Integrate JQuery into Atomic Frontend

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This guide aims to illustrate how to use JQuery and any JQuery plugin inside Spryker components.

To do so, we will show how to integrate a plugin called jquery-countdown.


Install JQuery and jquery-countdown plugin

First of all, you need to add JQuery and jquery-countdown as dependencies to the project. To do so, from the root folder, type in the terminal:

npm install jquery jquery-countdown --save

./package.json file gets updated as follows:

"dependencies": {
  "jquery": "~3.3.1",
  "jquery-countdown": "~2.2.0",

Update webpack configuration

JQuery is generally used (and extended in plugins) as global. To allow that, add the following lines to the plugin section of the webpack development configuration. Open ./frontend/configs/development.js and add the following:

plugins: [
  new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
    // jquery global
    $: 'jquery',
    'window.jQuery': 'jquery',
    'window.$': 'jquery'

ProvidePlugin will inject JQuery as a global variable into the DOM, allowing any plugin/usage to rely on $, window.jQuery or window.$ variables.

Add JQuery declaration for Typescript (optional)

If you’re using Typescript, you need to tell it how to resolve the “$” symbol, or the transpiling will fail. In order to do so, you can use 2 approaches:

  1. add declare const $: any; at the very beginning of every file that uses JQuery.
  2. create the file ./src/Pyz/Yves/ShopUi/Theme/default/global.d.ts and add the line declare const $: any;.

This approach is a permanent solution and you won’t need to declare JQuery anywhere else as the global definition file will be used to recognize the “$” symbol in the whole application.

Add JQuery to vendor.ts

To be sure that JQuery will be included into the final output, add the following line to ./src/Pyz/Yves/ShopUi/Theme/default/vendor.ts:

import 'jquery';

By doing this, we make Webpack know to place JQuery source code into the vendor chunk and require it from there whenever needed.

Add jquery-countdown to vendor.ts (optional)

If you want to serve jquery-countdown as global and simply use it in every component you need, add the following line to ./src/Pyz/Yves/ShopUi/Theme/default/vendor.ts:

import 'jquery-countdown';

If you want to include the plugin as a local resource used only by certain specific components, ignore this step.

Configure application

The main integration step is to be implemented in ./src/Pyz/Yves/ShopUi/Theme/default/app.ts. This file defines the entry point for the whole Atomic Frontend, therefore it needs to be updated in order to properly integrate with JQuery. The main reason is that JQuery needs some time to load itself in the DOM; every plugin or code that uses it must wait for document.ready event before doing anything.

Same goes for this component: In order to safely have JQuery available in the component, you need to be sure that the mountCallback (or readyCallback which is deprecated now) is called after the document.ready event.

To do so, add one of the following code chunks to ./src/Pyz/Yves/ShopUi/Theme/default/app.ts.

ShopUi module configuration version 1.9 or earlier:

import { mount } from 'ShopUi/app';
import { LogLevel, log, info, error, config as setLogConfig } from 'ShopUi/app/logger';
import { get as config, set as setConfig, defaultConfig, Config } from 'ShopUi/app/config';

function fireReadyEvent(): void {
    const readyEvent = new CustomEvent(config().events.ready);

function fireErrorEvent(err: Error): void {
    const errorEvent = new CustomEvent(config().events.error, { detail: err });

async function onDocumentReady(): Promise<void> {
    log('DOM ready');

    try {
        await mount();
        log('application ready');
    } catch (err) {
        error('application error\n', err);

setLogConfig(config().log.level, config().log.prefix);
info('mode:', config().isProduction ? 'PRODUCTION,' : 'DEVELOPMENT,', 'log-level:', LogLevel[config().log.level]);

$(() => onDocumentReady());

ShopUi module configuration version 1.10 or later:

import { setup, mount } from 'ShopUi/app';
import { log, error } from 'ShopUi/app/logger';


$(async () => {
    try {
        await mount();
        log('application ready');
    } catch (err) {
        error('application error\n', err);


Add jquery-countdown to the component (optional)

If you already added the plugin to vendor.ts as a global resource, ignore this step.

If you want to serve jquery-countdown as a local plugin used only in the current component, add the following line to the specific component-name.ts file:

import 'jquery-countdown';

Use the plugin

At this point, you can start using the jquery-countdownplugin in the necessary components. The following code is used to load the plugin:

$('.any-target-selector').countdown('2100/01/01', function (event: any) {
				$(this).html(event.strftime('%w weeks %d days %H:%M:%S'));

Make sure that it’s invoked inside/after mountCallback (readyCallback can be used as well, but it’s now deprecated).