System requirements

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System requirements (apps based on Spryker Framework)

OS Native: Linux
Web server NginX or any web server supporting PHP, like lighttpd, Apache, or Cherokee.
Databases For cloud environments, MariaDB >= 10.4 preferred. For on-premise environments, PostgreSQL >=17 or MySQL >=5.7.
PHP PHP >=8.2 with the following extensions: curl, json, mysql, pdo-sqlite, sqlite3, gd, intl, mysqli, pgsql, ssh2, gmp, mcrypt, pdo-mysql, readline, twig, imagick, memcache, pdo-pgsql, redis, xml, bz2, and mbstring. For details about supported PHP versions, see Supported Versions of PHP
SSL For production environments, a valid security certificate is required for HTTPS.
Redis Versions 5.0 and 6.2
Elasticsearch Version >=7.0
RabbitMQ Version >=3.7
Jenkins (for cronjob management) Version >=2.0
Graphviz (for state machine visualization) Version >=2.0
Node.js Version >= 18.0.0
npm Version >= 9.0.0
Intranet Back Office application must be secured in an Intranet using VPN, Basic Auth, IP allowlist, or DMZ.
Available languages German and English. UTF-8 left-to-right languages are fully supported.

Marketplace system requirements

Web server NginX or any web server supporting PHP, like lighttpd, Apache, or Cherokee.
Databases MariaDB >= 10.4 preferred, PostgreSQL >=17, or MySQL >=5.7.
PHP PHP >=8.1 with the following extensions: curl, json, mysql, pdo-sqlite, sqlite3, gd, intl, mysqli, pgsql, ssh2, gmp, mcrypt, pdo-mysql, readline, twig, imagick, memcache, pdo-pgsql, redis, xml, bz2, mbstring. For details about supported PHP versions, see Supported Versions of PHP.
SSL For production systems, a valid security certificate is required for HTTPS.
Redis Versions 5.0 and 6.2
Elasticsearch Version >=7.0
RabbitMQ Version >=3.7
Jenkins (for cronjob management) Version >=2.0
Graphviz (for state machine visualization) Version >=2.0
Symfony Versions 5.0, and 6.0
Node.js Version >= 18.0.0
Intranet Back Office application must be secured in an Intranet using VPN, Basic Auth, IP allowlist, or DMZ.
Spryker Commerce OS Version >= 202410.0