Define global thresholds

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This doc describes how to define global thresholds in the Back Office.


To start working with global thresholds, go to Administration > Global Threshold.

Review the reference information before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.

Define a minimum hard threshold

  1. On the Edit Global threshold page, select the STORE AND CURRENCY you want to define the threshold for.
  2. In the Minimum Hard Threshold pane, for ENTER THRESHOLD VALUE, enter a price value.
  3. Enter a MESSAGE for all the locales.
  4. Scroll down the page and click Save.

The page refreshes with a success message displayed.

Define a maximum hard threshold

  1. On the Edit Global threshold page, select the STORE AND CURRENCY you want to define the threshold for.
  2. In the Maximum Hard Threshold pane, for ENTER THRESHOLD VALUE, enter a price value.
  3. Enter a MESSAGE for all the locales.
  4. Scroll down the page and select Save.

The page refreshes with a success message displayed.

Define a minimum soft threshold

  1. On the Edit Global threshold page, select the STORE AND CURRENCY you want to define the threshold for.
  2. In the Soft Threshold pane, select a soft threshold type.
  3. For ENTER THRESHOLD VALUE, enter a price value.
  4. If you selected a threshold with fee, do one of the following:
    • SOFT THRESHOLD WITH FIXED FEE: For ENTER FIXED FEE, enter a price value.
  5. Enter a MESSAGE for all the locales.
  6. Select Save.

The page refreshes with a success message displayed.

Tips and tricks

In the Message field, enter {{threshold}} or {{fee}} to reference the threshold name or the defined fee, respectively. When the message is rendered on the Storefront, the placeholders are replaced with the values from ENTER THRESHOLD VALUE and ENTER FLEXIBLE FEE or ENTER FIXED FEE fields.

Reference information: Define global thresholds

STORE AND CURRENCY Defines the store to which the threshold is applied and the currency in which it’s displayed.
ENTER THRESHOLD VALUE Depending on the threshold type, defines the value that should be reached or not reached.
MESSAGE Short message that informs the customer about the threshold conditions. For example, You should add items for {{threshold}} to pass a recommended threshold. You can’t proceed with checkout.

Enter {{threshold}} or {{fee}} to reference the threshold name or the defined fee respectively. When the message is rendered on the Storefront, the placeholders are replaced with the values from Enter threshold value and Enter flexible fee or Enter fixed fee fields.
ENTER FIXED FEE Adds this value to cart if the threshold is not reached.
ENTER FLEXIBLE FEE Percentage of an order’s sub-total that is added to cart if the threshold is not reached.