Create warehouses

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The document describes how to create warehouses in the Back Office.


To start working with warehouses, go to Administration > Warehouses.

Review the reference information before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.

Create a warehouse

  1. On the Warehouses page, click Create Warehouse. This opens the Create Warehouse page.
  2. On the Configuration tab, enter a NAME.
  3. To activate the warehouse after creating it, for IS THIS WAREHOUSE AVAILABLE?, select Yes.
  4. Click the Store Relation tab.
  5. Select the stores to make the warehouse available in.

If you clear all checkboxes for stores assigned to a specific warehouse, this warehouse won’t appear on the Edit Stock page.

  1. Click Save.

    This opens the Warehouses page with a success message displayed. The create warehouse is displayed in the table.

Reference information: Create warehouses

NAME Name.
IS THIS WAREHOUSE AVAILABLE? Defines if customers will be able see and interact with the warehouse on the Storefront.
AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING STORE(S) Stores in which the warehouse will be available.

Next steps

The warehouse has been created. You can start working with it when creating or editing a concrete product. For more details, see Creating a product variant.

Additionally, you can edit a warehouse. For more details, see the [Editing warehouse details]

To learn how to manage stock per specific warehouse, see Edit stock of products and product bundles.