Marketplace Product Options feature: Domain model and relationships

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The Marketplace Product Options feature lets merchants create their product option groups and values. Currently, you can import product options where you specify the merchant reference.

Module dependency graph

The following diagram illustrates the dependencies between the modules for the Marketplace Product Options feature.

Module Dependency Graph

MerchantProductOption Provides merchant product option main business logic and persistence.
MerchantProductOptionDataImport Provides data import functionality for merchant product options.
MerchantProductOptionStorage Provides publish and sync functionality for merchant product options.
MerchantProductOptionGui Provides backoffice UI for merchant product options management.
ProductOption Provides additional layer of optional items that can be sold with the actual product.
ProductOptionStorage Provides publish and sync functionality for product options.
Shop.ProductOptionWidget Provides widgets for displaying product options.

Domain model

The following schema illustrates the Marketplace Product Options domain model:

Domain Model
