Edit discounts

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This document describes how to edit discounts in the Back Office.


If you are new to discounts, you might want to start with Best practices: Promote products with discounts.

Review the reference information before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.

To edit a discount, do the following:

  1. Go to Merchandising > Discount. This opens the Discount page.
  2. Next to the discount you want to edit, click Edit.

Edit general settings of a discount

  1. On the Edit Discount page, click the General information tab.
  2. For STORE RELATION, clear or select stores.
  3. Select a DISCOUNT TYPE.
  4. Update NAME.
  5. Update DESCRIPTION.
  6. Update PRIORITY.
  7. Update exclusivity by selecting EXCLUSIVE or NON-EXCLUSIVE.
  8. Select a VALID FROM date.
  9. Select a VALID TO date.
  10. Click Save. This refreshes the page with a success message displayed.

Edit discount calculation and the products to apply the discount to

  1. Click the Discount calculation tab.
  2. Select a CALCULATOR TYPE.
  3. Based on the selected calculator type, do one of the following:
    • Fixed amount: Update the discounted prices.
    • Percentage: For VALUE, update the percentage to be discounted.
  5. Depending on the discount application type you’ve selected, do the following:
    • QUERY STRING: Update the query using the query builder or by entering a plain query.
      2. Enter a QUANTITY.
  6. Click Save. This refreshes the page with a success message displayed.

Edit the conditions on which the discount can be applied

  1. Click the Conditions tab.
  2. For APPLY WHEN, update the query using the query builder or by entering a plain query.
  4. Click Save. This refreshes the page with a success message displayed.

Voucher discount: Generate voucher codes

  1. Click the Voucher codes tab.
  2. Enter a QUANTITY.
  3. Optional: Enter a CUSTOM CODE.
  4. Optional: For ADD RANDOM GENERATED CODE LENGTH, select a number.
  5. Enter a MAX NUMBER OF USES.
  6. Click Generate. This refreshes the page with a success message displayed. The created voucher codes are displayed in the Generated Discount Codes section.

Tips and tricks To download voucher codes, click Export.

Reference information: Edit general settings of a discount

STORE RELATION The stores in which the discount is applicable.
DISCOUNT TYPE Defines how the discount is applied:
NAME The unique ID of the discount that is displayed in the Back Office and on the Storefront.
DESCRIPTION The description is displayed only in the Back Office.
PRIORITY Defines the order of discounts being applied. Accepts integers from 1 to 9999 with 1 being the highest priority.
NON-EXCLUSIVE Defines that this discount can be applied to a cart together with other non-exclusive discounts.
EXCLUSIVE Defines that this discount, when applied to a cart, discards all non-exclusive discounts. If multiple exclusive discounts are applied to a cart, only the discount with the bigger discount value is applied.
VALID FROM and VALID TO Inclusively, define the dates between which the discount can be applied.

Reference information: Edit discount calculation and the products to apply the discount to

This section contains information for defining discount calculations and the product the discount applies to.


The discount can be calculated in two ways:

  • Percentage: The discount is calculated as a percentage of the discounted items.
  • Fixed amount: A fixed amount is discounted.


50 € Percentage 10 5 € 45 €
50 € Fixed amount 10 € 10 € 40 €


A query string defines what products a discount applies to. A query string consists of decision rules. Only the products that fulfill all the decision rules are discountable. You can define a query string by entering a plain query or by using a query builder.

Query builder: Discount_Calculation_Query

Plain query: Discount_Calculation_Plain Query

A decision rule consists of the following:

  • Attribute. For example, attribute.color.
  • Relation operator. For example, equal.
  • Value. For example, black.

You can find query examples in the following table.

day-of-week = ‘1’ Discount applies to any orders that are placed on Monday.
shipment-carrier != ‘1’ AND price-mode = ‘GROSS_MODE’ Discount applies if the shipment carrier with the identifier 1 is not chosen,and if gross pricing is selected.
currency != ‘EUR’ OR price-mode = ‘GROSS_MODE’ Discount applies if the selected currency is not the Euro, or if the pricing mode is gross.


The promotional product lets you select a product that is to be displayed in a customer’s cart with a discount. The ABSTRACT PRODUCT SKU defines the discounted product, and QUANTITY defines how many products a customer can buy with a discount. Application type

To give away a promotional product for free, select percentage calculator type and enter 100 percent.

Reference information: Edit the conditions on which the discount can be applied

Similarly do defining discounted products, the conditions in which a discount is a applied are defined using a query string.

Example: The discount is applied if five or more items are in the cart, and if it’s Tuesday or Wednesday. Discount Condition

The THE DISCOUNT CAN BE APPLIED IF THE QUERY APPLIES FOR AT LEAST X ITEM(S). defines a minimum number of items that must fulfill the query for the discount to be applies. By default, the minimum order amount value is 1. It means that the discount is applied if there is one item in a cart the fulfills the query.

Example: The discount is applied if 4 or more items with an Intel Core processor are in the cart. Threshold

Reference information: Generate voucher codes

QUANTITY The number of vouchers to generate.
CUSTOM CODE Any custom symbols you want the voucher codes to contain. If you are adding a single custom code, in ADD RANDOM GENERATED CODE LENGTH, select No additional random characters. If you add random characters, they are by default appended to the end of the custom code. To specify where to place the random characters, add [code] to the custom code. For example, black[code]friday.
ADD RANDOM GENERATED CODE LENGTH A number of random alphanumeric symbols to add to the code. If you entered a CUSTOM CODE, the random characters will be appended to the end of it. If you are generating more than one code, you must select 3 or more.
MAX NUMBER OF USES Defines the maximum number of times a voucher code can be redeemed.
Voucher code collections

The voucher codes of a discount belong to a voucher code collection. One customer may only redeem one voucher code per collection per cart. At the same time, a customer can redeem two vouchers in one cart if they belong to different voucher code collections.

Decision rules: Attributes and operators

This section contains additional information for defining decision rules.

| ATTRIBUTE | VALUE TYPE | DESCRIPTION | |-|-|-|-| |calendar-week|Number| The number of a week in a year: 1-52. | |day-of-week|Number| The day of week: 1-7. | |grand-total| Decimal number | The sum of all totals. | |sub-total| Decimal number | The sum of item prices without shipment expenses and discounts. | |item-price| Decimal number | The price of one item. | |item-quantity|Number| The number of items. | |month|Number| The month of the year: 1-12. | |sku|String| The SKU of a product. | |time| hour:minute | The time of the day. | |total-quantity|Number| The total cart quantity. | |attribute.*|String, number| Any value. | |customer-group|String| Any value, use a customer group name for an exact match. |

Contains CONTAINS String, Number Checks if the value is contained in the field.
Doesn’t contain DOES NOT CONTAIN String, Number Checks if the value is not contained in the field.
Equal = String, Number Checks if the value is equal to the value of the right operand
Not Equal != String, Number Checks if the value is not equal to the value of the right operand
In IS IN List The values need to be semicolon-separated
Not In IS NOT IN List The values need to be semicolon-separated
Less < Number Checks if the value is less than the value of the right operand
Less or equal <= Number Checks if the value is less than or equal to the value of the right operand
Greater > Number Checks if the value is greater than the value of the right operand
Greater or equal >= Number Checks if the value is greater than or equal to the value of the right operand

Next steps

Edit discounts