Calculation data structure

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The following diagram illustrates the calculation data structure. calculation-data-structure-diagram

Quote transfer

QuoteTransfer is the main data transfer object used in Cart, Calculation, and Checkout, as well as when an order is placed. This object is created when the first item is added to the cart.

The entire data object is stored in the session, and it consists of the following fields:

totals (TotalsTransfer) The total of the order.
items (ItemTransfer[]) The CartItem collection.
voucherDiscounts (DiscountTransfer[])
cartRuleDiscounts (DiscountTransfer[])
expenses (ExpenseTransfer)
priceMode (int) The quote object’s price mode.

Totals transfer

TotalsTransfer is a data object holding cart totals, subtotal, expenses (shipping), discount total, and grand total. Amounts for the order level are stored here.

subtotal (int) The calculated total amount before taxes and discounts. It’s set by SubtotalCalculatorPlugin.
expenseTotal (int) The total expenses amount (shipping). It’s set by ExpenseTotalCalculatorPlugin.
discountTotal (int) The total discount amount. It’s set by DiscountTotalCalculatorPlugin.
taxTotal (TaxTotalsTransfer) The tax totals for current cart. It’s set by TaxTotalCalculatorPlugin.
grandTotal (int) The total amount the customer needs to pay after the discounts are applied. It’s set by GrandTotalCalculatorPlugin calculator plugin.
refundTotal (int) The total refundable amount. It’s set by RefundTotalCalculatorPlugin calculator plugin.
canceledTotal (int) The total canceled amount. It’s set by CanceledTotalCalculationPlugin calculator plugin.
hash (string) The hash from total values to identify amount changes. It’s set by GrandTotalCalculatorPlugin.

Tax total transfer

TaxTotalsTransfer holds taxRate and taxAmount used for the grandTotal.

amount (int) The current tax amount from grandTotal.

Item transfer

ItemTransfer is a cart item transfer, which holds single product information.

quantity (int) The number of items selected.
unitGrossPrice (int) A single item gross price set with CartItemPricePlugin (cart expander).
sumGrossPrice (int) The sum of item’s gross price, calculated with PriceCalculatorPlugin.
unitNetPrice (int) A single item net price, set with CartItemPricePlugin (cart expander).
sumNetPrice (int) The sum of items net price, calculated with PriceCalculatorPlugin.
unitPrice (int) A single item price without assuming whether it’s new or gross. This value must be used everywhere the price is displayed. It lets you switch tax mode without side effects. It’s set with CartItemPricePlugin (cart expander).
sumPrice (int) The sum of item’s price calculated with PriceCalculatorPlugin.
taxRate (float) The current tax rate set by ProductItemTaxRateCalculatorPlugin.
refundableAmount (int) The item’s available refundable amount (order only). It’s set by RefundableAmountCalculatorPlugin.
unitTaxAmount (int) The tax amount for a single item after discounts. It’s set by TaxAmountCalculatorPlugin.
sumTaxAmount (int) The tax amount for a sum of items (order only). It’s set by TaxAmountCalculatorPlugin.
Calculated Discount Transfer [] Item calculated discount collection. It’s set by DiscountCalculatorPlugin.
canceledAmount (int) The canceled amount for this item (order only). It’s set by the refund when the refund occurs.
unitTaxAmountFullAggregation (int) The total tax amount for a given item with additions. It’s set by ItemTaxAmountFullAggregatorPlugin.
sumTaxAmountFullAggregation (int) The total tax amount for a given sum of items with additions. It’s set by ItemTaxAmountFullAggregatorPlugin.
unitProductOptionAggregation (int) The item price with product options. It’s set by ItemProductOptionPriceAggregatorPlugin.
sumProductOptionAggregation (int) The sum item price with product options. It’s set by ItemProductOptionPriceAggregatorPlugin.
unitDiscountAmountAggregation (int) The item total discount amount. It’s set by DiscountAmountAggregatorPlugin.
sumDiscountAmountAggregation (int) Sum The item total discount amount. It’s set by DiscountAmountAggregatorPlugin.
unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation (int) The item total discount amount with additions. It’s set by ItemDiscountAmountFullAggregatorPlugin.
sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation (int) The sum item total discount amount with additions. It’s set by ItemDiscountAmountFullAggregatorPlugin.
unitPriceToPayAggregation (int) The item’s total price to pay after discounts with additions. It’s set by PriceToPayAggregatorPlugin.
sumPriceToPayAggregation (int) The sum item total price to pay after discounts with additions. It’s set by PriceToPayAggregatorPlugin.
taxRateAverageAggregation (float) The item’s tax rate average, with additions used when recalculating the tax amount after a cancellation. It’s set by TaxRateAverageAggregatorPlugin.
taxAmountAfterCancellation (int) The tax amount after a cancellation, recalculated using the tax average and set by TaxAmountAfterCancellationCalculatorPlugin.

Calculated discount transfer

Each item that can have discounts applied has the calculatedDiscounts property, which holds the collection of discounts for each discount type.

displayName (string) The applied discount name.
description (string) The applied discount description.
voucherCode (string) The used voucher code.
quantity(int) The number of discounted items.
unitGrossAmount (int) The discount gross amount for single items. It’s set by DiscountCalculatorPlugin.
sumGrossAmount (int) The discount gross amount for a sum of items. It’s set by DiscountCalculatorPlugin.

Product option transfer

ProductOptionTransfer: some items may have product option collection attached to them, which also have amounts calculated.

idSalesOrderItemOption (int) The unique ID option of the sales order item stored after the order is placed.
unitGrossPrice (int) The single item gross price. It’s set by CartItemProductOptionPlugin (cart expander).
sumGrossPrice (int) The sum of items gross price. It’s set by PriceCalculatorPlugin (cart expander).
unitNetPrice (int) A single item’s net price. It’s set by CartItemProductOptionPlugin (cart expander)
sumNetPrice (int) The sum of items net price. It’s set by PriceCalculatorPlugin (cart expander).
unitPrice (int) A single item’s price without assuming whether it’s new or gross. This value must be used everywhere where the price is displayed. It lets you switch tax mode without side effects. It’s set by PriceCalculatorPlugin (cart expander).
taxRate (float) The tax rate in percent. It’s set by ProductOptionTaxRateCalculatorPlugin (cart expander).
calculatedDiscounts[] (CalculatedDiscountTransfer) Product Option calculated discount collection. It’s set by DiscountCalculatorPlugin.
refundableAmount (int) The item’s available refundable amount (order only). It’s set by RefundableAmountCalculatorPlugin.
unitTaxAmount (int) The tax amount for single product option (order only). It’s set by TaxAmountCalculatorPlugin.
sumTaxAmount (int) The tax amount for a sum of product options (order only). It’s set by TaxAmountCalculatorPlugin.
unitDiscountAmountAggregation (int) The product option total discount amount. It’s set by DiscountAmountAggregatorPlugin.
sumDiscountAmountAggregation (int) The sum of product option total discount amount. It’s set by DiscountAmountAggregatorPlugin.

Discount transfer

DiscountTransfer is a collection of discounts used in all QuoteTransfer discountable items such as voucherDiscounts and cartRuleDiscounts.

amount (int) The total discount amount used for this discount type. It’s set by DiscountCalculatorPlugin.

Expense transfer

sumGrossPrice (int) The sum of item gross price. It’s set by PriceCalculatorPlugin.
unitGrossPrice (string) A single expense price — for example, shipment expenses are set in Checkout ShipmentStep.
sumNetPrice (int) The sum of item net price. It’s set by PriceCalculatorPlugin.
unitNetPrice (string) A single net price — for example, shipment expenses are set in Checkout ShipmentStep.
taxRate (float) The tax rate in percentages. It’s set by ShipmentTaxRateCalculatorPlugin.
unitPrice (int) A single item price without assuming whether it’s new or gross. This value must be used everywhere the price is displayed. It lets you switch the tax mode without side effects. It’s set by PriceCalculatorPlugin (cart expander).
sumPrice (int) The sum of items price. It’s set by PriceCalculatorPlugin (cart expander).
Calculated Discount Transfer The list of applied discounts for this item.
quantity (int) The number of items.
refundableAmount (int) The total refundable amount for this item (order only). It’s set by RefundableAmountCalculatorPlugin.
canceledAmount (int) The total canceled amount for this item (order only). It’s set by the refund.
unitTaxAmount (int) The tax amount for a single item after discounts. It’s set by TaxAmountCalculatorPlugin.
sumTaxAmount (int) The tax amount for a sum of items after discounts. It’s set by TaxAmountCalculatorPlugin.
unitDiscountAmountAggregation (int) The expense total discount amount. It’s set by DiscountAmountAggregatorPlugin.
sumDiscountAmountAggregation (int) The sum of expense total discount amount. It’s set by DiscountAmountAggregatorPlugin.