Custom Twig Functions for Yves

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To improve developer experience, Twig functionality is extended with custom Twig functions. All the Twig extension implementations are located in the ShopUi module and can be found in ShopUi/src/SprykerShop/Yves/ShopUi/Twig.

  • Provides a safe way to access the public folder where compiled assets are located. Returns a string in the following format:
    {publicAssetsPath}{namespaceName}{themeName}{relativeAssetPath}. For example, /assets/DE/default/css/
    The string is used internally to resolve a component/resource location within a provided module.
  • Provides a safe way to access a remote folder where compiled assets are located, e.g. a CDN (Content Delivery Network) resource. See Custom Location for Static Assets for more details.
function publicPath($relativePath: string): string
  • $relativePath - relative asset path (required).
{{ publicPath('css/') }}
{{ publicPath('js/yves_default.runtime.js') }}
model Resolves a model path and returns a string in the following format:
function model($modelName: string): string
  • $modelName - model name (required).
{% extends model('component') %}
atom Resolves an atom path and returns a string in the following format:
function atom($componentName: string, $componentModule: string = ‘ShopUi’): string
  • $componentName - component name (required).
  • $componentModule - Spryker module in which the component is located (optional). If not specified, ShopUi is used.
{% include atom('checkbox') only %}
molecule Resolves a molecule path and returns a string in the following format:
function molecule($componentName: string, $componentModule: string = ‘ShopUi’): string
  • $componentName - component name (required).
  • $componentModule - Spryker module in which the component is located (optional). If not specified, ShopUi is used.
{% extends molecule('card') %}
organism Resolves an organism path and returns a string in the following format:
function organism($componentName: string, $componentModule: string = ‘ShopUi’): string
  • $componentName - component name (required).
  • $componentModule - Spryker module in which the component is located (optional). If not specified, ShopUi is used.
{% include organism('header') only %}
template Resolves a template path and returns a string in the following format:
function template($templateName: string, $templateModule: string = ‘ShopUi’): string
  • $templateName - template name (required).
  • $templateModule - Spryker module in which the template is located (optional). If not specified, ShopUi is used.
{% extends template('widget') %}
{% extends template('page-layout-catalog', 'CatalogPage') %}
view Resolves a view path and returns a string in the following format:
function view($viewName: string, $viewModule: string = ‘ShopUi’): string
  • $viewName - view name (required).
  • $viewModule - Spryker module in which the view is located (optional). If not specified, ShopUi is used.
{% extends view('voucher-form', 'DiscountWidget') %}
define This function is used for:
  • creating a default object that can be changed from an incoming context;
  • defining tags used to pass properties and contract for a specific component.
For more information, see How the “define” Twig Tag is Working.
None See Usage Example: define below.
qa Returns a string in the following format: data-qa="qa values here". function qa($qaValues: string[] = []): string {{ qa('submit-button') }}
qa_* Returns a string in the following format: data-qa-name="{qa values}". function qa_*($qaName: string, $qaValues: string[] = []): string
  • $qaName - specifies the name to add in the left side of the data structure.
{{ qa_additional('value') }}

Usage Example: define

{% define data = {
    items: _widget.productGroupItems,
} %}