Add shipment methods

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This document shows how to add a new shipment method without integrating it with the shipment provider system.


In this situation, you must have multi-currency prices attached to the shipment method and the correct tax set linked to it. Also, the ship event must be manually triggerable from the Back Office.

Set up the state machine

The state machine which handles orders using this shipment method needs to use a manual event for shipping so that it can be triggered from the Back Office.

Setting up State Machine

The corresponding XML for this transition would be:

   <state name="exported" reserved="true"/>
   <state name="shipped" reserved="true"/>
    <transition happy="true">
    <event name="ship" manual="true"/>

Add a new shipment method

To add a new shipment method, follow these steps:

  1. In the Back Office, navigate to the Delivery Methods section and click Create new carrier company.
  2. Specify a name for the carrier company and the corresponding glossary key for having a localized name.
  3. To use this carrier company in the shop, select Enabled.
  4. Click Save. Enabled checkbox

When you have a new shipment carrier, you can add a new shipment method to it.


For more detailed information about adding shipment methods, see Add delivery methods and Edit delivery methods.

Add a new carrier company

To add a shipment method to a carrier, follow these steps:

  1. Click Create new delivery method. The Create Delivery Method page opens.
  2. Select the CARRIER you have created in the Add a new delivery method section.
  3. Add the NAME and store- and currency-specific net and gross prices.
  4. Select IS ACTIVE.
  5. Select the corresponding TAX SET.
  6. Click Save.

For more detailed information about adding carrier companies, see Creating carrier companies.

Add shipment method

The shipment methods with price are retrieved depending on your preconfigured price mode + current store and the selected currency.

Shipment methods can be excluded if their active flag is off. The connected AvailabilityPlugin plugin excludes them; otherwise, it has a price as NULL.

In this current example, the new shipment method is available in the shop for DE store, EUR currency, and gross price mode as 7 EUR. UI shipment selection