Creating data importers

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The following article describes how to build your data importer for a specific type. All steps in this article are built on the real-life example for importing product images.

File Import Formats

Currently, we only support CSV as a format for file imports out of the box. However, you can create your own file reader if you want to use a different format.


Before you start creating a data importer, you need to know what data it should include. We recommend you start by checking out the respective database tables you want to fill with data. The image below shows the table relation for product images. Database schema

From this schema, you can easily identify the data columns you need for your import file. So the relevant fields to fill are:

  • name (spy_product_image_set)
  • external_url_large (spy_product_image)
  • external_url_small (spy_product_image)
  • fk_locale (spy_product_image_set)
  • fk_product (spy_product_image_set)
  • fk_product_abstract (spy_product_image_set)

All fk_* fields are foreign keys to other database tables. We can not know the id’s of the related entities so we need to fill in those fields with a unique identifier.

For the database field fk_locale, we will use the name of the locale for which we need the id–for example, de_DE. This value will then be used later to fetch the id for the given locale name. We will use the same technique for the fk_product and fk_product_abstract fields.

To identify the data for your import file, you can also check out the .csv files of individual data importers. You can find the import file details in Packaged Business Capabilities.

Now that you know what data your import file should include, you can proceed with the first step of creating a data importer: creating an import file.

Create an import file

Since only CSV format is supported for import out of the box, we will start with creating a .csv file in any preferred editor.

Your CSV file for the product images import will contain the following header columns:

  • image_set_name
  • external_url_large
  • external_url_small
  • locale
  • concrete_sku
  • abstract_sku

Now, you can start to fill in some data into the new file. We recommend adding only a couple of entries to check after the first import run if all needed data is imported.

Once you populate all columns, your CSV file should be similar to this one: CSV file

Save the new file under data/import/*.

That’s it - your import file is ready. Now you have to configure the data importer.

Configure the data importer

Every import type needs its own DataImporterConfiguration. To add it, open the DataImportConfig class and add a constant for the import type.

The constant is used to identify an import type. More information about it will follow later in this article. In our case we will use const IMPORT_TYPE_PRODUCT_IMAGE = 'product-image';.

You also need to define the new data importer in the configuration YML file. Add the following lines to the /data/import/config/full_import_config.yml configuration file:

  - data_entity: product-image
    source: data/import/icecat_biz_data/product_image.csv


  • data_entity represents the name of your data importer;
  • source indicates the path to your .csv file with data to import.

Create a writer step


(Each importer needs at least one step to write the data from the file to a database. You can add as many steps as you need to your DataSetStepBroker.

First, we will create a new class called ProductImageWriterStep in "*/Zed/DataImport/Business/Model/ProductImage/" with this content:



namespace Pyz\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\ProductImage;

use Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\DataImportStep\DataImportStepInterface;
use Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\DataSet\DataSetInterface;

class ProductImageWriterStep implements DataImportStepInterface

	const BULK_SIZE = 100;

	 * @param \Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\DataSet\DataSetInterface $dataSet
	 * @return void
	public function execute(DataSetInterface $dataSet)
		echo var_dump($dataSet) . PHP_EOL . 'Line: ' . __LINE__ . PHP_EOL . 'File: ' . __FILE__ . die();


Now that the writer has been created, you can wire up your data importer.

Wire up the DataImporter

We now have everything at hand to wire up the new DataImport and run it. To do so:

  1. Add the following method in DataImportBusinessFactory:
 * @return \Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\DataImporterInterface|\Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\DataSet\DataSetStepBrokerAwareInterface
public function createProductImageImporter(DataImportConfigurationActionTransfer $dataImportConfigurationActionTransfer)
    $dataImporter = $this->getCsvDataImporterFromConfig(

	$dataSetStepBroker = $this->createTransactionAwareDataSetStepBroker(ProductImageWriterStep::BULK_SIZE);
		->addStep(new ProductImageWriterStep());


	return $dataImporter;
  1. Add the new DataImporter in DataImportBusinessFactory::getDataImporterByType():
public function getDataImporterByType(DataImportConfigurationActionTransfer $dataImportConfigurationActionTransfer): ?DataImporterInterface
    switch ($dataImportConfigurationActionTransfer->getDataEntity()) {
        case DataImportConfig::IMPORT_TYPE_PRODUCT_IMAGE:
          return $this->createProductImageImporter($dataImportConfigurationActionTransfer);

In the DataImportBusinessFactory::getImporter() we now add the new DataImporter with $dataImporterCollection->addDataImporter($this->createProductImageImporter()).

  1. Register a new console command in ConsoleDependencyProvider to allow execution of the import command from the console. Since the DataImport module brings a generic console command which can be used several times to add a console command for each data import type, you only need to register it once as follows:
 * @param \Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container $container
 * @return \Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command[]
public function getConsoleCommands(Container $container)
	$commands = [
		new DataImportConsole(),
		new DataImportConsole(DataImportConsole::DEFAULT_NAME . ':' . DataImportConfig::IMPORT_TYPE_PRODUCT_IMAGE),

Now you have a new console command data:import:product-image available. When you run vendor/bin/console you will see a new entry: data:import:product-image This command executes your "product-image" importer.

Execute the data importer

As mentioned in the previous step, the DataImport module brings a generic command which can be used several times. You need to at least register it once without a constructor argument.


This command will execute all the DataImporter registered in your full_import_config.yml one by one.

As you already made it in the example above, you can add the command with a new name over and over again. This brings in the ability to execute only a specific data importer.

When you now execute vendor/bin/console data:import:product-image you will see the debug output from the ProductImageWriterStep.

There are a lot of options that you can set for an import. If you need to debug one specific line of an import file, you can use offset and limit like this vendor/bin/console data:import:product-image -o 43 -l 1.


This will then only execute the data set at potion 43 of your import file.

The DataImporter catches exceptions by default and continues to import data. In development mode, you can use the throw-exception option to throw the occurred exception instead of catching it.


There are a couple more options, you can see them when you execute vendor/bin/console data:import:product-image -h, the console command will then print the help page for the given command.

Finalize the data importer

We have made sure that the data importer can be executed, but we only print a debug message right now. We need to do some additional things to really save some data. Follow the steps below to finalize your data importer.

1. Convert logical identifier to foreign keys

As mentioned in the Prerequisites, we can not use foreign keys in our import file - we need a logical identifier that can now be used to get the foreign key of a related entity.

There are several ways of how we can get the logical identifier. One of them is to add a new step–for example, LocaleNameToIdLocaleStep. However, in our case, it’s better to use a Repository, which provides us with a getter to retrieve the id_locale by its name. We will take this approach and do the following:

  1. Add LocaleRepository to get the foreign key of a locale by its name:

namespace Pyz\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\Locale\Repository;

use Orm\Zed\Locale\Persistence\Map\SpyLocaleTableMap;
use Orm\Zed\Locale\Persistence\SpyLocaleQuery;

class LocaleRepository implements LocaleRepositoryInterface

	 * @var array
	protected static $localeMap;

	 * @param string $locale
	 * @return int
	public function getIdLocaleByLocale($locale)
		if (!static::$localeMap) {

		return static::$localeMap[$locale];

	 * @return void
	private function loadLocaleMap()
		$localeCollection = SpyLocaleQuery::create()
			->select([SpyLocaleTableMap::COL_ID_LOCALE, SpyLocaleTableMap::COL_LOCALE_NAME])

		foreach ($localeCollection as $locale) {
			static::$localeMap[$locale[SpyLocaleTableMap::COL_LOCALE_NAME]] = $locale[SpyLocaleTableMap::COL_ID_LOCALE];


This Repository is very simple but does what we need right now.

  1. Add the following code, as we need to change our ProductImageWriterStep to use it:
 * @var \Pyz\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\Locale\Repository\LocaleRepositoryInterface
protected $localeRepository;

 * @param \Pyz\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\Locale\Repository\LocaleRepositoryInterface $localeRepository
public function __construct(LocaleRepositoryInterface $localeRepository)
	$this->localeRepository = $localeRepository;

Now, we need to inject this new Repository into our ProductImageWriterStep inside of the business factory.


When this is done we can use it like this: $idLocale = $this->localeRepository->getIdLocaleByLocale($dataSet[static::KEY_LOCALE]);

We need to add a similar Repository to retrieve the ID of an abstract or concrete product by its SKU. This is then also added to our ProductImageWriterStep as already done with LocaleRepository.

2. Find or create entities

We will now create the spy_product_image_set, spy_product_image, spy_product_image_set_to_product_image and entities.

With the first run of an importer, all entities are new and we need to do an insert. When the importer is executed more than once, it updates the existing entities. To execute this approach, we use Propel’s findOrCreate() method. Do the following:

  1. Find or create spy_product_image_set. Add the following code to the ProductImageWriterStep:
 * @param \Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\DataSet\DataSetInterface $dataSet
 * @return \Orm\Zed\ProductImage\Persistence\SpyProductImageSet
protected function findOrCreateImageSet(DataSetInterface $dataSet)
	$idLocale = $this->getIdLocaleByLocale($dataSet);

	$query = SpyProductImageSetQuery::create()

	if (!empty($dataSet[static::KEY_ABSTRACT_SKU])) {
		$idProductAbstract = $this->productRepository->getIdProductAbstractByAbstractSku($dataSet[static::KEY_ABSTRACT_SKU]);

	if (!empty($dataSet[static::KEY_CONCRETE_SKU])) {
		$idProduct = $this->productRepository->getIdProductByConcreteSku($dataSet[static::KEY_CONCRETE_SKU]);

	$productImageSetEntity = $query->findOneOrCreate();
	if ($productImageSetEntity->isNew() || $productImageSetEntity->isModified()) {

	return $productImageSetEntity;

 * @param \Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\DataSet\DataSetInterface $dataSet
 * @return int
protected function getIdLocaleByLocale(DataSetInterface $dataSet)
	$idLocale = null;

	if (!empty($dataSet[static::KEY_LOCALE])) {
		$idLocale = $this->localeRepository->getIdLocaleByLocale($dataSet[static::KEY_LOCALE]);

	return $idLocale;

We want to allow fk_locale to be null. Either fk_product or fk_product_abstract must be set. For performance reasons, we save the entity only when it’s new or modified.

  1. Find or create the spy_product_image by adding the following code to the ProductImageWriterStep:
 * We expect that the large URL is the unique identifier for an image.
 * @param \Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\DataSet\DataSetInterface $dataSet
 * @return \Orm\Zed\ProductImage\Persistence\SpyProductImage
protected function findOrCreateImage(DataSetInterface $dataSet)
	$productImageEntity = SpyProductImageQuery::create()


	if ($productImageEntity->isNew() || $productImageEntity->isModified()) {

	return $productImageEntity;
  1. Add the relation spy_product_image_set_to_product_image by adding the following code to ProductImageWriterStep:
 * @param \Orm\Zed\ProductImage\Persistence\SpyProductImageSet $imageSetEntity
 * @param \Orm\Zed\ProductImage\Persistence\SpyProductImage $productImageEntity
 * @return void
protected function updateOrCreateImageToImageSetRelation(SpyProductImageSet $imageSetEntity, SpyProductImage $productImageEntity)
	$productImageSetToProductImageEntity = SpyProductImageSetToProductImageQuery::create()


	if ($productImageSetToProductImageEntity->isNew() || $productImageSetToProductImageEntity->isModified()) {

3. Fill the Execute Method:

 * @param \Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\DataSet\DataSetInterface $dataSet
 * @return void
public function execute(DataSetInterface $dataSet)
	$imageSetEntity = $this->findOrCreateImageSet($dataSet);
	$productImageEntity = $this->findOrCreateImage($dataSet);

	$this->updateOrCreateImageToImageSetRelation($imageSetEntity, $productImageEntity);

7. Run the importer

That’s it! Now when you run the console command vendor/bin/console data:import:product-image, you will see an output similar to this one:

Importer command