Glue API authentication and authorization
Edit on GitHubFor authentication, Spryker implements the OAuth 2.0 mechanism. On the REST API level, it’s represented by the Login API.
To get access to a protected resource, a user obtains an access token. An access token is a JSON Web Token used to identify a user during API calls. Then, they pass the token in the request header.
For security purposes, access tokens have a limited lifetime. When retrieving an access token, the response body also contains the token’s lifetime, in seconds. When the lifetime expires, the token can no longer be used for authentication.
There is also a refresh token in the response. When your access token expires, you can exchange the refresh token for a new access token. The new access token also has a limited lifetime and a new refresh token.
The default lifetime of the access tokens is 8 hours (28800 seconds), and 1 month (2628000 seconds) of the refresh tokens.
For security purposes, when you finish sending requests as a user or if a token gets compromised, we recommend revoking the refresh token. Revoked tokens are marked as expired on the date and time of the request and can no longer be exchanged for access tokens.
Expired tokens are stored in the database, and you can configure them to be deleted.
Authentication in the storefront and backend applications
Below, you can find information about the differences between backend and storefront API modules and Authentication integration..
In the Storefront, authentication is used to authenticate as a customer, and the Backend is used to authenticate as a user.
Accessing protected resources
To access a protected resource, pass the access token in the Authorization
header of your request—example:
GET /protected-resource HTTP/1.1
Host: or
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0...
Cache-Control: no-cache
If authorization is successful, the API performs the requested operation. If authorization fails, the 401 Unathorized
error is returned. The response contains an error code explaining the cause of the error.
Response sample with an error:
"errors": [
"detail": "Invalid access token.",
"status": 401,
"code": "001"
For more details, see:
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