Handle twenty five million prices in Spryker Commerce OS
Edit on GitHubB2B business model usually challenges any software with higher requirements to amounts of data and business complexity.
Imagine you have thousands of products and customers with unique pricing terms and conditions. A product can have thousands of prices assigned—one per customer. This document shares the technical challenges of handling such a number of prices and the solutions to solve them.
Such a number of prices cannot be managed manually, but it’s defined by business rules based on which the prices can be generated automatically. For example, you might agree on the special terms with your B2B partner, and they receive their own prices for the whole catalog. It might be considered as a discount, but usually, it’s not a single simple rule but a set of rules and their priorities for each partner. These rules exist in an ERP system, which can export data through SOAP or CSV files.
In Spryker, each price is imported as a price dimension and has a unique key, which determines its relation to a customer—for example, specificPrice-DEFAULT-EUR-NET_MODE-FOO1-BAR2
. To appear on the Storefront, the prices must appear in Redis price entries and abstract product search documents so that facet filters can be applied in search and categories.
Price import flow:
When enabling Spryker to handle such a number of prices, the following challenges occur:
25,000,000 prices are imported in two separate price dimensions.
A product can have about 40,000 prices. This results in overpopulated product abstract search documents: each document aggregates prices of abstract products and all related concrete products. Each price is represented as an indexed field in the search document. Increasing the number of indexed fields slows
down. Just for comparison, the recommended limit is 1,000. -
Overloaded product abstract search documents cause issues with memory limit and slow down Publish and Synchronization. The average document size is bigger than 1 MB.
When more than 100 product abstract search documents are processed at a time, the payload gets above 100 MB, and ES rejects queries. AWS native service does not allow changing this limit.
Each price having unique key results in more different index properties in the whole index. Key structure:
. This key structure requires millions of actual facets, which slows down ES too much.
The following example represents a short version of the overpopulated document structure:
"store": "ABC",
"locale": "en_US",
"type": "product_abstract",
"is-active": true,
"integer-facet": [{
"facet-name": "specificPrice-DEFAULT-EUR-NET_MODE-FOO1-BAR2",
"facet-value": [319203]
}, {
"facet-name": "specificPrice-DEFAULT-EUR-GROSS_MODE-FOO2-BAR1",
"facet-value": [379852]
}, {
"facet-name": "specificPrice-DEFAULT-EUR-NET_MODE-FOO3-BAR3",
"facet-value": [324272]
}, {
"facet-name": "specificPrice-DEFAULT-EUR-GROSS_MODE-FOO4-BAR4",
"facet-value": [385884]
"facet-name": "merchantPrice-DEFAULT-EUR-NET_MODE-30",
"facet-value": [319200]
}, {
"facet-name": "merchantPrice-DEFAULT-EUR-GROSS_MODE-30",
"facet-value": [379848]
"integer-sort": {
"merchantPrice-DEFAULT-EUR-NET_MODE-30": 319200,
"merchantPrice-DEFAULT-EUR-GROSS_MODE-30": 379848,
"specificPrice-DEFAULT-EUR-NET_MODE-FOO-BAR": 122,
"specificPrice-DEFAULT-EUR-GROSS_MODE-FOO1-BAR1": 379852,
"specificPrice-DEFAULT-EUR-NET_MODE-FOO2-BAR2": 324272,
"specificPrice-DEFAULT-EUR-GROSS_MODE-FOO3-BAR3": 385884
All the specificPrice-DEFAULT-EUR-NET_MODE-FOO-BAR
properties in the document are converted into mapping properties in ES. The default limit of 1,000 properties is hit quickly and receives the following exception:
\/de_search\/page\/product_abstract:de:de_de:576 caused Limit of total fields [1000] in index [de_search] has been exceeded\nindex`
You could increase the limit, but it slows down the reindexing process.
The events with the data for ES are processed and acknowledged in RabbitMQ but not delivered to the search service, and you don’t get any related errors.
In AWS, the http.max_content_length
ES limit defines the maximum payload size in an HTTP request. In this case, the payload is higher than the default limit of 100 MB without the infrastructural option to increase it. To learn about cloud service providers, technologies, and limits, see Amazon Elasticsearch Service Limits.
Evaluated solutions
The evaluated solutions are as follows:
- ES join field type.
This ES functionality is similar to the classical joins in relational databases. This solution solves your problem faster and with less effort. To learn about the implementation of this solution, see Elasticsearch join data type: Implementation. Also, have a look at the other evaluated solutions as they may be more appropriate in your particular case.
Documentation: Join field type - Multi sharding with the
field. The idea is to avoid indexing problems by sharing big documents between shards. Breaking a huge index into smaller ones makes it easier for the search to index data. The solution is complex and does not solve the payload issues.
field - Use Postgres or combine ES and Postgres.
Postgres provides search functionalities, and you can set up an additional database dedicated to running searches or helping ES with additional data. The
function in search lets you embed any data, though performance is decreased, as this script is evaluated for every document when a search is being performed. Compared to the first option, this solution is more complex.
Elasticsearch Join field type: Implementation
To solve the ES indexing issue, we reduced the size of product abstract documents, which reduced dynamic mapping properties.
To implement the solution, follow these steps:
- To use the Join field type feature and declare a join relation in
, restrict the ES index to use a single type of document. The following example represents a mapping definition with a declared join relation:
"settings": {
"mapping.single_type": true,
"mappings": {
"page": {
"properties": {
"joined_price": {
"type": "join",
"relations": {
"product_price": ["specific_price"]
Make the product-price relation work:
- Extend product abstract documents with the required
product_abstract:abc:en_us:876 { "store": "ABC", "locale": "en_US", "type": "product_abstract", "is-active": true, ..... "joined_price": { "name": "product_price" } }
- Introduce a new type of price document with the following parameters:
- parent document ID
- price
- currency
- unique identifier
The example of the price document:
price_product_concrete_group_specific:abc:50445:foo-bar:en_us { "joined_price": { "name": "specific_price", "parent": "product_abstract:abc:en_us:50504" }, "kg_ekg": "FOO-BAR", "currency": "EUR", "price": 101 }
- Extend product abstract documents with the required
These two documents can be viewed as two tables with a foreign key in terms of relational databases.
Elasticsearch join data type feature: Side effects
The side effects of this solution are the following:
- The Product Reviews feature is disabled because it requires multiple document types per index.
- Performance requires additional attention. You can read about performance issues related to the feature in Parent-join and performance.
- Because of ES limitations, you can’t build proper queries to run sorting by prices. Only facet filtering is possible.
How to speed up the publishing process
To implement a parent-child relationship between documents, we built a standard search module that follows Spryker architecture. The new price search module is subscribed to the publish and unpublish events of abstract products to manage related price documents in the search. The listener in the search module receives a product abstract ID and fetches all related prices to publish or unpublish them, depending on the incoming event. Because of a large number of prices, the publish process became slow. This causes the following issues.
The following issues related to a slow publish process have been added:
- Memory limit and performance issues. As a product abstract can stand for about forty thousand prices, a table with 25,000,000 rows is parsed every time to find them. The default message chunk size of an event queue is 500. With this size, about two million rows of data have to be published per one bulk.
- The following has to be done simultaneously:
- Trigger product abstract events to update their structure in ES.
- Trigger their child documents to be published.
- RabbitMQ connection issues. The connection is getting closed after fetching a bunch of messages because the PHP process takes too long to be executed. After processing the messages, PHP tries to acknowledge them using the old connection, which has been closed by RabbitMQ. Being single-threaded, the PHP library cannot asynchronously send any heartbeats when the thread is busy with something else. For more information, see Detecting Dead TCP Connections with Heartbeats and TCP Keepalives.
Evaluated solutions
The following solutions were evaluated:
- To handle bulk insert and update operations in the
table, use Common Table Expression (CTE) queries. We chose this solution because we had implemented it previously. To learn how this solution is used to optimize the speed of data importers, see Data Importer Speed Optimization. - To fill the
table on the insert update operations in theentity
table, see the PostgreSQL trigger feature. - Implement a reconnection logic that establishes a new connection after catching an exception.
Bulk insertion with raw SQL
Postgresql CTE allows managing bulk inserts and updates of huge data amounts, which speeds up the execution of PHP processes.
SQL query example
WITH records AS
SELECT input.fkproduct,
id_pyz_price_product_concrete_group_specific_search AS idpyzpriceproductconcretegroupspecificsearch
SELECT Unnest(? :: varchar []) AS fkkg,
Unnest(? :: varchar []) AS fkekg,
Json_array_elements(?) AS data,
unnest(?::integer[]) AS fkproduct,
unnest(?::varchar[]) AS pricekey,
unnest(?::varchar[]) AS fkerprecid,
unnest(?::varchar[]) AS KEY ) input
LEFT JOIN pyz_price_product_concrete_group_specific_search
ON pyz_price_product_concrete_group_specific_search.KEY = input.KEY ), updated AS
UPDATE pyz_price_product_concrete_group_specific_search
SET fk_kg = records.fkkg,
fk_ekg = records.fkekg,
fk_product = records.fkproduct,
data = records.data,
price_key = records.pricekey,
fk_erp_rec_id = records.fkerprecid,
KEY = records.KEY,
updated_at = now()
FROM records
WHERE records.KEY = pyz_price_product_concrete_group_specific_search.KEY returning id_pyz_price_product_concrete_group_specific_search ), inserted AS
INSERT INTO pyz_price_product_concrete_group_specific_search
SELECT nextval('pyz_price_product_concrete_group_specific_search_pk_seq'),
FROM records
WHERE idpyzpriceproductconcretegroupspecificsearch IS NULL ) returning id_pyz_price_product_concrete_group_specific_search )
SELECT updated.id_pyz_price_product_concrete_group_specific_search
FROM updated
SELECT inserted.id_pyz_price_product_concrete_group_specific_search
FROM inserted;
Price events quick lane
Prices are published by pushing the corresponding message to the generic event queue. As this queue can hold more messages than just those related to prices, it makes sense to introduce a dedicated queue for publishing only price-related information.
You can configure it by tweaking the Event and EventBehavior modules. Allow the EventBehavior
Propel behavior to accept additional parameters (except those related to columns). For example, allow it to accept the name of a custom queue, which is used later for pushing messages to the queue. In this case, price events are segregated from all other events and can be processed in parallel without being blocked by other heavier events. Also, this lets you configure different chunk sizes for the subscriber, resulting in a more optimized CPU usage and faster processing.
To implement this functionality:
- Extend
with a new field, likequeueName
. - Override
and adjust it to accept an additionalqueueName
parameter (except those related to columns) through the Propel schema files.
Ensure that \Pyz\Zed\EventBehavior\Persistence\Propel\Behavior\ResourceAwareEventBehavior::addParameter()
is stored as a part of the data
payload, which is saved to thespy_event_behavior
to extract the new piece of data from the payload obtained from the database and set it as the value of the newly createdEventEntityTransfer::queueName
property. -
to check ifqueueName
is set on theEventEntityTransfer.
If it’s set, this queue name is used to push event messages to. Otherwise, it falls back to the default event queue.
Now you have a separate event queue for prices. This approach applies to any type of event. Quick lane ensures that critical data is replicated faster.
Tweaking database
With millions of prices in a shop, we needed analytics tools to monitor data consistency in the database. The CSV files, which are the source of price data for analytics, are too big, so it’s hard to process them. That’s why we converted them into Postgres database tables.
The Postgres COPY
command is the fastest and easiest way to do that. This command copies the data from a CSV file to a database table.
To convert data successfully, the order of the columns in the database table must reflect the order in the CSV files.
#Populate tables with data from csv files
SET synchronous_commit TO OFF;
exit 1
Disabling synchronous commit
We were running the analytics at night when there was no intensive activity in our shop. This lets us disable synchronous commit to reduce the processing time of the COPY
The following line in the previous code snippet disables the synchronous commit: SET synchronous_commit TO OFF;
If you disable the synchronous commit, enable it back after you’ve finished importing the files.
Materialized views for analytics
Materialized view is a tool that aggregates data for analysis. Applying indexes to filterable columns in the views lets you run SELECT
queries faster than in relational tables.
Exemplary procedure:
- Create an aggregated view of all the merchant prices that are already imported into a relational database with proper normalization.
CREATE materialized VIEW IF NOT EXISTS debug_merchant_relationship_prices_view AS
FROM spy_price_product_merchant_relationship;
create index IF NOT exists debug_merchant_relationship_prices_view_net_price ON debug_merchant_relationship_prices_view (net_price);
- Create another view based on the table that contains the pure data copied from the original CSV source file.
CREATE materialized VIEW IF NOT EXISTS debug_merchant_relationship_prices_csv_data_view AS
FROM csv_data_merchant_relationship_prices;
create index IF NOT exists csv_data_merchant_relationship_prices_net_price ON csv_data_merchant_relationship_prices (net_price);
- Compare the views to detect inconsistencies.
With the configuration and customizations described in this document, Spryker can hold and manage millions of prices in one instance. RabbitMQ, internal APIs, data import modules, and Glue API allow building a custom data import to do the following:
- Fetch a lot of data from a third-party system.
- Successfully import it into the database.
- Denormalize and replicate it to be used by quick storages, such as Redis and ES.
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