Glue Spryks

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Spryker SDK facilitates Glue API Resource development by providing a set of code generation tools, called Spryks. Usage of Spryks not only provides an easy and fast way of performing various tasks, but also ensures that the generated code is fully compatible with Spryker and that all coding, naming and other conventions are observed. For more information on Spryks, see Spryks.

This document describes the Spryks available for Glue API development and their arguments.

To perform the requested operations, besides the Spryks called by the user, other Spryks can be called automatically. The reference includes, for each Spryk, only its own arguments.

To call a Spryk, you can use the following console commands:

  • vendor/bin/spryk-run {SPRYK NAME}: to call a Spryk and input the arguments interactively, one-by-one.
  • vendor/bin/spryk-run {SPRYK NAME} --{argument name}={argument value}: to call a Spryk and pass the named arguments in one pass.

Glue module management

AddGlueBasicStructure Adds a new Glue layer with basic structure to the given module with the minimum number of required folders and files.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

resourceType - specifies the resource type.
By default, the resource type is the same as the module name without the RestApi suffix (if present), lower case. For example, if the module name is MyResourceRestApi, the default resource type is myresource.
For more details, see section Resource Routing in Glue Infrastructure.
AddGlueConfig Adds a Glue configuration file for the given module.
The file will be created as src/Pyz/Glue/[ModuleName]/[ModuleName]Config.php.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.
AddGlueConfigConstant Adds a new constant to the Glue configuration file of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • name - name of the constant;
  • value - value of the constant.

Adding resources

AddGlueGetResource Adds a new GET Resource to the given resources of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • resourceType - specifies the type of API resources that will be retrieved.
  • clientModule - specifies the module that provides the functionality to retrieve the items represented by the given API resources. The module must have the Client layer.
  • clientMethod - specifies the method in the clientModule that will be used to retrieve the items represented by the given API resources.
AddGlueDeleteResource Adds a new DELETE Resource to the given resource of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • resourceType - specifies the type of API resources that will be deleted.
  • clientModule - specifies the module that provides the functionality to delete the items represented by the given API resources. The module must have the Client layer.
  • clientMethod - specifies the method in the clientModule that will be used to delete the items represented by the given API resources.
AddGluePatchResource Adds a new PATCH Resource to the given resource of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • resourceType - specifies the type of API resources that will be modified.
  • clientModule - specifies the module that provides the functionality to modify the items represented by the given API resources. The module must have the Client layer.
  • clientMethod - specifies the method in the clientModule that will be used to modify the items represented by the given API resources.
AddGluePostResource Adds a new POST Resource to the given resource of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • resourceType - specifies the type of API resources that will be created.
  • clientModule - specifies the module that provides the functionality to create the items represented by the given API resources. The module must have the Client layer.
  • clientMethod - specifies the method in the clientModule that will be used to create the items represented by the given API resources.
AddGlueResource Adds a new resource to the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • className - specifies the PHP class name for the resource.
  • interfaceName - specifies the PHP interface name for the resource. By default, it’s the same as the class name plus the Interface suffix.
AddGlueResourceInterface Adds a new resource interface to the given module. The resource must have a resource class associated with it.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • className - specifies the PHP class name for the resource.
  • interfaceName - specifies the PHP interface name for the resource. By default, it’s the same as the class name plus the Interface suffix.

Routing management

AddGlueResourceRoute Adds a routing for the given resource type of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • resourceType - specifies the resource type.
  • resourceRouteMethod - specifies the resource method that needs to be routed.
AddGlueResourceRoutePlugin Adds a new resource route plugin for the given resource type of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

resourceType - specifies the resource type.

For more details, see section Resource Routing in Glue Infrastructure.

Managing resource relationships

AddGlueResourceRelationshipPlugin Adds a resource-type-by-relationship-parameter relationship between 2 resources. Adds the corresponding relationship plugin to the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • resourceType - specifies the resource type to add the relationship for.
  • relationshipParameter - specifies the parameter through which the two resources are related to each other

For more details, see section Resource Relationships in Glue Infrastructure.

Controller management

AddGlueController Adds a new Glue controller to the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

controller - specifies the controller name.
AddGlueControllerDeleteCollectionAction Adds a new deleteCollection action to the controller of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • controller - specifies the name of the controller class to which the action will be added.
  • controllerMethod - specifies the name of the controller method to add. By default, deleteCollectionAction.
  • input - specifies input parameters for the action which will be added.
  • resourceType - specifies the type of API resources that will be deleted.
  • modelSuffix - specifies the suffix to be used in the name of the model that will be invoked by the method. The default suffix is Deleter.
AddGlueControllerDeleteAction Adds a new delete action to the controller of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • controller - specifies the name of the controller class to which the action will be added.
  • controllerMethod - specifies the name of the controller method to add. By default, deleteAction.
  • input - specifies input parameters for the action which will be added.
  • resourceType - specifies the type of API resources that will be deleted.
  • modelSuffix - specifies the suffix to be used in the name of the model that will be invoked by the method. The default suffix is Deleter.
AddGlueControllerGetCollectionAction Adds a new getCollection action to the controller of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • controller - specifies the name of the controller class to which the action will be added.
  • controllerMethod - specifies the name of the controller method to add. By default, getCollectionAction.
  • input - specifies input parameters for the action which will be added.
  • resourceType - specifies the type of API resources that will be retrieved.
  • modelSuffix - specifies the suffix to be used in the name of the model that will be invoked by the method. The default suffix is Getter.
AddGlueControllerGetAction Adds a new get action to the controller of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • controller - specifies the name of the controller class to which the action will be added.
  • controllerMethod - specifies the name of the controller method to add. By default, getAction.
  • input - specifies input parameters for the action which will be added.
  • resourceType - specifies the type of API resources that will be retrieved.
  • modelSuffix - specifies the suffix to be used in the name of the model that will be invoked by the method. The default suffix is Getter.
AddGlueControllerPatchAction Adds a new patch action to the controller of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • controller - specifies the name of the controller class to which the action will be added.
  • controllerMethod - specifies the name of the controller method to add. By default, patchAction.
  • input - specifies input parameters for the action which will be added.
  • resourceType - specifies the type of API resources that will be modified.
  • modelSuffix - specifies the suffix to be used in the name of the model that will be invoked by the method. The default suffix is Updater.
AddGlueControllerPostAction Adds a new post action to the controller of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • controller - specifies the name of the controller class to which the action will be added.
  • controllerMethod - specifies the name of the controller method to add. By default, postAction.
  • input - specifies input parameters for the action which will be added.
  • resourceType - specifies the type of API resources that will be created.
  • modelSuffix - specifies the suffix to be used in the name of the model that will be invoked by the method. The default suffix is Creator.

For more details, see section Controller management in Glue Infrastructure.

Action plugin management

AddGlueControllerBeforeActionPlugin Adds a new before action plugin to the given business model of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

modelName - specifies the model name.
It will be used as a prefix for the plugin name. For example, if you specify My for modelName, the resulting plugin name will be SetMyControllerBeforeActionPlugin.
AddGlueControllerAfterActionPlugin Adds a new after action plugin to the given business model of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module.
  • applicationType - specifies which application type should be used: Backend or Storefront. By default the Backend application type is used.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

modelName - specifies the model name.
It will be used as a prefix for the plugin name. For example, if you specify My for modelName, the resulting plugin name will be SetMyControllerAfterActionPlugin.

Dependency management

AddGlueDependencyProvider Adds a new dependency provider class to the given module.
  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.
AddGlueDependencyClientBridge Adds a new module-to-dependent-module Client bridge.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization in which to create the bridge.
    The default is Spryker.
  • module - specifies the name of the module, where to create the bridge.
  • dependentModuleOrganization - specifies the name of the organization where the dependent module is located.
    The default is Spryker.
  • dependentModule - specifies the name of the dependent module.
AddGlueDependencyClientInterface Adds a new module-to-dependent-module Client bridge interface.
  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization in which to create the bridge interface.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module, where to create the bridge interface.
  • dependentModuleOrganization - specifies the name of the organization where the dependent module is located.
    The default is Spryker.
  • dependentModule - specifies the name of the dependent module.
AddGlueDependencyClientBridgeInterfaceMethod Adds a new method to the interface of a module-to-dependent-module Client bridge.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization in which to create the interface.
    The default is Spryker.
  • module - specifies the name of the module, where to create the bridge.
  • dependentModuleOrganization - specifies the name of the organization where the dependent module is located.
    The default is Spryker.
  • dependentModule - specifies the name of the dependent module.
  • methods - specifies the method of the source module to create an interface for.
AddGlueDependencyClientBridgeMethod Adds a new method to a module-to-dependent-module Client bridge.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization in which to create the method.
    The default is Spryker.
  • module - specifies the name of the module, where to create the method.
  • dependentModuleOrganization - specifies the name of the organization where the dependent module is located.
    The default is Spryker.
  • dependentModule - specifies the name of the dependent module.
  • methods - specifies the method of the source module to create the bridge for.
AddGlueDependencyClientDependencyProviderConstant Adds a Client dependency constant to the dependency provider of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization in which to create the constant.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module, where to add the constant.
  • dependentModule - specifies the name of the dependent module.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • name - specifies the name of the constant.
  • value - specifies the value of the constant.
AddGlueDependencyClientDependencyProviderMethod Adds a Client dependency method to the dependency provider of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization in which to create the method.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module, where to add the method.
  • dependentModule - specifies the name of the dependent module.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

providerMethod - specifies the method name.
AddGlueDependencyClientFactoryMethod Adds a Client dependency method to the factory of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization in which to create the method.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module, where to add the constant.
  • dependentModule - specifies the name of the dependent module.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

factoryMethod - specifies the method name.
AddGlueDependencyClientToDependencyProvider Adds a Client dependency method to the Container of the dependency provider of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization in which to create the method.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the name of the module, where to add the provider.
  • dependentModule - specifies the name of the dependent module.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

providerMethod - specifies the method name.
By default, it consists of the dependant module name plus the Client prefix.

Factory management

AddGlueFactory Adds a new factory to the given module.
  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.
AddGlueFactoryMethod Adds a create class method to the factory of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization: name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • subDirectory - specifies the subdirectory of the class for which the method is created.
  • className - specifies the name of the class for which the method is created.
AddGlueMapperFactoryMethod Adds a create mapper method to the factory of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization: name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • subDirectory - specifies the subdirectory of the mapper for which the method is created.
  • className - specifies the name of the mapper for which the method is created.
AddGlueResourceRestResponseBuilderFactoryMethod Adds a method of the response builder to the factory of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • subDirectory - specifies the name of the subdirectory where the method is located.
    The subdirectory must be located in the Processor directory of the module root folder.
  • className - specifies the method class name.

Request and response format

AddGlueFormatRequestPlugin Adds a new request format plugin to the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

modelName - specifies the name of the request format model that will be implemented by the plugin.
AddGlueFormatResponseDataPlugin Adds a new response data format plugin to the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

modelName - specifies the name of the response data format model that will be implemented by the plugin.
AddGlueFormatResponseHeadersPlugin Adds a new response header format plugin to the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

modelName - specifies the name of the response headers format model that will be implemented by the plugin.

Processor management

AddGlueProcessorModel Adds a new processor model to the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization: name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • subDirectory - specifies the subdirectory under the Processor directory where the model will be created.
  • className - specifies the class name for the model.
  • interfaceName - specifies the interface name for the model.
    By default, it’s the same as the class name plus the Interface suffix.
AddGlueProcessorModelInterface Adds a new processor model interface to the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization: name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • subDirectory - specifies the subdirectory under the Processor directory where the model interface will be created.
  • className - specifies the class name for the model.
  • interfaceName - specifies the interface name for the model.
    By default, it’s the same as the class name plus the Interface suffix.
AddGlueProcessorModelMethod Adds a new method to the given processor model.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization: name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • subDirectory - specifies the subdirectory under the Processor directory where the model class is located.
  • className - specifies the class name of the model.
  • input - specifies the name of the input (@param) value of the method.
  • output - specifies the name of the output (@return) value of the method.
AddGlueProcessorModelInterfaceMethod Adds a new method to the given processor model interface.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization: name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • subDirectory - specifies the subdirectory under the Processor directory where the interface class is located.
  • className - specifies the class name of the model.
  • input - specifies the name of the input (@param) value of the method.
  • output - specifies the name of the output (@return) value of the method.

Resource mapper management

AddGlueResourceMapper Adds a new resource mapper model to the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization: name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • subDirectory - specifies the subdirectory under the Processor directory where the model will be created.
    The default subdirectory is Mapper.
  • className - specifies the class name for the model.
  • interfaceName - specifies the interface name for the model.
    By default, it’s the same as the class name plus the Interface suffix.
AddGlueResourceMapperInterface Adds a new resource mapper model Interface.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization: name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • subDirectory - specifies the subdirectory under the Processor directory where the interface will be created.
    The default subdirectory is Mapper.
  • className - specifies the class name for the model.
  • interfaceName - specifies the interface name for the model.
    By default, it’s the same as the class name plus the Interface suffix.
AddGlueResourceMapperMethod Adds a new method to the given resource mapper model.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization: name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • resourceType - specifies the resource type that will be mapped with this method.
  • fromTransfer - specifies the name of the transfer class that will be used to map the properties of rest requests to the resource properties.
  • toTransfer - specifies the name of the transfer class that will be used to map the properties of rest responses to the resource properties.
    The default name for both the transfers consists of the resource type, camel-cased, with the Rest prefix and theAttributesTransfer suffix.
AddGlueResourceMapperInterfaceMethod Adds a new method to the resource mapper model interface.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization: name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • resourceType - specifies the resource type that will be mapped with this method.
  • fromTransfer - specifies the name of the transfer class that will be used to map the properties of rest requests to the resource properties.
  • toTransfer - specifies the name of the transfer class that will be used to map the properties of rest responses to the resource properties.
    The default name for both the transfers consists of the resource type, camel-cased, with the Rest prefix and theAttributesTransfer suffix.

For more details, see section Generic Rest Response in Glue Infrastructure.

Response model management

AddGlueResourceRestResponseBuilderModel Adds a new response builder model to the given resource of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • subDirectory - specifies the name of the subdirectory where to create the model.
    By default, the Spryk uses the RestResponseBuilder subdirectory in the Processor directory of the module root folder.
  • resourceType - specifies the resource type.
  • className - specifies the class name for the model.
    By default, it’s the same as the resource name in singular and capitalized plus the RestResponseBuilder suffix. For example, if the resource name is myresources, the class name is MyresourceRestResponseBuilder.
  • interfaceName - specifies the interface name for the model.
    By default, it’s the same as the class name plus the Interface suffix.
AddGlueResourceRestResponseBuilderModelInterface Adds an interface for a response builder model class of the given module.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

  • subDirectory - specifies the name of the subdirectory where to create the interface.
    By default, the Spryk uses the RestResponseBuilder subdirectory in the Processor directory of the module root folder.
  • resourceType - specifies the resource type.
  • className - specifies the class name for the model.
    By default, it’s the same as the resource name in singular and capitalized plus the RestResponseBuilder suffix. For example, if the resource name is myresources, the class name is MyresourceRestResponseBuilder.
  • interfaceName - specifies the interface name for the model.
    By default, it’s the same as the class name plus the Interface suffix.

Adding validation

AddGlueRestRequestValidatorPlugin Adds a new plugin that validates REST requests.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization: name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

modelName - specifies the model name for the plugin.
AddGlueValidateHttpRequestPlugin Adds a new plugin that validates HTTP requests.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization: name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

modelName - specifies the model name for the plugin.
AddGlueValidation Adds a YAML file for validating requests to the given resource type.

General Arguments:

  • mode - project or core.
    The default is project. For details, see Difference between Core and Project modes.
  • organization - specifies the name of the organization for which to perform the operation.
    The default is Pyz.
  • module - specifies the module name.

Spryk-Specific Arguments:

resourceType - specifies the resource type.

For more details, see Validate REST request format.