Glue API: Submit checkout data
Edit on GitHubThis endpoint allows submitting checkout data as many times as required. Using the endpoint, you can implement checkout steps in your Glue API client, perform verification steps, and execute other operations that require multiple calls to complete. This endpoint does not allow placing an order.
To help customers select payment and shipment methods, the endpoint allows retrieving all the available methods so that you can display them to the customers. To simplify navigation through all the available methods, you can sort them by any attribute.
For detailed information on the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see:
Submit checkout data
To submit checkout data without order confirmation, send the request:
X-Anonymous-Customer-Unique-Id | String | Required when submitting data of a guest cart. | A guest user’s unique ID. For security purposes, we recommend passing a hyphenated alphanumeric value, but you can pass any. If you are sending automated requests, you can configure your API client to generate this value. |
Authorization | String | Required when submitting data of a registered user’s cart. | An alphanumeric string that authorizes the customer to send requests to protected resources. Get it by authenticating as a customer. |
Include | Adds resource relationships to the request. | payment-methods, shipments, shipment-methods, addresses, company-business-unit-addresses, carts, guest-carts |
sort | Sorts included shipment and payment methods by an attribute. | {{included_resource}}.{{attribute}}, {{included_resource}}.{{attribute}} |
To retrieve all available shipment methods, submit checkout data with one or more shipments and include shipments
and shipment-methods
Submit checkout data. |
Submit checkout data and include all available payment methods in the response. |
Submit checkout data and include the logged-in customer’s addresses in the response. |
Submit checkout data and include all the order shipments in the response. |
POST,shipment-methods |
Submit checkout data and include all the order shipments and all available shipment methods in the response. |
Submit checkout data and include the logged-in company users’ company business unit addresses in the response. |
POST,-shipment-methods.defaultNetPrice |
Submit checkout data and include all available shipment methods in the response. Sort the returned shipment methods carrierName in ascending order and by defaultNetPrice in descending order. |
Submit checkout data and include the logged-in customer’s cart data in the response. |
Submit checkout data and include the guest customer’s cart data in the response. |
Request sample: submit checkout data with one shipment
"data": {
"type": "checkout-data",
"attributes": {
"idCart": "1c0860e3-ebf5-52e6-b4bf-25eba6987c25",
"billingAddress": {
"salutation": "Mr",
"firstName": "Spencor",
"lastName": "Hopkin",
"address1": "Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße",
"address2": "1",
"address3": "new address",
"zipCode": "10115",
"city": "Berlin",
"iso2Code": "DE",
"company": "spryker",
"phone": "+49 (30) 2084 98350"
"payments": [
"dummyPaymentInvoice": {
"dateOfBirth": "08.04.1986"
"paymentMethodName": "Invoice",
"paymentProviderName": "DummyPayment"
"shipments": [
"items": [
"shippingAddress": {
"id": null,
"salutation": "Mr",
"firstName": "Spencor",
"lastName": "Hopkin",
"address1": "Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße",
"address2": "1",
"address3": "new one",
"zipCode": "10115",
"city": "Berlin",
"iso2Code": "DE",
"company": "spryker",
"phone": "+49 (30) 2084 98350"
"idShipmentMethod": 1,
"requestedDeliveryDate": "2021-09-29"
Request sample: submit checkout data with a split shipment
"data": {
"type": "checkout-data",
"attributes": {
"idCart": "bb5660b1-5267-5b75-8f5a-6dc4d8a21304",
"billingAddress": {
"salutation": "Mr",
"firstName": "Spencor",
"lastName": "Hopkin",
"address1": "Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße",
"address2": "1",
"address3": "new address",
"zipCode": "10115",
"city": "Berlin",
"iso2Code": "DE",
"company": "spryker",
"phone": "+49 (30) 2084 98350"
"payments": [
"dummyPaymentInvoice": {
"dateOfBirth": "08.04.1986"
"paymentMethodName": "Invoice",
"paymentProviderName": "DummyPayment"
"shipments": [
"items": [
"shippingAddress": {
"id": null,
"salutation": "Mr",
"firstName": "Spencor",
"lastName": "Hopkin",
"address1": "Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße",
"address2": "1",
"address3": "new one",
"zipCode": "10115",
"city": "Berlin",
"iso2Code": "DE",
"company": "spryker",
"phone": "+49 (30) 2084 98350"
"idShipmentMethod": 1,
"requestedDeliveryDate": "2021-09-29"
"items": [
"shippingAddress": {
"id": null,
"salutation": "Mrs",
"firstName": "Sonia",
"lastName": "Wagner",
"address1": "Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße",
"address2": "26",
"address3": "new one",
"zipCode": "10115",
"city": "Berlin",
"iso2Code": "DE",
"company": "spryker",
"phone": "+49 (30) 2084 98350"
"idShipmentMethod": 2,
"requestedDeliveryDate": null
Request sample: submit checkout data with a split shipment and addresses passed as IDs
"data": {
"type": "checkout-data",
"attributes": {
"idCart": "2f0a0b59-b988-5829-8fd3-6d636fc8ea33",
"billingAddress": {
"id": "f4cfa794-3c5d-58b9-8485-20d52c541d1d"
"payments": [
"dummyPaymentInvoice": {
"dateOfBirth": "08.04.1986"
"paymentMethodName": "Invoice",
"paymentProviderName": "DummyPayment"
"shipments": [
"items": [
"shippingAddress": {
"id": "f4cfa794-3c5d-58b9-8485-20d52c541d1d"
"idShipmentMethod": 1,
"requestedDeliveryDate": "2021-09-29"
"items": [
"shippingAddress": {
"idCompanyBusinessUnitAddress": "19a55c0d-7bf0-580c-a9e8-6edacdc1ecde"
"idShipmentMethod": 2,
"requestedDeliveryDate": null
Request sample: submit checkout data with the logged-in customer's cart data.
{"type": "checkout-data",
"idCart": "9743f227-97ec-5d89-8679-bc5ee7a9ea17",
"shipment": {
"idShipmentMethod": 1
Request sample: submit checkout data with the guest customer's cart data.
{"type": "checkout-data",
"idCart": "9743f227-97ec-5d89-8679-bc5ee7a9ea17",
"shipment": {
"idShipmentMethod": 1
billingAddress | Object | Customer’s billing address. | | | String | . | A hyphenated alphanumeric value of an existing customer address. To get it, include the addresses resource in your request or add a customer address. If you pass this value for a billing or shipping address, do not pass the other address attributes. |
billingAddress.salutation | String | ✓ | Salutation to use when addressing the customer. | | String | ✓ | Customer’s email address. |
billingAddress.firstName | String | ✓ | Customer’s first name. |
billingAddress.lastName | String | ✓ | Customer’s last name. |
billingAddress.address1 | String | ✓ | The 1st line of the customer’s address. |
billingAddress.address2 | String | ✓ | The 2nd line of the customer’s address. |
billingAddress.address3 | String | The 3rd line of the customer’s address. | |
billingAddress.zipCode | String | ✓ | ZIP code. | | String | ✓ | Specifies the city. |
billingAddress.iso2Code | String | ✓ | Specifies an ISO 2 Country Code to use. | | String | Customer’s company. | | | String | Customer’s phone number. | |
payments | Array | The payment methods used in this order. | |
shipments | Array | A list of shipments. | |
shipments.items | Array | ✓ | A list of items in a shipment. |
shipments.shippingAddress | Object | ✓ | Shipping address for the items in the shipment. | | String | . | A hyphenated alphanumeric value of an existing customer address. To get it, include the addresses resource in your request or add a customer addresses. If you pass this value for a billing or shipping address, do not pass the other address attributes. |
shipments.shippingAddress.idCompanyBusinessUnitAddress | String | A hyphenated alphanumeric value of an existing company business unit address. To get it, include the company-business-unit-addresses resource in your request. Alternatively, retrieve a company business unit with the company-business-unit-addresses resource included. If you pass this value for a billing or shipping address, do not pass the other address attributes. |
shipments.shippingAddress.salutation | String | ✓ | Salutation to use when addressing the customer. | | String | ✓ | Customer’s email address. |
shipments.shippingAddress.firstName | String | ✓ | Customer’s first name. |
shipments.shippingAddress.lastName | String | ✓ | Customer’s last name. |
shipments.shippingAddress.address1 | String | ✓ | The 1st line of the customer’s address. |
shipments.shippingAddress.address2 | String | ✓ | The 2nd line of the customer’s address. |
shipments.shippingAddress.address3 | String | The 3rd line of the customer’s address. | |
shipments.shippingAddress.zipCode | String | ✓ | ZIP code. | | String | ✓ | Specifies the city. |
shipments.shippingAddress.iso2Code | String | ✓ | Specifies an ISO 2 Country Code to use. | | String | Customer’s company. | | | String | Customer’s phone number. | |
shipments.shippingAddress.idShipmentMethod | Integer | ✓ | Unique identifier of a shipment method used for a shipment. |
shipments.shippingAddress.requestedDeliveryDate | Date | ✓ | Desired delivery date for a shipment. |
In case of a successful update, the endpoint responds with information that can help you fill in the missing checkout data, like the customer’s addresses, available payment and shipment methods.
Response sample: submit checkout data with one shipment
"data": {
"type": "checkout-data",
"id": null,
"attributes": {
"addresses": [],
"paymentProviders": [],
"shipmentMethods": [],
"selectedShipmentMethods": [],
"selectedPaymentMethods": [
"paymentMethodName": "Invoice",
"paymentProviderName": "DummyPayment",
"requiredRequestData": [
"links": {
"self": ""
Response sample: submit checkout data with a split shipment
"data": {
"type": "checkout-data",
"id": null,
"attributes": {
"addresses": [],
"paymentProviders": [],
"shipmentMethods": [],
"selectedShipmentMethods": [],
"selectedPaymentMethods": [
"paymentMethodName": "Invoice",
"paymentProviderName": "DummyPayment",
"requiredRequestData": [
"links": {
"self": ""
"relationships": {
"shipments": {
"data": [
"type": "shipments",
"id": "c59584148dea4773f061ceaddeefae03"
"type": "shipments",
"id": "abc6af81d38661048b561871623196d5"
"included": [
"type": "shipments",
"id": "c59584148dea4773f061ceaddeefae03",
"attributes": {
"items": [
"requestedDeliveryDate": "2021-09-29",
"shippingAddress": {
"id": null,
"salutation": "Mr",
"firstName": "Spencor",
"lastName": "Hopkin",
"address1": "Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße",
"address2": "1",
"address3": "new one",
"zipCode": "10115",
"city": "Berlin",
"country": null,
"iso2Code": "DE",
"company": "spryker",
"phone": "+49 (30) 2084 98350",
"isDefaultBilling": null,
"isDefaultShipping": null,
"idCompanyBusinessUnitAddress": null
"selectedShipmentMethod": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Standard",
"carrierName": "Spryker Dummy Shipment",
"price": 490,
"taxRate": "19.00",
"deliveryTime": null,
"currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "shipments",
"id": "abc6af81d38661048b561871623196d5",
"attributes": {
"items": [
"requestedDeliveryDate": null,
"shippingAddress": {
"id": null,
"salutation": "Mrs",
"firstName": "Sonia",
"lastName": "Wagner",
"address1": "Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße",
"address2": "26",
"address3": "new one",
"zipCode": "10115",
"city": "Berlin",
"country": null,
"iso2Code": "DE",
"company": "spryker",
"phone": "+49 (30) 2084 98350",
"isDefaultBilling": null,
"isDefaultShipping": null,
"idCompanyBusinessUnitAddress": null
"selectedShipmentMethod": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Express",
"carrierName": "Spryker Dummy Shipment",
"price": 590,
"taxRate": "19.00",
"deliveryTime": null,
"currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
"links": {
"self": ""
Response sample: submit checkout data with a split shipment, shipments, and shipment methods
"data": {
"type": "checkout-data",
"id": null,
"attributes": {
"addresses": [],
"paymentProviders": [],
"shipmentMethods": [],
"selectedShipmentMethods": [],
"selectedPaymentMethods": [
"paymentMethodName": "Invoice",
"paymentProviderName": "DummyPayment",
"requiredRequestData": [
"links": {
"self": ",shipment-methods"
"relationships": {
"shipments": {
"data": [
"type": "shipments",
"id": "c59584148dea4773f061ceaddeefae03"
"type": "shipments",
"id": "abc6af81d38661048b561871623196d5"
"included": [
"type": "shipment-methods",
"id": "1",
"attributes": {
"name": "Standard",
"carrierName": "Spryker Dummy Shipment",
"deliveryTime": null,
"price": 490,
"currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "shipment-methods",
"id": "2",
"attributes": {
"name": "Express",
"carrierName": "Spryker Dummy Shipment",
"deliveryTime": null,
"price": 590,
"currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "shipment-methods",
"id": "3",
"attributes": {
"name": "Air Standard",
"carrierName": "Spryker Drone Shipment",
"deliveryTime": null,
"price": 500,
"currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "shipment-methods",
"id": "4",
"attributes": {
"name": "Air Sonic",
"carrierName": "Spryker Drone Shipment",
"deliveryTime": null,
"price": 1000,
"currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "shipment-methods",
"id": "5",
"attributes": {
"name": "Air Light",
"carrierName": "Spryker Drone Shipment",
"deliveryTime": null,
"price": 1500,
"currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "shipments",
"id": "c59584148dea4773f061ceaddeefae03",
"attributes": {
"items": [
"requestedDeliveryDate": "2021-09-29",
"shippingAddress": {
"id": null,
"salutation": "Mr",
"firstName": "Spencor",
"lastName": "Hopkin",
"address1": "Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße",
"address2": "1",
"address3": "new one",
"zipCode": "10115",
"city": "Berlin",
"country": null,
"iso2Code": "DE",
"company": "spryker",
"phone": "+49 (30) 2084 98350",
"isDefaultBilling": null,
"isDefaultShipping": null,
"idCompanyBusinessUnitAddress": null
"selectedShipmentMethod": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Standard",
"carrierName": "Spryker Dummy Shipment",
"price": 490,
"taxRate": "19.00",
"deliveryTime": null,
"currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
"links": {
"self": ""
"relationships": {
"shipment-methods": {
"data": [
"type": "shipment-methods",
"id": "1"
"type": "shipment-methods",
"id": "2"
"type": "shipment-methods",
"id": "3"
"type": "shipment-methods",
"id": "4"
"type": "shipment-methods",
"id": "5"
"type": "shipments",
"id": "abc6af81d38661048b561871623196d5",
"attributes": {
"items": [
"requestedDeliveryDate": null,
"shippingAddress": {
"id": null,
"salutation": "Mrs",
"firstName": "Sonia",
"lastName": "Wagner",
"address1": "Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße",
"address2": "26",
"address3": "new one",
"zipCode": "10115",
"city": "Berlin",
"country": null,
"iso2Code": "DE",
"company": "spryker",
"phone": "+49 (30) 2084 98350",
"isDefaultBilling": null,
"isDefaultShipping": null,
"idCompanyBusinessUnitAddress": null
"selectedShipmentMethod": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Express",
"carrierName": "Spryker Dummy Shipment",
"price": 590,
"taxRate": "19.00",
"deliveryTime": null,
"currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
"links": {
"self": ""
"relationships": {
"shipment-methods": {
"data": [
"type": "shipment-methods",
"id": "1"
"type": "shipment-methods",
"id": "2"
"type": "shipment-methods",
"id": "3"
"type": "shipment-methods",
"id": "4"
"type": "shipment-methods",
"id": "5"
Response sample: submit checkout data with customer addresses
"data": {
"type": "checkout-data",
"id": null,
"attributes": {
"addresses": [],
"paymentProviders": [],
"shipmentMethods": [],
"selectedShipmentMethods": [],
"selectedPaymentMethods": [
"paymentMethodName": "Invoice",
"paymentProviderName": "DummyPayment",
"requiredRequestData": [
"links": {
"self": ""
"relationships": {
"addresses": {
"data": [
"type": "addresses",
"id": "f4cfa794-3c5d-58b9-8485-20d52c541d1d"
"type": "addresses",
"id": "904827b4-2b6d-537c-b621-6a1fe2965b4c"
"type": "addresses",
"id": "70ea4850-1092-54ed-aa81-0257ee60ae8a"
"included": [
"type": "addresses",
"id": "f4cfa794-3c5d-58b9-8485-20d52c541d1d",
"attributes": {
"salutation": "Mr",
"firstName": "Spencor",
"lastName": "Hopkin",
"address1": "Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße",
"address2": "1",
"address3": "new address",
"zipCode": "10115",
"city": "Berlin",
"country": "Germany",
"iso2Code": "DE",
"company": "spryker",
"phone": "+49 (30) 2084 98350",
"isDefaultShipping": true,
"isDefaultBilling": true
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "addresses",
"id": "904827b4-2b6d-537c-b621-6a1fe2965b4c",
"attributes": {
"salutation": "Mrs",
"firstName": "Sonia",
"lastName": "Wagner",
"address1": "Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße",
"address2": "25",
"address3": "new one",
"zipCode": "10115",
"city": "Berlin",
"country": "Germany",
"iso2Code": "DE",
"company": "spryker",
"phone": "+49 (30) 2084 98350",
"isDefaultShipping": false,
"isDefaultBilling": false
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "addresses",
"id": "70ea4850-1092-54ed-aa81-0257ee60ae8a",
"attributes": {
"salutation": "Mrs",
"firstName": "Sonia",
"lastName": "Wagner",
"address1": "Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße",
"address2": "25",
"address3": "new one",
"zipCode": "10115",
"city": "Berlin",
"country": "Germany",
"iso2Code": "DE",
"company": "spryker",
"phone": "+49 (30) 2084 98350",
"isDefaultShipping": false,
"isDefaultBilling": false
"links": {
"self": ""
Response sample: submit checkout data with company business unit addresses
"data": {
"type": "checkout-data",
"id": null,
"attributes": {
"addresses": [],
"paymentProviders": [],
"shipmentMethods": [],
"selectedShipmentMethods": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Standard",
"carrierName": "Spryker Dummy Shipment",
"price": 490,
"taxRate": null,
"deliveryTime": null,
"currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
"selectedPaymentMethods": [
"paymentMethodName": "Invoice",
"paymentProviderName": "DummyPayment",
"requiredRequestData": [
"links": {
"self": ""
"relationships": {
"company-business-unit-addresses": {
"data": [
"type": "company-business-unit-addresses",
"id": "19a55c0d-7bf0-580c-a9e8-6edacdc1ecde"
"included": [
"type": "company-business-unit-addresses",
"id": "19a55c0d-7bf0-580c-a9e8-6edacdc1ecde",
"attributes": {
"address1": "Kirncher Str.",
"address2": "7",
"address3": "",
"zipCode": "10247",
"city": "Berlin",
"phone": "4902890031",
"iso2Code": "DE",
"comment": ""
"links": {
"self": ""
Response sample: submit checkout data with payment methods
"data": {
"type": "checkout-data",
"id": null,
"attributes": {
"addresses": [],
"paymentProviders": [],
"shipmentMethods": [],
"selectedShipmentMethods": [],
"selectedPaymentMethods": [
"paymentMethodName": "Invoice",
"paymentProviderName": "DummyPayment",
"requiredRequestData": [
"links": {
"self": "<">
"relationships": {
"payment-methods": {
"data": [
"type": "payment-methods",
"id": "1"
"type": "payment-methods",
"id": "2"
"included": [
"type": "payment-methods",
"id": "1",
"attributes": {
"paymentMethodName": "Invoice",
"paymentProviderName": "DummyPayment",
"priority": 1,
"requiredRequestData": [
"links": {
"self": "<">
"type": "payment-methods",
"id": "2",
"attributes": {
"paymentMethodName": "Credit Card",
"paymentProviderName": "DummyPayment",
"priority": 2,
"requiredRequestData": [
"links": {
"self": "<">
Response sample: submit checkout data with the logged-in customer's cart data.
"data": {
"type": "checkout-data",
"id": null,
"attributes": {
"addresses": [],
"paymentProviders": [],
"shipmentMethods": [],
"selectedShipmentMethods": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Standard",
"carrierName": "Spryker Dummy Shipment",
"price": 490,
"taxRate": null,
"deliveryTime": null,
"currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
"selectedPaymentMethods": []
"links": {
"self": ""
"relationships": {
"carts": {
"data": [
"type": "carts",
"id": "482bdbd6-137f-5b58-bd1c-37f3fa735a16"
"included": [
"type": "carts",
"id": "482bdbd6-137f-5b58-bd1c-37f3fa735a16",
"attributes": {
"priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
"currency": "EUR",
"store": "DE",
"name": "Test1",
"isDefault": true,
"totals": {
"expenseTotal": 490,
"discountTotal": 0,
"taxTotal": 78,
"subtotal": 0,
"grandTotal": 490,
"priceToPay": 490,
"shipmentTotal": 490
"discounts": [],
"thresholds": []
"links": {
"self": ""
Response sample: submit checkout data with the guest customer's cart data.
"data": {
"type": "checkout-data",
"id": null,
"attributes": {
"addresses": [],
"paymentProviders": [],
"shipmentMethods": [],
"selectedShipmentMethods": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Standard",
"carrierName": "Spryker Dummy Shipment",
"price": 490,
"taxRate": null,
"deliveryTime": null,
"currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
"selectedPaymentMethods": []
"links": {
"self": ""
"relationships": {
"guest-carts": {
"data": [
"type": "guest-carts",
"id": "9743f227-97ec-5d89-8679-bc5ee7a9ea17"
"included": [
"type": "guest-carts",
"id": "9743f227-97ec-5d89-8679-bc5ee7a9ea17",
"attributes": {
"priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
"currency": "EUR",
"store": "DE",
"name": "Shopping cart",
"isDefault": true,
"totals": {
"expenseTotal": 490,
"discountTotal": 0,
"taxTotal": 489,
"subtotal": 6277,
"grandTotal": 6767,
"priceToPay": 6767,
"shipmentTotal": 490
"discounts": [],
"thresholds": [
"type": "soft-minimum-threshold",
"threshold": 100000,
"fee": 0,
"deltaWithSubtotal": 93723,
"message": "You need to add items for €1,000.00 to pass a recommended threshold, but if you want can proceed to checkout."
"links": {
"self": ""
checkout-data | addresses | Array | A list of customer addresses that can be used for billing or shipping. This attribute is deprecated. To retrieve all available addresses, include the addresses resource in your request. |
checkout-data | paymentProviders | Array | Payment providers that can be used for the checkout. This attribute is deprecated. To retrieve all the available payment methods, include the payment-methods resource in your request. |
checkout-data | shipmentMethods | Array | A list of available shipment methods. This attribute is deprecated. To retrieve all the available shipment methods, include the shipment-methods resource in your request. |
checkout-data | selectedShipmentMethods | Array | Shipment methods selected for the order. |
checkout-data | selectedPaymentMethods | Array | Payment methods selected for this order. |
checkout-data | selectedPaymentMethods.paymentMethodName | String | Payment method name. |
checkout-data | selectedPaymentMethods.paymentProviderName | String | Name of the payment provider for this payment method. |
checkout-data | selectedPaymentMethods.priority | String | Defines the order of returned payment methods in ascending order. |
checkout-data | selectedPaymentMethods.requiredRequestData | Array | A list of attributes required by the given method to effectuate a purchase. The actual list depends on the specific provider. |
shipment-methods | name | String | The name of the shipment method. |
shipment-methods | id | String | The unique identifier of the shipment method. |
shipment-methods | name | String | The name of the shipment method. |
shipment-methods | carrierName | String | The name of the carrier. |
shipment-methods | deliveryTime | Integer | The estimated delivery time. |
shipment-methods | defaultGrossPrice | Integer | Default gross price, in cents. |
shipment-methods | defaultNetPrice | Integer | Default net price, in cents. |
shipment-methods | currencyIsoCode | String | The ISO 4217 code of the currency in which the prices are specified. |
| shipments | Items | Array | A list of items in the shipment. | | shipments | requestedDeliveryDate | Date | The desired delivery date. | | shipments | shippingAddress | Object | The address to which this shipment will be delivered. | | shipments | | String | The unique identifier of a customer address. | | shipments | shippingAddress.salutation | String | The salutation to use when addressing the customer. | | shipments | shippingAddress.firstName | String | The customer’s first name. | | shipments | shippingAddress.lastName | String | The customer’s last name. | | shipments | shippingAddress.address1 | String | The 1st line of the customer’s address. | | shipments | shippingAddress.address2 | String | The 2nd line of the customer’s address. | | shipments | shippingAddress.address3 | String | The 3rd line of the customer’s address. | | shipments | shippingAddress.zipCode | String | The ZIP code. | | shipments | | String | The name of the city. | | shipments | | String | The name of the country. | | shipments | shippingAddress.iso2Code | String | Specifies an ISO 2 Country Code to use. | | shipments | | String | Specifies the customer’s company. | | shipments | | String | Specifies the customer’s phone number. | | shipments | shippingAddress.isDefaultShipping | Boolean | If true, it’s the default shipping address of the customer. | | shipments | shippingAddress.isDefaultBilling | Boolean | If true, it’s the default billing address of the customer. | | shipments | shippingAddress.idCompanyBusinessUnitAddress | String | The unique identifier of a business unit address used for this shipment. | | shipments | selectedShipmentMethod | Object | Describes the shipment method for the shipment. | | shipments | | String | The unique identifier of the shipment method. | | shipments | | String | The name of the shipment method. | | shipments | selectedShipmentMethod.carrierName | String | The name of the shipment method provider. | | shipments | selectedShipmentMethod.price | String | The price of the shipment method. | | shipments | selectedShipmentMethod.taxRate | String | The tax rate for this shipment method. | | shipments | selectedShipmentMethod.deliveryTime | String | The estimated delivery time provided by the shipment method provider. | | shipments | selectedShipmentMethod.currencyIsoCode | String | The ISO 4217 code of the currency in which the price is specified. |
addresses | salutation | String | Salutation to use when addressing to the customer. |
addresses | firstName | String | Customer’s first name. |
addresses | lastName | String | Customer’s last name. |
addresses | address1 | String | The 1st line of the customer’s address. |
addresses | address2 | String | The 2nd line of the customer’s address. |
addresses | address3 | String | The 3rd line of the customer’s address. |
addresses | zipCode | String | ZIP code. |
addresses | city | String | Specifies the city. |
addresses | country | String | Specifies the country. |
addresses | iso2Code | Specifies an ISO 2 Country Code to use. | |
addresses | company | String | Specifies the customer’s company. |
addresses | phone | String | Specifies the customer’s phone number. |
addresses | isDefaultShipping | Boolean | Specifies whether the address should be used as the default shipping address of the customer. If the parameter is not set, the default value is true. This is also the case for the first address to be saved. |
addresses | isDefaultBilling | Boolean | Specifies whether the address should be used as the default billing address of the customer. If the parameter is not set, the default value is true. This is also the case for the first address to be saved. |
payment-methods | paymentMethodName | String | The name of the payment method. |
payment-methods | paymentProviderName | String | The name of the payment provider. |
payment-methods | priority | String | Defines the order of returned payment methods in ascending order. |
payment-methods | requiredRequestData | Object | An array of attributes required by the given method to effectuate a purchase. The exact attribute list depends on the specific provider. |
company-business-unit-addresses | address1 | String | The 1st line of the customer’s address. |
company-business-unit-addresses | address2 | String | The 2nd line of the customer’s address. |
company-business-unit-addresses | address3 | String | The 3rd line of the customer’s address. |
company-business-unit-addresses | zipCode | String | The ZIP code. |
company-business-unit-addresses | city | String | The name of the city. |
company-business-unit-addresses | iso2Code | String | Specifies an ISO 2 Country Code to use. |
company-business-unit-addresses | phone | String | Specifies the customer’s phone number. |
company-business-unit-addresses | comment | String | Comment of the business unit address. |
Possible errors
400 | Bad request. This error can occur because of the following reasons:
422 | The checkout data is incorrect. |
1101 | Checkout data is invalid. |
1102 | Order cannot be placed. |
1103 | Cart not found. |
1104 | Cart is empty. |
1105 | One of Authorization or X-Anonymous-Customer-Unique-Id headers is required. |
1106 | Unable to delete cart. |
1107 | Multiple payments are not allowed. |
1108 | Payment method “%s” of payment provider “%s” is invalid. |
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