Marketplace data import
Edit on GitHubThe Marketplace setup category contains data required to set up the Marketplace environment.
The following table provides details about Marketplace setup data importers, their purpose, CSV files, dependencies, and other details. Each data importer contains links to CSV files to import the corresponding data, including specifications of mandatory and unique fields, dependencies, detailed explanations, recommendations, templates, and content examples.
Merchants | Imports basic merchant information. | data:import merchant |
merchant.csv | merchant_profile.csv |
Merchant profile | Imports merchant profile information. | data:import merchant-profile |
merchant_profile.csv | merchant.csv |
Merchant profile addresses | Imports merchant addresses. | data:import merchant-profile-address |
merchant_profile_address.csv | merchant_profile.csv |
Merchant opening hours | Imports default opening hours schedule. | data:import merchant-opening-hours-weekday-schedule |
merchant_open_hours_week_day_schedule.csv | merchant.csv |
Imports special opening hours schedule including holidays. | data:import merchant-opening-hours-date-schedule |
merchant_open_hours_date_schedule.csv | merchant.csv | |
Merchant category | Imports merchant categories. | data:import merchant-category |
merchant_category.csv | merchant.csv |
Merchant users | Imports merchant users of the merchant. | data:import merchant-user |
merchant_user.csv | merchant.csv |
Merchant stores | Imports merchant stores. | data:import merchant-store |
merchant_store.csv |
Merchant stock | Imports merchant stock details. | data:import merchant-stock |
merchant_stock.csv | |
Merchant OMS processes | Imports Merchant OMS processes. | data:import merchant-oms-process |
merchant_oms_process.csv |
Merchant product offer | Imports basic merchant product offer information. | data:import merchant-product-offer |
merchant_product_offer.csv | |
Merchant product offer price | Imports product offer prices. | data:import price-product-offer |
price-product-offer.csv | |
Merchant product offer stock | Imports merchant product stock. | data:import product-offer-stock |
product_offer_stock.csv | |
Merchant product offer stores | Imports merchant product offer stores. | data:import merchant-product-offer-store |
merchant_product_offer_store.csv |
Validity of the merchant product offers | Imports the validity of the merchant product offers. | data:import product-offer-validity |
product_offer_validity.csv | merchant_product_offer.csv |
Merchant product offers | Imports full product offer information via a single file. | data:import --config data/import/common/combined_merchant_product_offer_import_config_{store}.yml |
combined_merchant_product_offer.csv |
Merchant products | Imports marketplace products. | data:import merchant-product |
merchant_product.csv | |
Merchant order | Updates the status of the merchant order item. | order-oms:status-import merchant-order-status |
merchant-order-status.csv | |
Product offer shopping list | Imports product offers into the shopping list with product offers. | console data:import product-offer-shopping-list-item |
product_offer_shopping_list.csv |
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