Manage scheduled prices

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To start working with scheduled prices, go to Catalog > Scheduled Prices.

Each section contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.

Editing scheduled price imports

To edit an import:

  1. On the Scheduled Prices page, next to the import that you want to update, click Edit.
  2. On the Edit Import page that opens, you can perform the following actions:
    • Change the scheduled price import name.
    • Edit a scheduled price.
    • Delete a scheduled price.

Reference information: Viewing and editing scheduled price imports

This section describes the attributes you see, enter, or select while viewing and editing scheduled price imports.


Since the View Import and Edit Import pages have almost the same attributes, you can use the attributes in this section while both viewing and editing imports.

General information section

Import n Numeric identifier of the scheduled price import.
Name Alphabetic identifier of the scheduled price import. Editable
Imported by and on the Back office user who imported the list and the time of the import.
Number of prices Number of scheduled prices in the imported list.
Number of products Number of products which have scheduled prices assigned to them in an imported list.

Scheduled prices inside this import section

Abstract SKU Identifier of the abstract product to which price schedule is assigned.
Concrete SKU Identifier of the concrete product to which price schedule is assigned.
Price Type Price type in which price schedule is defined: DEFAULT or ORIGINAL.
Currency Currency in which price schedule is defined.
Store Store relation of the product to which price schedule is assigned.
Net price Net value of product defined by the price schedule.
Gross price Gross value of product defined by the price schedule.
Start from (included) Date on which the price specified by the price schedule gets applied.
Finish at (included) Date on which the price specified by the price schedule gets reverted back.
Actions Set of actions that you can do with a price schedule.

Editing scheduled prices

  1. On the Scheduled Prices page, click Edit next to the import in which the scheduled price that you want to update is located.
  2. On the Edit Import page, click Edit next to the scheduled price that you want to update.
  3. On the Edit Scheduled Price page, you can perform the following actions:
    • Change store relation.
    • Change currency.
    • Specify Net and Gross prices.
    • Specify the validity period.

Performing this action triggers the scheduled prices cron job to be run for the product for which this scheduled price has been added.

Tips and tricks
In the Edit Scheduled Price page, you can return to the Edit Import page. To do this, click Back to the import.

Reference information: Editing scheduled prices

Abstract SKU Identifier of the abstract product to which price schedule is assigned.
Concrete SKU Identifier of the concrete product to which price schedule is assigned.
Store Store relation of the product to which price schedule is assigned.
Currency Currency in which price schedule is defined.
Net price Net value of product defined by the price schedule.
Gross price Gross value of product defined by the price schedule.
Price Type Price type in which price schedule is defined: DEFAULT or ORIGINAL.
Start from (included) Date on which the price specified by the price schedule gets applied.
Finish at (included) Date on which the price specified by the price schedule gets reverted back.

Downloading scheduled price imports

  1. On the Scheduled Prices page, next to the scheduled price import that you want to download, click Download
  2. Confirm the action in the pop-up window.

Deleting scheduled price imports

  1. On the Scheduled Prices page, next to the import that you want to delete, click Delete.
  2. On the Delete Import page, click Yes, delete those prices to confirm the action.
  • All the scheduled prices in an import are deleted when the import is deleted.
  • Performing this action triggers the scheduled prices cron job to be run for the products which have had corresponding scheduled prices in this import.

Deleting scheduled prices

  1. On the Scheduled Prices page, click Edit next to the import in which the scheduled price that you want to delete is located.
  2. On the Edit Import page, click Delete next to the scheduled price that you want to delete.
  3. Click Yes, delete this price to confirm the action.

Performing this action triggers the scheduled prices cron job to be run for the product the scheduled price of which you delete.