Manage returns

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This document describes how to manage returns in the Back Office. To learn how Back Office user create returns, see Creating returns. To learn how customers create returns, see Return Management on the Storefront.


To start managing returns, go to Sales > Returns.

Viewing returns

On the Returns page, next to the return you want to view, click View.

Printing return slips

Next to the return you want to generate a return slip for, click Print Slip. This opens the page with an auto-generated slip.

Reference information: Managing returns

The following table describes the attributes you see when viewing a return.


Product List of all items included in the return.
Quantity Product quantity.
Price Product price.
Price Total amount paid for the item.
State State for the item.
Trigger event Changes the state of return items.
Trigger all matching states If no items are selected, changes the state of all the items in the return. If one or more items are selected, changes the state of the selected items.

TOTAL section

The Total section displays the total amount of items to be returned and the total sum to be refunded.


Order Reference Unique identifier of the order a reference was created for.
Return Reference Unique identifier of a return.
Return Date Date when the return was created.
State State of the return.

CUSTOMER section

Customer reference Unique identifier of the customer a return was created for.
Name Name of the customer a return was created for.
Email Email address of the customer a return was created for.