Glue API: Manage returns

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The Return Management API allows developers to retrieve return information and create returns. The list of retrievable information includes:

  • Sales order items that a customer can return.
  • Returns per customer.
  • Predefined reasons stored in the database.

In your development, the API can help you:

  • View order details, including returnable or non-returnable items.
  • Create returns for the returnable items.
  • View return details of a specific customer.
  • Specify reasons for returning the sales order items.


For details on the modules that provide the API functionality and how to install them, see Install the Return Management Glue API

Create a return

To create a return for a registered user, send the request:

POST /returns


Authorization string Alphanumeric string that authorizes the customer to send requests to protected resources. Get it by authenticating as a customer.
offset Offset of the order at which to begin the response.
Works only together with page[limit].
To work correctly, the value should be devisable by the value of page[limit].
The default value is 0.
From 0 to any.
limit Maximum number of entries to return.
Works only together with page[offset].
The default value is 10.
From 1 to any.

Request sample: create a return


    "data": {
        "type": "returns",
        "attributes": {
            "store": "DE",
			"returnItems": [
					"salesOrderItemUuid": "b39c7e1c-12ba-53d3-8d81-5c363d5307e9",
					"reason": "0"
					"salesOrderItemUuid": "b189d4f2-da12-59f3-8e05-dfb4d95b1781",
					"reason": "Custom reason"
store String Store in which the order has been placed.
returnItems cell Set of return items.
salesOrderItemUuid String UUID of the sales order item included in the return.
reason String Reason to return the item.


Response sample: create a return
    "data": {
        "type": "returns",
        "id": "DE--1-R3",
        "attributes": {
            "returnReference": "DE--1-R3",
            "store": "DE",
            "customerReference": "DE--1",
            "returnTotals": {
                "refundTotal": 0,
                "remunerationTotal": 49798
            "returnItems": [
                    "uuid": "3071bef7-f26f-5be4-b9e7-bef1d670a94b",
                    "reason": "0",
                    "orderItem": {
                        "name": "Sony Xperia Z3 Compact",
                        "sku": "078_24602396",
                        "sumPrice": 25584,
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "unitGrossPrice": 25584,
                        "sumGrossPrice": 25584,
                        "taxRate": "19.00",
                        "unitNetPrice": 0,
                        "sumNetPrice": 0,
                        "unitPrice": 25584,
                        "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 3676,
                        "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 3676,
                        "refundableAmount": 23026,
                        "canceledAmount": 0,
                        "sumSubtotalAggregation": 25584,
                        "unitSubtotalAggregation": 25584,
                        "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                        "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                        "unitExpensePriceAggregation": 0,
                        "sumExpensePriceAggregation": null,
                        "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 2558,
                        "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 2558,
                        "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 2558,
                        "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 2558,
                        "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 23026,
                        "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 23026,
                        "taxRateAverageAggregation": "19.00",
                        "taxAmountAfterCancellation": null,
                        "orderReference": "DE--8",
                        "uuid": "b39c7e1c-12ba-53d3-8d81-5c363d5307e9",
                        "isReturnable": false,
                        "metadata": {
                            "superAttributes": [],
                            "image": ""
                        "calculatedDiscounts": [],
                        "productOptions": []
                    "uuid": "b3c46290-2eaa-5b37-bba2-60171638fabb",
                    "reason": "Custom reason",
                    "orderItem": {
                        "name": "Canon PowerShot N",
                        "sku": "035_17360369",
                        "sumPrice": 29747,
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "unitGrossPrice": 29747,
                        "sumGrossPrice": 29747,
                        "taxRate": "19.00",
                        "unitNetPrice": 0,
                        "sumNetPrice": 0,
                        "unitPrice": 29747,
                        "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 4275,
                        "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 4275,
                        "refundableAmount": 26772,
                        "canceledAmount": 0,
                        "sumSubtotalAggregation": 29747,
                        "unitSubtotalAggregation": 29747,
                        "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                        "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                        "unitExpensePriceAggregation": 0,
                        "sumExpensePriceAggregation": null,
                        "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 2975,
                        "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 2975,
                        "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 2975,
                        "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 2975,
                        "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 26772,
                        "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 26772,
                        "taxRateAverageAggregation": "19.00",
                        "taxAmountAfterCancellation": null,
                        "orderReference": "DE--9",
                        "uuid": "b189d4f2-da12-59f3-8e05-dfb4d95b1781",
                        "isReturnable": false,
                        "metadata": {
                            "superAttributes": [],
                            "image": ""
                        "calculatedDiscounts": [],
                        "productOptions": []
        "links": {
            "self": ""
returnReference String Unique identifier of the return in the system. You can get it when creating the return.
store String Store for which the return was created.
customerReference String Unique identifier of the customer in the system.
returnTotals Object List of totals to return.
refundTotal Integer Total sum of refunds.
remunerationTotal Integer Total sum of remuneration.
returnItems Array Set of return items.
uuid String Unique identifier of the returned item.
reason String Predefined reason why the return was created.
orderItem Object Information about the returned item.
name String Product name.
sku String SKU of the product.
sumPrice Integer Sum of the prices.
quantity Integer Number of the sales order items.
unitGrossPrice Integer Single item gross price.
sumGrossPrice Integer Sum of items gross price.
taxRate Integer Current tax rate in percentage.
unitNetPrice Integer Single item net price.
sumNetPrice Integer Sum of items’ net price.
unitPrice Integer Single item price without assuming if it’s new or gross, this value should be used everywhere the price is displayed, it allows switching tax mode without side effects.
unitTaxAmountFullAggregation Integer Total tax amount for a given item with additions.
sumTaxAmountFullAggregation Integer Total tax amount for a given sum of items with additions.
refundableAmount Integer Available refundable amount for an item.
canceledAmount Integer Total canceled amount for this item.
sumSubtotalAggregation Integer Sum of subtotals of the items.
unitSubtotalAggregation Integer Subtotal for the given item.
unitProductOptionPriceAggregation Integer Item total product option price.
sumProductOptionPriceAggregation Integer Item total of product options for the given sum of items.
unitExpensePriceAggregation Integer Item expense total for a given item.
sumExpensePriceAggregation Integer Sum of item expense totals for the items.
unitDiscountAmountAggregation Integer Item total discount amount.
sumDiscountAmountAggregation Integer Sum of item total discount amounts.
unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation Integer Item total discount amount.
sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation Integer Item total discount amount with additions.
unitPriceToPayAggregation Integer Item total price to pay after discounts with additions.
sumPriceToPayAggregation Integer Sum of item total price to pay after discounts with additions.
taxRateAverageAggregation Integer Item tax rate average, with additions used when recalculating tax amount after cancellation.
taxAmountAfterCancellation Integer Tax amount after cancellation, recalculated using tax average.
orderReference String Order reference number.
uuid String Unique identifier of the order.
isReturnable Boolean Specifies whether a sales order item is returnable or not.
calculatedDiscounts Array Specifies the list of calculated discounts.
productOptions Array Set of product options applied to the product.

Retrieve returns

To retrieve returns, send the request:

GET /returns


Authorization string Alphanumeric string that authorizes the customer to send requests to protected resources. Get it by authenticating as a customer.
offset Ofset of the order at which to begin the response.
Works only together with page[limit].
To work correctly, the value should be devisable by the value of page[limit].
The default value is 0.
From 0 to any.
limit Maximum number of entries to return.
Works only together with page[offset].
The default value is 10.
From 1 to any.

Request sample: retrieve returns



Response sample: retrieve returns
    "data": [
            "type": "returns",
            "id": "DE--1-R3",
            "attributes": {
                "returnReference": "DE--1-R3",
                "store": "DE",
                "customerReference": "DE--1",
                "returnTotals": {
                    "refundTotal": 0,
                    "remunerationTotal": 49798
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "returns",
            "id": "DE--1-R2",
            "attributes": {
                "returnReference": "DE--1-R2",
                "store": "DE",
                "customerReference": "DE--1",
                "returnTotals": {
                    "refundTotal": 0,
                    "remunerationTotal": 35418
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "returns",
            "id": "DE--1-R1",
            "attributes": {
                "returnReference": "DE--1-R1",
                "store": "DE",
                "customerReference": "DE--1",
                "returnTotals": {
                    "refundTotal": 0,
                    "remunerationTotal": 31050
            "links": {
                "self": ""
    "links": {
        "self": ""
returnReference String Unique identifier of the return in the system. You can get it when creating the return.
store String Store for which the return was created.
customerReference String Unique identifier of the customer in the system.
returnTotals Object List of totals to return.
refundTotal Integer Total sum of refunds.
remunerationTotal Integer Total sum of remuneration.

Retrieve a return

To retrieve a return, send the request:

GET /returns/{{returnID}}

{{returnID}} Unique identifier of a return to retrieve.


Authorization string Alphanumeric string that authorizes the customer to send requests to protected resources. Get it by authenticating as a customer.
offset Ofset of the order at which to begin the response.
Works only together with page[limit].
To work correctly, the value should be devisable by the value of page[limit].
The default value is 0.
From 0 to any.
limit Maximum number of entries to return.
Works only together with page[offset].
The default value is 10.
From 1 to any.

Request sample: retrieve a return



Response sample: retrieve a return
    "data": {
        "type": "returns",
        "id": "DE--1-R3",
        "attributes": {
            "returnReference": "DE--1-R3",
            "store": "DE",
            "customerReference": "DE--1",
            "returnTotals": {
                "refundTotal": 0,
                "remunerationTotal": 49798
            "returnItems": [
                    "uuid": "3071bef7-f26f-5be4-b9e7-bef1d670a94b",
                    "reason": "0",
                    "orderItem": {
                        "name": "Sony Xperia Z3 Compact",
                        "sku": "078_24602396",
                        "sumPrice": 25584,
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "unitGrossPrice": 25584,
                        "sumGrossPrice": 25584,
                        "taxRate": "19.00",
                        "unitNetPrice": 0,
                        "sumNetPrice": 0,
                        "unitPrice": 25584,
                        "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 3676,
                        "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 3676,
                        "refundableAmount": 23026,
                        "canceledAmount": 0,
                        "sumSubtotalAggregation": 25584,
                        "unitSubtotalAggregation": 25584,
                        "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                        "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                        "unitExpensePriceAggregation": 0,
                        "sumExpensePriceAggregation": null,
                        "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 2558,
                        "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 2558,
                        "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 2558,
                        "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 2558,
                        "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 23026,
                        "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 23026,
                        "taxRateAverageAggregation": "19.00",
                        "taxAmountAfterCancellation": null,
                        "orderReference": "DE--8",
                        "uuid": "b39c7e1c-12ba-53d3-8d81-5c363d5307e9",
                        "isReturnable": false,
                        "metadata": {
                            "superAttributes": [],
                            "image": ""
                        "calculatedDiscounts": [],
                        "productOptions": []
                    "uuid": "b3c46290-2eaa-5b37-bba2-60171638fabb",
                    "reason": "Custom reason",
                    "orderItem": {
                        "name": "Canon PowerShot N",
                        "sku": "035_17360369",
                        "sumPrice": 29747,
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "unitGrossPrice": 29747,
                        "sumGrossPrice": 29747,
                        "taxRate": "19.00",
                        "unitNetPrice": 0,
                        "sumNetPrice": 0,
                        "unitPrice": 29747,
                        "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 4275,
                        "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 4275,
                        "refundableAmount": 26772,
                        "canceledAmount": 0,
                        "sumSubtotalAggregation": 29747,
                        "unitSubtotalAggregation": 29747,
                        "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                        "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                        "unitExpensePriceAggregation": 0,
                        "sumExpensePriceAggregation": null,
                        "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 2975,
                        "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 2975,
                        "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 2975,
                        "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 2975,
                        "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 26772,
                        "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 26772,
                        "taxRateAverageAggregation": "19.00",
                        "taxAmountAfterCancellation": null,
                        "orderReference": "DE--9",
                        "uuid": "b189d4f2-da12-59f3-8e05-dfb4d95b1781",
                        "isReturnable": false,
                        "metadata": {
                            "superAttributes": [],
                            "image": ""
                        "calculatedDiscounts": [],
                        "productOptions": []
        "links": {
            "self": ""
returnReference String Unique identifier of the return in the system. You can get it when creating the return.
store String Store for which the return was created.
customerReference String Unique identifier of the customer in the system.
returnTotals Object List of totals to return.
refundTotal Integer Total sum of refunds.
remunerationTotal Integer Total sum of remuneration.
returnItems Array Set of return items.
uuid String Unique identifier of the returned item.
reason String Predefined reason why the return was created.
orderItem Object Information about the returned item.
name String Product name.
sku String SKU of the product.
sumPrice Integer Sum of the prices.
quantity Integer Number of the sales order items.
unitGrossPrice Integer Single item gross price.
sumGrossPrice Integer Sum of items gross price.
taxRate Integer Current tax rate in percentage.
unitNetPrice Integer Single item net price.
sumNetPrice Integer Sum of items’ net price.
unitPrice Integer Single item price without assuming if it’s new or gross, this value should be used everywhere the price is displayed, it allows switching tax mode without side effects.
unitTaxAmountFullAggregation Integer Total tax amount for a given item with additions.
sumTaxAmountFullAggregation Integer Total tax amount for a given sum of items with additions.
refundableAmount Integer Available refundable amount for an item.
canceledAmount Integer Total canceled amount for this item.
sumSubtotalAggregation Integer Sum of subtotals of the items.
unitSubtotalAggregation Integer Subtotal for the given item.
unitProductOptionPriceAggregation Integer Item total product option price.
sumProductOptionPriceAggregation Integer Item total of product options for the given sum of items.
unitExpensePriceAggregation Integer Item expense total for a given item.
sumExpensePriceAggregation Integer Sum of item expense totals for the items.
unitDiscountAmountAggregation Integer Item total discount amount.
sumDiscountAmountAggregation Integer Sum of item total discount amounts.
unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation Integer Item total discount amount.
sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation Integer Item total discount amount with additions.
unitPriceToPayAggregation Integer Item total price to pay after discounts with additions.
sumPriceToPayAggregation Integer Sum of item total price to pay after discounts with additions.
taxRateAverageAggregation Integer Item tax rate average, with additions used when recalculating tax amount after cancellation.
taxAmountAfterCancellation Integer Tax amount after cancellation, recalculated using tax average.
orderReference String Order reference number.
uuid String Unique identifier of the order.
isReturnable Boolean Specifies whether a sales order item is returnable or not.
calculatedDiscounts Array Specifies the list of calculated discounts.
productOptions Array Set of product options applied to the product.

Possible errors

001 Access token is invalid.
002 Access token is missing.
3601 Return can’t be created.
3602 Can’t find return by the given return reference.
3603 Return contains items from different merchants.