Import file details: shipment_price.csv

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This document describes the shipment_price.csv file to configure the Shipment Price information in your Spryker Demo Shop.

To import the file, run:


Import file parameters

shipment_method_key String Value previously imported already by its data importer using the shipment.csv file. Identifier of the shipment method.
store String Value previously defined in the stores.php project configuration. Name of the store.
currency String Value previously imported already by its data importer using the currency.csv file. Currency ISO code.
value_net No Integer Empty price values will be imported as zeros. Net value of the shipment cost.
value_gross No String Empty price values will be imported as zeros. Gross value of the shipment cost.

Import file dependencies

Additional information

The field value must be an integer as it’s the internal format to store money (currency) in the Spryker Demo Shop. Float values get converted into integer through multiplying by 100. For example, if the shipment cost is 5.50 EUR, the value in the CSV file should be 550.

Fields shipment_method_key, store and currency are mandatory, and must be valid (imported already from existing database values, or created manually using the precedent CSV files: shipment_method.csv and currency.csv and stores.php configuration project file). Empty value fields are imported as zeros.

Import template file and content example

shipment_price.csv Exemplary import file with headers only.
shipment_price.csv Exemplary import file with Demo Shop data.