Installing and configuring Inxmail

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This document describes how to install and configure Inxmail.


To install Inxmail run the command in the console:

 composer require spryker-eco/inxmail:1.1.0


The module supports only a subset of Inxmail REST API—transactional emails (events).

To set up the Inxmail initial configuration, use the credentials you received from your Inxmail server. Key ID and secret you can get from Settings → API keys panel on Inxmail server:

 $config[InxmailConstants::API_EVENT_URL] = '';
 $config[InxmailConstants::KEY_ID] = '';
 $config[InxmailConstants::SECRET] = '';

Event names depend on your events names on Inxmail server:

 $config[InxmailConstants::EVENT_CUSTOMER_REGISTRATION] = '';
 $config[InxmailConstants::EVENT_CUSTOMER_RESET_PASSWORD] = '';
 $config[InxmailConstants::EVENT_ORDER_NEW] = '';
 $config[InxmailConstants::EVENT_ORDER_SHIPPING_CONFIRMATION] = '';
 $config[InxmailConstants::EVENT_ORDER_CANCELLED] = '';
 $config[InxmailConstants::EVENT_ORDER_PAYMENT_IS_NOT_RECEIVED] = '';