Datasource Trigger Input
Edit on GitHubDatasource Trigger Input is an Angular service in the components library that extracts the value from an event trigger element and checks if it meets a certain criteria. If the value is valid, it emits an object containing the value.
Service configuration:
type | A datasource type. |
event | An event type triggered by element. |
debounce | Delays the emission of values of the next datasource; by default, delays by 300ms . |
minCharacters | Emits the trigger element value if the length is greater than or equal to the minCharacters property. The default value is 2 . |
datasource | The next datasource that runs based on the depended element value–for example, http. |
Usage example:
type: 'trigger',
event: 'input',
debounce: 400,
minCharacters: 3,
datasource: {
type: 'http',
url: '/request-url',
Service registration
Register the service:
declare module '@spryker/datasource' {
interface DatasourceRegistry {
trigger: DatasourceTriggerService;
imports: [
trigger: DatasourceTriggerService,
input: InputDatasourceTriggerService,
export class RootModule {}
Interfaces for Datasource Trigger Input:
import { DatasourceTriggerConfig } from '@spryker/datasource.trigger';
export interface InputDatasourceTriggerConfig extends DatasourceTriggerConfig {
minCharacters?: number;
export type InputDatasourceTriggerHTMLElement = HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement | HTMLSelectElement;
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