Calculation 3.0

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Spryker uses the Calculation module to calculate the cart totals that are displayed in the cart, during checkout, and when the order is placed.

The Calculation module extensively uses plugins to inject calculation algorithms.

How Calculation works

Quote Transfer

The quote transfer object is used to store data and plugins that calculate the amounts.

There is already a list of plugins that populate quote transfer with corresponding data. Calculations are executed every time the content of the cart is updated.

For more details, check Cart Data Flow in the Cart Functionality section.

If manual recalculation of cart is required, then CalculationFacade::recalculate can be called from Zed or CalculationClient::recalculate from Yves with prepared Calculation Data Structure. When the recalculation operation is called, the calculator runs the calculator plugin stack and each plugin modifies the QuoteTransfer (calculates discounts, adds sum gross prices, calculates taxes). Most plugins require the unitGrossPrice and the quantity to be provided.

Calculated amounts

Each amount is calculated and stored in cents.

Calculator plugins

Calculator plugins are registered in the CalculationDependencyProvider::getCalculatorStack() method. This method can be extended on the project level, and the plugin stack can be updated with your own plugins. Each calculator must implement CalculatorPluginInterface.

For more information, see the following:

interface CalculatorPluginInterface
     * @param QuoteTransfer $quoteTransfer
    public function recalculate(QuoteTransfer $quoteTransfer);
  • RemoveTotalsCalculatorPlugin resets quote totals, sets TotalsTransfer empty.
  • RemoveAllCalculatedDiscountsCalculatorPlugin resets every CalculatedDiscountTransfer.
  • ItemGrossAmountsCalculatorPlugin calculates sumGrossPrice for each ItemTransfer.

ItemTransfer::sumGrossPrice = ItemTransfer::unitGrossPrice * ItemTransfer::quantity

  • ProductOptionGrossSumCalculatorPlugin calculates unitGrossPriceWithProductOptions, sumGrossPriceWithProductOptions for ItemTransfer and sumGrossPrice for ProductOptionTransfer calculates unitGrossPriceWithProductOptions, sumGrossPriceWithProductOptions for ItemTransfer and sumGrossPrice for ProductOptionTransfer.
ProductOptionTransfer::sumGrossPrice = ProductOptionTransfer::unitGrossPrice * ProductOptionTransfer::quantity
ItemTransfer::unitGrossPriceWithProductOptions = sum(ProductOptionTransfer::unitGrossPrice) + ItemTransfer::unitGrossPrice
ItemTransfer::sumGrossPriceWithProductOptions = sum(ProductOptionTransfer::sumGrossPrice) + ItemTransfer:sumGrossPrice
  • SubtotalTotalsCalculatorPlugin sums each of the sumGrossPriceWithProductOptions items. TotalsTransfer::subtotal = sum(ItemTransfer::sumGrossPriceWithProductOptions)
  • ExpensesGrossSumAmountCalculatorPlugin calculates sumGrossPrice for each item. ExpenseTransfer::sumGrossPrice = ExpenseTransfer::unitGrossPrice * ExpenseTransfer::quantity
  • ExpenseTotalsCalculatorPlugin calculates expenseTotal in TotalsTransfer. TotalsTransfer::expenseTotal = sum(ExpenseTransfer::sumGrossPrice)
  • DiscountCalculatorPlugin applies discounts to current QuoteTransfer, and each discountable item with the property calculatedDiscounts gets discounts filled. Also, voucherDiscounts and cartRuleDiscounts are populated with additional used discount data for order level.
Discount Calculation

Discount calculation is a separate topic and is explained in the Discount article.

  • SumGrossCalculatedDiscountAmountCalculatorPlugin calculates and sets ItemTransfer amounts after discounts to sumGrossPriceWithProductOptionAndDiscountAmounts and unitGrossPriceWithProductOptionAndDiscountAmounts; it also sets expense amounts after discounts to unitGrossPriceWithDiscounts and sumGrossPriceWithDiscounts.
ItemTransfer::unitGrossPriceWithProductOptionAndDiscountAmounts = ItemTransfer::unitGrossPriceWithProductOptions - (sum(ItemTransfer:calculatedDiscounts::unitGrossPrice) + sum(ProductOptionTransfer::calculatedDiscounts::unitGrossPrice))
ItemTransfer::sumGrossPriceWithProductOptionAndDiscountAmounts = ItemTransfer::sumGrossPriceWithProductOptions - (sum(ItemTransfer:calculatedDiscounts::sumGrossPrice) + sum(ProductOptionTransfer::calculatedDiscounts::sumGrossPrice))
  • DiscountTotalsCalculatorPlugin calculates the total for used discount and sets it to totalDiscount in TotalsTransfer. The sum of all discountable items CalculatedDiscountTransfer gross amounts is as follows:
TotalsTransfer:discountTotal += sum(ItemTransfer::CalculateDiscountTransfer::sumGrossAmount +
ItemTransfer::ProductOptionTransfer::CalculateDiscountTransfer::sumGrossAmount + ExpenseTransfer::sumGrossAmount)
GrandTotalTotalsCalculatorPluginCalculates grandTotal in TotalsTransfer.
TotalsTransfer:grandTotal = TotalsTransfer::subtotal + TotalsTransfer:expenseTotal
  • GrandTotalWithDiscountsCalculatorPlugin calculates GrandTotal after discounts in TotalsTransfer. TotalsTransfer:grandTotal = TotalsTransfer::subtotal + TotalsTransfer:expenseTotal - TotalsTransfer::discountTotal
  • TaxTotalsCalculatorPlugincalculates taxTotal and taxRate used from TotalTransfer::grandTotal and sets it in TotalsTransfer::TaxTotalsTransfer.

TaxableItems = ItemTransfer, ProductOptionTransfer, ExpenseTransfer. TaxTotalsTransfer::taxRate = sum(TaxableItems) / TaxableItems TaxTotalsTransfer::taxAmount = round((TotalsTransfer::grandTotal * TaxTotalsTransfer::taxRate) / TaxTotalsTransfer::taxRate / 100)

Calculation data structure

This section describes the calculation data structure.

Quote transfer

QuoteTransfer is the main data transfer object used in Cart, Calculation, and Checkout as well as when an order is placed. This object is created when the first item is added to the cart. The entire data object is stored into the session. It consists of the following:

totals (TotalsTransfer) Order totals.
items (ItemTransfer[]) CartItem collection.
voucherDiscounts (DiscountTransfer[])
cartRuleDiscounts (DiscountTransfer[])
expenses (ExpenseTransfer)
billingAddress (AddressTransfer) The current checkout customer’s billing address.
shippingAddress (AddressTransfer) The current checkout customer’s shipment address.
customer (CustomerTransfer) The current checkout customer’s details.
orderReference (string) The current checkout order reference, available after PlaceOrderStep.
payment (PaymentTransfer) Information about the currently selected payment, available after PaymentStep.
shipment (ShipmentTransfer) Information about the currently selected shipment, available after ShipmentStep.

Totals transfer

TotalsTransfer is a data object holding cart totals, subtotal, expenses (shipping), discount total, and grand total. The amounts for the order level are stored here.

subtotal (int) The calculated total amount before taxes and discounts. It is set by SubtotalTotalsCalculatorPlugin.
expenseTotal (int) The total expenses amount (shipping). It is set by ExpenseTotalsCalculatorPlugin.
discountTotal (int) The total discount amount. It is set by DiscountTotalsCalculatorPlugin.
taxTotal (TaxTotalsTransfer) Tax totals for current cart. It is set by TaxTotalsCalculatorPlugin.
grandTotal (int) The total amount the customer needs to pay after the discounts are applied. It is set by GrandTotalWithDiscountsCalculatorPlugin calculator plugin.
hash (string) The hash from total values to identify amount changes. It is set by GrandTotalCalculatorPlugin.

Tax total transfer


TaxTotalsTransfer holds the taxRate and taxAmount used for grandTotal.

taxRate (int) The current tax rate in percentage.
amount (int) The current tax amount from grandTotal.

Item transfer

ItemTransfer is a cart item transfer. It holds single product information.

id (int) The unique ID of the concrete product.
sku (string) The concrete product SKU.
groupKey (string) The group key used for grouping items in the cart.
quantity (int) The number of items selected.
IDSalesOrderItem (int) The unique ID of an order item, stored when items are saved after PlaceOrderStep.
name (string) The concrete product name.
IDProductAbstract (int) The unique ID of an abstract product.
abstractSku (string) The abstract product SKU.
variety (string) Used when an item is in a module.
status (string) State machine state when an item is used as anorder item.
addedAt (string) Used in a wishlist to have a date when an item was added
productConcrete (ProductConcreteTransfer) The concrete product details added to the wishlist.
unitGrossPrice (int) A single item’s gross price. It’s set with the CartItemPricePlugin cart expander plugin.
sumGrossPrice (int) The gross price of a sum of items. Calculated with ExpensesGrossSumAmountCalculatorPlugin.
unitGrossPriceWithDiscounts (int) The unit gross price after all discounts are applied. It’s set by SumGrossCalculatedDiscountAmountCalculatorPlugin.
sumGrossPriceWithDiscounts (int) The sum of an item’s gross price after discounts. It’s set by SumGrossCalculatedDiscountAmountCalculatorPlugin.
taxRate (int) The current tax rate. It’s set by the ProductCartPlugin cart expander plugin.
unitGrossPriceWithProductOptions (int) A single item with product options gross price. It’s set by ProductOptionGrossSumCalculatorPlugin.
sumGrossPriceWithProductOptions (int) The sum of item gross price with product options. It’s set by ProductOptionGrossSumCalculatorPlugin.
unitGrossPriceWithProductOptionAndDiscountAmounts (int) A single item’s with product options gross price and after discounts. It’s set by SumGrossCalculatedDiscountAmountCalculatorPlugin.
sumGrossPriceWithProductOptionAndDiscountAmounts (int) The sum of item gross price with product options and after discounts. It’s set by SumGrossCalculatedDiscountAmountCalculatorPlugin.
unitTaxAmountWithProductOptionAndDiscountAmounts (int) The single item’s tax amount with product options after discounts (order only).
sumTaxAmountWithProductOptionAndDiscountAmounts (int) The sum of items’ gross price with product options after discounts (order only).
refundableAmount (int) The item’s available refundable amount (order only).
unitTaxAmount (int) The tax amount for a single item (order only).
sumTaxAmount (int) The tax amount for a sum of items (order only).
calculatedDiscounts[] (CalculatedDiscountTransfer) Item calculated discount collection. It’s set by DiscountCalculatorPlugin.
canceledAmount (int) The canceled amount for this item (order only).
productOptions (ProductOptionTransfer[]) Assigned product options. It’s set by the CartItemProductOptionPlugin cart expander plugin.

Calculated discount transfer

Each item that can have discounts applied has the calculatedDiscounts property added, which holds the collection of discounts for each discount type.

displayName (string) The applied discount name.
description (string) The applied discount description.
voucherCode (string) A used voucher code.
quantity(int) The number of discounted items.
unitGrossAmount (int) The discount gross amount for single items. It’s set by DiscountCalculatorPlugin.
sumGrossAmount (int) The discount gross amount for the sum of items. It’s set by DiscountCalculatorPlugin.

Product option transfer


ProductOptionTransfer: some items may have product option collection attached to them, which also have amounts calculated.

idSalesOrderItemOption (int) The unique ID of sales order item option stored after the order is placed.
unitGrossPrice (int) A single item’s gross price. It’s set by the CartItemProductOptionPlugin cart expander plugin.
sumGrossPrice (int) The gross price of a sum of items. It’s set by the ProductOptionGrossSumCalculatorPlugin cart expander plugin.
taxRate (int) The tax rate in percentage. It’s set by the CartItemProductOptionPlugin cart expander plugin.
calculatedDiscounts[] (CalculatedDiscountTransfer) Product option calculated discount collection. It’s set by DiscountCalculatorPlugin.
refundableAmount (int) The item’s available refundable amount (order only).
unitTaxAmount (int) The tax amount for single product option (order only).
sumTaxAmount (int) The tax amount for sum of product options (order only).

Discount transfer

DiscountTransfer is a collection of discounts used in all QuoteTransfer discountable items such as voucherDiscounts or cartRuleDiscounts.

displayName (string) The name of the discount.
IDDiscount (int) The unique ID of discount, as stored in the discount table.
description (string) A description of the applied discount.
calculatorPlugin (string) The discount calculator plugin used to calculate this discount (Fixed, Percentage).
IsPrivileged (bool) If true, the discount is privileged. This can be combined with other discounts.
IsActive (bool) If true, the discount is active.
validFrom (string) The starting date for discount validity.
validTo (string) The ending date for discount validity.
collectorLogicalOperator (string) The logical operator for collector (OR, AND) when combining multiple discounts.
discountCollectors (DiscountCollectionTransfer[] A list of discount collectors used for this discount.
amount (int) The total discount amount used for this discount type. It’s set by DiscountCalculatorPlugin.

Expense transfer

idExpense (int) The unique ID of the expense.
sumGrossPrice (int) The sum of the item’s gross price. It’s set by ExpensesGrossSumAmountCalculatorPlugin.
unitGrossPrice (string) Single expense price — for example, shipment expenses are set in the ShipmentStep.
type (string) The type of expense (shipping).
taxRate (int) The tax rate in percentages.
calculatedDiscounts (CalculatedDiscountTransfer[] A list of applied discounts for this item.
quantity (int) The number of items.
IDSalesExpense (int) The unique ID of the expense as stored in sales_expense.
unitGrossPriceWithDiscounts (int) Single item price after discounts. Set by SumGrossCalculatedDiscountAmountCalculator and OrderAmountAggregator/ItemDiscounts.
sumGrossPriceWithDiscounts (int) The sum off all item prices after discounts. Set by SumGrossCalculatedDiscountAmountCalculator and OrderAmountAggregator/ItemDiscounts.
unitTaxAmountWithDiscounts (int) The tax amount for a single item after discounts (order only).
sumTaxAmountWithDiscounts (int). The tax amount for a sum of items after discounts (order only).
refundableAmount (int) The total refundable amount for this item (order only).
canceledAmount (int) The total cancelled amount for this item (order only).
unitTaxAmount (int) The tax amount for a single item (order only).
sumTaxAmount (int) The tax amount for a sum of items (order only).