Oryx: Technology

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Oryx is a frontend framework designed to help developers build web applications using modern technologies and leveraging Spryker API.

Wherever possible, Oryx leverages standard technology, frameworks, and tools provided by the web platform and the community.
 It emphasizes utilizing the capabilities of the web and minimizing the reliance on build tools. During development, Oryx primarily employs JavaScript (JS) but aims to reduce the need for executing JS in the browser. It prioritizes HTML and CSS for delivering a fast-loading experience across various screen sizes.

Furthermore, Oryx is framework-agnostic and can seamlessly integrate into various web frameworks like React and Vue.js. This versatility is achieved using a combination of web components for the user interface and vanilla JS for handling business logic. This approach offers the flexibility of using the entire library with its components or to selectively employing specific layers, like the integration logic.

In terms of styling and layout rendering, Oryx adopts a CSS-first approach, considering CSS as the primary method. It recognizes the capabilities of CSS in handling styling and layout tasks without requiring additional JS logic. Oryx tries to avoid loading JS on the client side, loading snippets of JS rather than a full JS framework. This approach minimizes the overall JS payload.

The following technologies are employed in the development of Oryx:


HTML is a markup language used to create web pages and applications. In Oryx, HTML is used to structure the content and layout of the application. It provides a semantic structure to the page, making it easier to understand and maintain. Also, Oryx prioritizes accessibility principles ensuring access to information and functionality for all users.


CSS is a style sheet language used to describe the visual presentation of a document written in HTML.

Oryx uses standard CSS syntax, so CSS preprocessors are not used. Also Oryx doesn’t use a global CSS utility library; instead, styles are isolated per component and global CSS utils are not loaded in them.

Unlike some other CSS methodologies, like Block, Element, or Modifier, Oryx does not rely on a specific naming convention to structure its CSS classes.


TypeScript (TS) is a superset of JS that adds optional static typing, classes, and interfaces to the language. In Oryx, TS provides type safety and better code organization. It enables developers to catch errors early in the development process and provides better code navigation and refactoring capabilities.

Web Components

In Oryx, Web Components are used to create reusable UI components that can be used across the application. It enables developers to create complex components with minimal code duplication and provides better code organization and maintainability. It also means that Oryx components are compatible with any other frontend framework and can be integrated into almost any web application.


Lit’s a lightweight library for creating web components using TS and HTML templates. In Oryx, Lit’s used to create reusable and encapsulated UI components that can be easily styled and extended. It provides a simple and intuitive API for creating custom elements and lets developers write less boilerplate code.

You can use Lit to customize Oryx, but you can also use another framework to build web components. Advantages of using Lit:

  • Reusable component mixins and controllers.
  • Out of the box integration with optimized reactivity and partial hydration concepts.
  • Out of the box integration with server-side rendering (SSR).


RxJS is a reactive programming library for JS. In Oryx, RxJS is used to handle asynchronous operations. It provides a declarative way to handle events and data streams, making it easier to manage complex data flows and state transitions.

RxJS is predominantly used in the service layer to provide a reactive system that emits new values as you navigate through the (SPA) experience. As we try to hide the reactivity altogether to avoid complexity, we avoid using RxJS in the component logic.


Vite is a build tool and development server for modern web projects. In Oryx, Vite is used for fast and efficient development and build times. It provides an optimized build process and a hot-reloading development server, making it easy to develop and test the application in real time. Oryx is not tightly coupled to Vite, and you can use an alternative build tool and development server if you like.


Storybook is an open-source tool for developing UI components in isolation. In Oryx, Storybook is used as a component library to showcase the different UI components in the application. It provides a simple and intuitive way to develop and test UI components in isolation, making it easier to iterate on them and ensure consistency across the application.

Web hosting

Oryx applications are decoupled applications and can be hosted separately. We recommend hosting Oryx applications with a frontend hosting provider. To be able to optimize the deployment, performance, and customization of your Oryx application, look for a provider with the following features:

  • Build process integration: streamlines updates and deployments.
  • HTTP header configuration: improves security, caching, and optimizations.
  • CDN integration: boosts performance and availability by distributing static assets across a network.
  • Rewrites and redirects: simplifies the management of URL structure and routing.
  • Lambda function integration: lets you execute custom logic, server-side operations, and perform server-side rendering.

If your Oryx application requires SSR, make sure the hosting provider has the respective infrastructure. You can run SSR in a Lambda function or have a long-running server that processes SSR.

If your application is fairly static and doesn’t require SSR, you could consider a non-frontend hosting provider.