Glue API: Retrieve alternative products
Edit on GitHubThe Alternative Products feature allows customers to find a substitute for a product that runs out of stock or is no longer available for other reasons. The feature is particularly useful when a certain product becomes discontinued. In this case, customers usually look for an up-to-date generation of the same product, and suggesting possible alternatives is crucial. For more details, see Alternative Products and Discontinued Products.
The Product Alternatives API provides access to alternative products via REST API requests. In particular, you can:
- Find out whether a concrete product is discontinued.
- Retrieve a list of alternative products of a product.
In your development, the endpoints help to:
- Provide alternatives for a product that runs out or unavailable, for example, because of local restrictions.
- Provide alternatives if a product is discontinued.
- Make alternative products available to customers in their shopping list or suggestions area to make searching and comparing similar products easier.
For detailed information on the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see Install the Alternative Products Glue API.
Check if a product is discontinued
Before suggesting an alternative product, check if a product is discontinued by retrieving a concrete product.
It is the responsibility of the client to identify if a product is unavailable and when to provide alternatives. The API only provides information on availability, discontinued status and possible alternatives.
Retrieve abstract alternative products
To retrieve abstract alternative products, send the request:
{{concrete_product_sku}} | SKU of a concrete product to get abstract alternative products of. |
include | Adds resource relationships to the request. | product-labels |
Retrieve abstract product alternatives of the product with SKU 145_29885470 . |
Retrieve general information about the abstract product with its assigned product labels included. |
Response sample: retrieve abstract product alternatives of the product
"data": [
"type": "abstract-products",
"id": "cable-hdmi-1",
"attributes": {
"sku": "cable-hdmi-1",
"averageRating": null,
"reviewCount": 0,
"name": "HDMI cable",
"description": "Enjoy clear, crisp, immediate connectivity with the High-Speed HDMI Cable. This quality High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) cable allows you to connect a wide variety of devices in the realms of home entertainment, computing, gaming, and more to your HDTV, projector, or monitor. Perfect for those that interact with multiple platforms and devices, you can rely on strong performance and playback delivery when it comes to your digital experience.",
"attributes": [],
"superAttributesDefinition": [],
"superAttributes": {
"packaging_unit": [
"As long as you want",
"attributeMap": {
"product_concrete_ids": [
"super_attributes": {
"packaging_unit": [
"As long as you want",
"attribute_variants": {
"packaging_unit:As long as you want": {
"id_product_concrete": "cable-hdmi-1-2"
"packaging_unit:Ring": {
"id_product_concrete": "cable-hdmi-1-1"
"metaTitle": "",
"metaKeywords": "",
"metaDescription": "",
"attributeNames": {
"packaging_unit": "Packaging unit"
"url": "/en/hdmi-cable-1"
"links": {
"self": ""
"links": {
"self": ""
Response sample: retrieve abstract product alternatives of the product with the details on the product labels
"data": [
"type": "abstract-products",
"id": "cable-hdmi-1",
"attributes": {
"sku": "cable-hdmi-1",
"averageRating": null,
"reviewCount": 0,
"name": "HDMI cable",
"description": "Enjoy clear, crisp, immediate connectivity with the High-Speed HDMI Cable. This quality High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) cable allows you to connect a wide variety of devices in the realms of home entertainment, computing, gaming, and more to your HDTV, projector, or monitor. Perfect for those that interact with multiple platforms and devices, you can rely on strong performance and playback delivery when it comes to your digital experience.",
"attributes": [],
"superAttributesDefinition": [],
"superAttributes": {
"packaging_unit": [
"As long as you want",
"attributeMap": {
"product_concrete_ids": [
"super_attributes": {
"packaging_unit": [
"As long as you want",
"attribute_variants": {
"packaging_unit:As long as you want": {
"id_product_concrete": "cable-hdmi-1-2"
"packaging_unit:Ring": {
"id_product_concrete": "cable-hdmi-1-1"
"metaTitle": "",
"metaKeywords": "",
"metaDescription": "",
"attributeNames": {
"packaging_unit": "Packaging unit"
"url": "/en/hdmi-cable-1"
"links": {
"self": ""
"relationships": {
"product-labels": {
"data": [
"type": "product-labels",
"id": "3"
"links": {
"self": ""
"included": [
"type": "product-labels",
"id": "3",
"attributes": {
"name": "New product",
"isExclusive": false,
"position": 1,
"frontEndReference": null
"links": {
"self": ""
Retrieve concrete alternative products
To retrieve concrete alternative products, send the request:
{{concrete_product_sku}} | SKU of a concrete product to get concrete alternative products of. |
include | Adds resource relationships to the request. | product-labels |
Retrieve concrete product alternatives of the product with SKU 145_29885470 . |
Retrieve concrete product alternatives with the assigned product labels included. |
Response sample: retrieve concrete product alternatives of the product
"data": [
"type": "concrete-products",
"id": "cable-hdmi-1-2",
"attributes": {
"sku": "cable-hdmi-1-2",
"isDiscontinued": false,
"discontinuedNote": null,
"averageRating": null,
"reviewCount": 0,
"name": "HDMI cable as long as you want",
"description": "Enjoy clear, crisp, immediate connectivity with the High-Speed HDMI Cable. This quality High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) cable allows you to connect a wide variety of devices in the realms of home entertainment, computing, gaming, and more to your HDTV, projector, or monitor. Perfect for those that interact with multiple platforms and devices, you can rely on strong performance and playback delivery when it comes to your digital experience.",
"attributes": {
"packaging_unit": "As long as you want"
"superAttributesDefinition": [
"metaTitle": "",
"metaKeywords": "",
"metaDescription": "",
"attributeNames": {
"packaging_unit": "Packaging unit"
"links": {
"self": ""
"links": {
"self": ""
Response sample: retrieve concrete product alternatives of the product with the details on the product labels
"data": [
"type": "concrete-products",
"id": "cable-hdmi-1-2",
"attributes": {
"sku": "cable-hdmi-1-2",
"isDiscontinued": false,
"discontinuedNote": null,
"averageRating": null,
"reviewCount": 0,
"name": "HDMI cable as long as you want",
"description": "Enjoy clear, crisp, immediate connectivity with the High-Speed HDMI Cable. This quality High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) cable allows you to connect a wide variety of devices in the realms of home entertainment, computing, gaming, and more to your HDTV, projector, or monitor. Perfect for those that interact with multiple platforms and devices, you can rely on strong performance and playback delivery when it comes to your digital experience.",
"attributes": {
"packaging_unit": "As long as you want"
"superAttributesDefinition": [
"metaTitle": "",
"metaKeywords": "",
"metaDescription": "",
"attributeNames": {
"packaging_unit": "Packaging unit"
"links": {
"self": ""
"relationships": {
"product-labels": {
"data": [
"type": "product-labels",
"id": "3"
"links": {
"self": ""
"included": [
"type": "product-labels",
"id": "3",
"attributes": {
"name": "New product",
"isExclusive": false,
"position": 1,
"frontEndReference": null
"links": {
"self": ""
abstract-products | sku | String | SKU of the abstract product. |
abstract-products | averageRating | String | Average rating of the product based on customer rating. |
abstract-products | reviewCount | Integer | Number of reviews left by customer for this abstract product. |
abstract-products | name | String | Name of the abstract product. |
abstract-products | description | String | Description of the abstract product. |
abstract-products | attributes | Object | List of attributes and their values. |
abstract-products | superAttributeDefinition | String | Attributes flagged as super attributes that are, however, not relevant to distinguish between the product variants. |
abstract-products | attributeMap | Object | Each super attribute / value combination and the corresponding concrete product IDs are listed here. |
abstract-products | attributeMap.super_attributes | Object | Applicable super attribute and its values for the product variants. |
abstract-products | attributeMap.attribute_variants | Object | List of super attributes with the list of values. |
abstract-products | attributeMap.product_concrete_ids | String | Product IDs of the product variants. |
abstract-products | metaTitle | String | Meta title of the product. |
abstract-products | metaKeywords | String | Meta keywords of the product. |
abstract-products | metaDescription | String | Meta description of the product. |
abstract-products | attributeNames | Object | All non-super attribute / value combinations for the abstract product. |
product-labels | name | String | Specifies the label name. |
product-labels | isExclusive | Boolean | Indicates whether the label is exclusive .If the attribute is set to true, the current label takes precedence over other labels the product might have. This means that only the current label should be displayed for the product, and all other possible labels should be hidden. |
product-labels | position | Integer | Indicates the label priority. Labels should be indicated on the frontend according to their priority, from the highest (1) to the lowest, unless a product has a label with the isExclusive attribute set. |
product-labels | frontEndReference | String | Specifies the label custom label type (CSS class). If the attribute is an empty string, the label should be displayed using the default CSS style. |
concrete-products | sku | String | SKU of the concrete product. |
concrete-products | isDiscontinued | Boolean | Specifies whether a product is discontinued: true - the product is discontinued and requires a replacement item; false—the product is not discontinued. |
concrete-products | discontinuedNote | String | Optional note that was specified when marking a product as discontinued. |
concrete-products | averageRating | String | Average rating of the product based on customer rating. |
concrete-products | reviewCount | Integer | Number of reviews left by customer for this product. |
concrete-products | name | String | Name of the concrete product. |
concrete-products | description | String | Description of the concrete product. |
concrete-products | attributes | Object | List of attribute keys and their values for the product. |
concrete-products | superAttributeDefinition | String | List of attributes that are flagged as super attributes. |
concrete-products | metaTitle | String | Meta title of the product. |
concrete-products | metaKeywords | String | Meta keywords of the product. |
concrete-products | metaDescription | String | Meta description of the product. |
concrete-products | attributeNames | String | List of attribute keys and their translations. |
concrete-products | productAbstractSku | String | Unique identifier of the abstract product owning this concrete product. |
Possible errors
302 | Concrete product is not found. |
312 | Concrete product is ID not specified. |
To view generic errors that originate from the Glue Application, see Reference information: GlueApplication errors.
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