Configure the included section

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Responses of Spryker Glue REST API can return the included and relationships sections. The sections contain additional information on the resource requested. Such information is presented in the form of related resources. For example, if you request information on products, the sections can include such additional related resources as image sets, prices, and availability information.

For more details, see Compound Documents.

You can decide whether Glue REST API includes the sections in all responses by default:

  • If you enable the option, API endpoints return all related resources by default. With the help of the include query string you can filter out the unnecessary included resources and request only the information you need.
  • If you disable the option, responses of API endpoints do not contain the included and relationships sections unless you specify the related resources you need via the include query string. When the string is specified, only the resources passed by it are returned.
Example: /concrete-products/177_24867659?include=concrete-product-image-sets Example: /concrete-products/177_24867659
Enabled The included and relationships sections contain only the resources whose names were passed in the query string (resource concrete-product-image-sets per the example). The included section contains all the included resources (if any).
Disabled The response does not contain the included section with related resources. The included section contains all the included resources (if any).
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By default, the option is enabled on the Spryker Core level but disabled on the project level in all Spryker Demo Shops (B2B Demo Shop, B2C Demo Shop and Master Shop Suite).

For the purposes of boosting the API performance and bandwidth usage optimization, it’s recommended to request only the information you need.

To configure the behavior of the included and relationships sections:


To make the option possible, you need to have at least version 1.12.0 of the GlueApplication module installed in your project. For details on how to upgrade, see the Integration Guide.


  1. Open or create the Pyz\Glue\GlueApplication\GlueApplicationConfig.php file on your project level.
  2. Set the value of the getIsEagerRelatedResourcesInclusionEnabled parameter according to the desired behavior:
  • true: Eables related resources everywhere.
  • false: Returns related resources per request only.

Sample implementation


namespace Pyz\Glue\GlueApplication;

use Spryker\Glue\CartsRestApi\CartsRestApiConfig;
use Spryker\Glue\GlueApplication\GlueApplicationConfig as SprykerGlueApplicationConfig;

class GlueApplicationConfig extends SprykerGlueApplicationConfig

     * @return bool
    public function isEagerRelationshipsLoadingEnabled(): bool
        return false;
  1. Send a GET request as follows:

    Make sure that the included and relationships sections of the response contain the concrete-product-image-sets resource only.

Sample response
  data: {
    type: concrete-products,
    id: 177_24867659,
    attributes: {...},
    links: {...},
    relationships: {
      concrete-product-image-sets: {
        data: [
            type: concrete-product-image-sets,
            id: 177_24867659
  included: [
      type: concrete-product-image-sets,
      id: 177_24867659,
      attributes: {
        imageSets: [
            name: default,
            images: [
                externalUrlLarge: //,
                externalUrlSmall: //
      links: {
  1. Send a GET request as follows:

    Make sure that the endpoint responds in accordance with your configuration:

  • If the getIsEagerRelatedResourcesInclusionEnabled parameter is set to true, the included section of the response contains all related resources.
Sample response
  data: {
    type: concrete-products,
    id: 177_24867659,
    attributes: {...},
    links: {...},
    relationships: {
      concrete-product-image-sets: {
        data: [
            type: concrete-product-image-sets,
            id: 177_24867659
      concrete-product-availabilities: {
        data: [
            type: concrete-product-availabilities,
            id: 177_24867659
      concrete-product-prices: {
        data: [
            type: concrete-product-prices,
            id: 177_24867659
  included: [
      type: concrete-product-image-sets,
      id: 177_24867659,
      attributes: {
        imageSets: [
            name: default,
            images: [
                externalUrlLarge: //,
                externalUrlSmall: //
      links: {
      type: concrete-product-availabilities,
      id: 177_24867659,
      attributes: {
        availability: true,
        quantity: 20,
        isNeverOutOfStock: false
      links: {
      type: concrete-product-prices,
      id: 177_24867659,
      attributes: {
        price: 42502,
        prices: [
            priceTypeName: DEFAULT,
            netAmount: null,
            grossAmount: 42502,
            currency: {
              code: EUR,
              name: Euro,
              symbol: €
      links: {

  • If the getIsEagerRelatedResourcesInclusionEnabled parameter is set to false, the included and relationships sections are absent.

    Sample response

      data: {
        type: concrete-products,
        id: 177_24867659,
        attributes: {...},
        links: {...},