Table Feature Batch Actions

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This document explains the Table Feature Batch Actions component in the Components Library.


Table Feature Batch Actions is a feature of the Table Component that allows triggering batch/multiple actions from rows. As Table Feature Batch Actions is based on the Table Feature Selectable, batch actions must be registered and enabled via the table config. Batch actions are functions that can be performed on multiple items within a table. As soon as at least one row is selected in the table, the batch action bar with allowed actions appears at the top of the table. To escape the batch action mode, it’s necessary to unselect the table rows.

Check out an example usage of the Table Feature Batch Actions in the @spryker/table config.

Component configuration:

  • enabled—enables the feature via the config.
  • noActionsMessage—error message text.
  • actions—an array with actions that are displayed in the top bar, and their type of the registered action.
  • rowIdPath—gets a row id via the column id (in the following example, Sku column).
  • availableActionsPath—path to an array with available action IDs in the top bar (supports nested objects using dot notation for ex. prop.nestedProp).
        dataSource: { ... },
        columns: [ ... ],
        batchActions: {
            enabled: true,
            actions: [
                { id: 'edit', title: 'Edit', type: 'edit-action' },
                { id: 'update', title: 'Update', type: 'update-action' },
            noActionsMessage: 'No available actions for selected rows',
            rowIdPath: 'sku',
            availableActionsPath: '',
        itemSelection: {
            enabled: true,

Component registration

Register the component:

declare module '@spryker/table' {
    interface TableConfig {
        batchActions?: TableBatchActionsConfig;

    imports: [
            batchActions: () =>
                    (m) => m.TableBatchActionsFeatureModule,
            itemSelection: () =>
                    (m) => m.TableSelectableFeatureModule,
export class RootModule {}
// Via HTML
    imports: [
export class RootModule {}

<spy-table [config]="config">
    <spy-table-batch-actions-feature spy-table-feature></spy-table-batch-actions-feature>
    <spy-table-selectable-feature spy-table-feature></spy-table-selectable-feature>


Below you can find interfaces for the Table Feature Batch Actions:

export interface TableBatchActionsConfig extends TableFeatureConfig {
    actions: TableBatchAction[];
    rowIdPath: string;
    noActionsMessage?: string;
    availableActionsPath?: string;

export interface TableBatchAction extends TableActionBase {
    title: string;

export interface TableBatchActionContext {
    rowIds: string[];

export interface SelectedRows
    extends Record<string, unknown>,
        TableSelectionRow {

export interface TableItemActions {
    actions: TableBatchAction[];
    rowIdPath: string;
    selectedRows: SelectedRows[];