Import file details: merchant-order-status.csv

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This document describes the merchant-order-status.csv file to configure the update of the merchant order states in your Spryker Marketplace shop.

Import file parameters

merchant_reference String Unique Identifier of the merchant in the system.
merchant_order_reference String Unique Identifier of the merchant order in the system.
order_item_reference String Unique Identifier of the item in the order.
merchant_order_item_event_oms String OMS events depend on the merchant state machine configured. Desired order-item state. Only this parameter is updated in the database.

Additional Information

When the merchant order item status is updated by importing the CSV file, the corresponding events in a merchant state machine are triggered, and the state gets updated. As a merchant order may contain several order items, the CSV file can have several rows of items for the same order. Merchant_order_item_reference can repeat and have different states in the file. For example, in one case, it’s packed and then shipped. That lets you update the item through different merchant state machine statuses (for instance, packed and shipped) and avoid errors. If the merchant order item doesn’t follow the existing sequence (the statuses flow in the merchant state machine), the state won’t be updated, and you will get an error in the uploading process’ report.

Import template file and content example

template_merchant-order-status.csv Import file template with headers only.
merchant-order-status.csv Exemplary import file with Demo Shop data.

Import command

order-oms:status-import merchant-order-status