Create GUI modules

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This document describes how to create a new GUI module and add it to navigation.


To install the Marketplace Merchant Portal Core feature providing the ZedUi, Navigation and ACL related modules, follow the Install the Marketplace Merchant Portal Core feature.

1) Create a new module

  1. Create a new folder Pyz\Zed\ExampleMerchantPortalGui with a controller and corresponding Twig template:



namespace Pyz\Zed\ExampleMerchantPortalGui\Communication\Controller;

use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Communication\Controller\AbstractController;

class ExampleController extends AbstractController
     * @return array
    public function indexAction()
        return $this->viewResponse();


{% extends '@ZedUi/Layout/merchant-layout-main.twig' %}
{% import _self as view %}

{% block headTitle %}
    {{ 'Test page' | trans }}
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
    Test content
{% endblock %}

  1. Clear the router cache:
console router:cache:warm-up

2) Set up ACL rules

  1. Adjust Spryker\Zed\AclMerchantPortal\AclMerchantPortalConfig::getMerchantAclRoleRules()—add a newly introduced module to the allowed bundles list.
    public function getMerchantAclRoleRules(): array
        $bundleNames = [

        $ruleTransfers = [];

        foreach ($bundleNames as $bundleName) {
            $ruleTransfers[] = (new RuleTransfer())

        return $ruleTransfers;
  1. Add a new merchant to the merchant.csv data import file and run the following command:
console data:import merchant

Check the spy_acl_rule database table and make sure that ACL rules for example-merchant-portal-gui bundle are introduced for a new merchant.

  1. To deny access to Back Office users, adjust Pyz/Zed/Acl/AclConfig::getInstallerRules() to disallow the example-merchant-portal-gui bundle.
    public function getInstallerRules()
        $installerRules = parent::getInstallerRules();
        $installerRules = $this->addMerchantPortalInstallerRules($installerRules);

        return $installerRules;

    protected function addMerchantPortalInstallerRules(array $installerRules): array
        $bundleNames = [

        foreach ($bundleNames as $bundleName) {
            $installerRules[] = [
                'bundle' => $bundleName,
                'controller' => AclConstants::VALIDATOR_WILDCARD,
                'action' => AclConstants::VALIDATOR_WILDCARD,
                'type' => static::RULE_TYPE_DENY,
                'role' => AclConstants::ROOT_ROLE,

        return $installerRules;
  1. Adjust config/Zed/navigation.xml with a link for a new page:




  1. Add a new navigation item:
console navigation:build-cache

Login as a new merchant, go to any Merchant Portal page, make sure a new navigation item is presented and leads to a newly introduced page.