Configure the timezone in the Back Office

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This document explains how to configure the timezone to display the correct date and time in the Back Office.

To configure the timezone, do the following:

  1. Set the config value for the key \Spryker\Shared\UtilDateTime\UtilDateTimeConstants::DATE_TIME_ZONE, choosing one of the PHP-supported timezones.

  2. Update the corresponding config, for example in config/Shared/config_default.php:

use Spryker\Shared\UtilDateTime\UtilDateTimeConstants;

$config[UtilDateTimeConstants::DATE_TIME_ZONE] = 'Europe/Berlin';

For the US store, the configuration could be set as follows:

use Spryker\Shared\UtilDateTime\UtilDateTimeConstants;

$config[UtilDateTimeConstants::DATE_TIME_ZONE] = 'America/New_York';