Manage merchant's performance data

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This document describes what information you can check in the dashboard of the Merchant Portal.

Dashboard is a hub for merchants’ important business and performance data. It lets merchants monitor their own store inside the Marketplace by having a snapshot view of the most crucial information.

Dashboard is the first page a merchant sees after logging into the Merchant Portal.


To start working with the dashboard, navigate to Merchant Portal > Dashboard.

Each section contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.

Managing offers in Dashboard

To manage the existing offers in the system, click Manage Offer. This takes you to the Offers page of the Merchant Portal.

To create a new offer, click Add Offer. For more detailed instructions on how to create a new offer in the Merchant Portal, see creating a product offer

Reference information: Managing offers in Dashboard

This section contains the attributes description you see when managing offers in Dashboard.

Offers widget


The Offers widget provides the following information:

Offers 4—the total number of offers in the Merchant Portal.


With Stock—the total number of offers with stock.

Low on Stock—the total number of offers that have less than 5 in the stock.


Valid—the total number of valid offers, that is, offers that have no validity dates or Valid From & Valid To includes today’s date.

Expiring in 5 days—the total number of offers that will expire in the next 5 days.


Online—the total number of online offers.

Offline—the total number of offline offers.

On Marketplace

The total number of offers that are available on the Storefront, that is, all of the orders that meet the following criteria:

  • Have no validity dates or Valid From & Valid To includes today’s date.
  • Are online.
  • Have stock.

Managing orders in Dashboard

To manage orders, click Manage Orders. The Orders page of the Merchant Portal opens.

Reference information: Managing orders in Dashboard

This section contains the attributes description you see when managing orders in Dashboard.

Orders widget


The Orders widget provides the following information:

Orders 2—the total number of orders in the Merchant Portal.

Per Store

The total number of orders that are available for each store.


The total number of orders that were placed in the last 5 days.