz\Yves\Application\Plugin\Provider\AbstractYvesControllerProvider[]
protected function getControllerProviderStack($isSsl)
 return [
 new AmazonpayControllerProvider($isSsl),
// other controllers of a shop

Next step is rendering Pay with Amazon button. Just insert this line in a proper place of twig template which is normally template of cart page:

{{ render(path('amazonpay_paybutton')) }}

Make sure that the button is rendered and works properly. In the sandbox mode it’s necessary to have Amazon Pay test account. Once buyer is signed in with his credentials, he must be redirected to the checkout page and Amazon Order Reference Id has to be passed. On the checkout page two widgets must be displayed as well as button for confirming purchase. Delivery method selection has to be build on merchant side and Amazon provides nothing for it. Nevertheless, it always depends on the country and therefore it has to be refreshed after the delivery address is selected from the widget. For this Amazon provides JavaScript callback onAddressSelect. In the bundle it triggers internal controller getShipmentMethodsAction() which triggers Facade’s method addSelectedAddressToQuote(). This method retrieves selected location via Handling orders with Amazon Pay API and writes it to Quote. After that, it’s possible to retrieve available shipment methods.

For that purpose Spryker provides Shipment Bundle and its client with method getAvailableMethods().

After all the necessary data is selected, “place order” button should be available to click. After clicking the button Ajax call is sent to Yves, and SetOrderReference, ConfirmOrderReference API requests are sent to Amazon. In case of successful API calls, the customer is redirected to Amazon page for passing MFA challenge. In the case of passing the MFA challenge, the customer is redirected to the link defined in config as AmazonpayConstants::SUCCESS_PAYMENT_URL. In another case, the customer is redirected to the link defined in AmazonpayConstants::FAILURE_PAYMENT_URL.

The rest of integration includes State machine which is different for synchronous and asynchronous modes. For the asynchronous mode endpoint URL for receiving IPN messages has to be specified. Bundle provides default one with controller looks as follows:

 public function endpointAction()

 $headers = getallheaders();
 $body = file_get_contents('php://input');

 $ipnRequestTransfer = $this->getFacade()->convertAmazonpayIpnRequest($headers, $body);

 return new Response('Request has been processed');

It receives HTTP header and body as array and string respectively and passes it to the Facade method convertAmazonpayIpnRequest() which returns transfer object. Exact type of it depends on the type of IPN request and may be one of those:

AmazonpayIpnPaymentAuthorizeRequest, AmazonpayIpnPaymentCaptureRequest, AmazonpayIpnPaymentRefundRequest, AmazonpayIpnOrderReferenceNotification. Another Facade’s method called handleAmazonpayIpnRequest is responsible for handling all these messages. Normally it changes the status of a payment in the database and triggers some State Machine event. Then state machine command and conditions take action. In case of any problems with receiving IPN messages it’s possible to do the same manually using state machine buttons in Zed.