Upgrade the Collector module

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Upgrading from version 5.* to version 6.*

  1. The general concept of collectors, and collector queries are enhanced to support multi-store. The following classes were altered to support the multi-store concept:
  • AbstractCollector
  • AbstractDatabaseCollector
  • AbstractPdoCollector
  • AbstractPropelCollector
  • AbstractSearchPropelCollector
  • AbstractStoragePropelCollector
  • AbstractCollectorQuery

Collector multi-store concept overview

  1. The primary change affects the AbstractDatabaseCollector::processBatchForExport(). Previously this method was responsible for simply exporting all “touch active” touched entities to Storage or Search. In multi-store environment, a multi-store entity does not necessary exist in all stores even though it’s “touch active” in all stores. Moreover, an exported “touch active” multi-store entity can become invalid if it’s unassigned from a specific store. To achieve the expected behavior, the AbstractCollector::isStorable() method is introduced. Whenever this method returns with true, the subject entity is considered to be available (in the current store) and will be exported. On the other hand, the false return value that the entity is not available (in the current store) and either not should not be exported or should be deleted from Storage or Search if it has already been exported previously.

The AbstractCollector::isStorable is not limited to multi-store entities and can be used on demand according to the above description.

  1. The general “touch deleted” logic was updated through the AbstractCollector::getTouchCollectionToDelete() method which now always selects those records only from spy_touch_storage, and spy_touch_search, which are related to the current store.

  2. StoreTransfer is a new property which has been introduced for AbstractCollectorQuery class and for its descendants. This property is populated before the actual query call through the AbstractPdoCollector, and AbstractPropelCollector classes. The property contains the current store as a transfer object.

  3. The propel abstract classes are amended to always select the current store specific spy_touch_search, and spy_touch_storage records by amending the general prepare methods in AbstractSearchPropelCollector::prepareCollectorScope(), AbstractStoragePropelCollector::joinStorageTableWithLocale(), and AbstractStoragePropelCollector::joinStorageTable().

You can find additional details on the Collector module release page.

  1. Update/install spryker/touch to at least 4.0.0 version. For more information, see Upgrade the Touch module.
  2. If you have multiple stores: Amend your existing custom AbstractPdoCollectorQuery extended queries to always select current store related spy_touch_storage and spy_touch_search records. This has to be made for all of the queries regardless if they work with a multi-store entity or a single-store entity. You can find additional details regarding collector multi-store concept in the previous step, on the Collector module release page, and on our Demoshop implementation.

Example of a modified query


namespace Pyz\Zed\Collector\Persistence\Storage\Pdo\PostgreSql;

use Spryker\Zed\Collector\Persistence\Collector\AbstractPdoCollectorQuery;

class ProductConcreteCollectorQuery extends AbstractPdoCollectorQuery
     * @return void
    protected function prepareQuery()
         $sql = '
FROM spy_touch t
  LEFT JOIN spy_touch_storage ON (spy_touch_storage.fk_touch = t.id_touch AND spy_touch_storage.fk_locale = spy_locale.id_locale AND spy_touch_storage.fk_store = :id_store)

        $this->criteriaBuilder->sql($sql)->setParameter('id_store', $this->storeTransfer->getIdStore());

It is important to add the condition to the LEFT JOIN section so the number of result rows will not change.

  1. The deprecated CollectorDependencyProvider::provideLocaleFacade() is removed, please check your code if you have custom calls or dependencies.

  2. The following methods have internal changes, please check if you have customized them:

  • AbstractTouchUpdater::bulkUpdate()
  • AbstractTouchUpdater::getCollectorKeyFromData()

You can find additional details on Collector module release page.

Upgrading from version 3.* to version 4.*

With version 4 of the Collector module, we fixed the collector:search:export and collector:search:update console commands to run for all available locales instead of just for the current one. This behavior is now consistent with the storage collector command (collector:storage:export).

If you would like to upgrade to this version and you have multiple locales in your store, then you need to make sure that your collector query (in the Spryker Demoshop we use the ProductCollectorQuery class) is also correctly filtered by locale, otherwise it could happen that you’ll have inconsistent data in your Elasticsearch.