Setting up a custom domain name with Route 53

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This document describes how to set up a custom domain name (domain) with its DNS zone hosted by Route53.

1. Set up hosted zones

To set up a hosted zone, provide the domain name via support.

2. Point domain names to Route 53

For a domain to start using the created hosted zone:

  1. In the AWS Management Console, go to Services > Route 53.
  2. Select Hosted Zones.
  3. Select the domain you want to point.
  4. In the Records pane, locate the record with the NS type.
  5. Copy the Value of this record, which is a list of nameservers.
  6. On your domain registrar’s side, set up the nameservers for your domain. Refer to the domain registrar’s documentation for details.
  7. Optional: Set up a custom SSL certificate for the domain.

3. Define domain names

In Spryker Cloud Commerce OS, infrastructure deployment is based on the application configuration. Domains are defined in a deploy.*.yml file used by the Docker SDK tool to build applications.

To define a custom domain, edit deploy.{project_name}-prod.yml for the production environment or deploy.{project_name}-staging.yml for the staging environment:

  1. Find the desired group:.
  2. In the group: applications:, find the desired application.
  3. In the endpoints: section of the desired application, set the domain and its store relation:
        region: DE
                application: yves
                        store: {store_relation}


        region: DE
                application: yves
                        store: DE
Store configuration

store: must correspond to groups: and region:. For example, it’s impossible to set a US store in the DE region.

See Deploy file reference to learn more about deploy file configuration.

  1. Depending on the environment you are setting up the domain for:
  1. Let us know about the desired change via support.

Give the DNS configuration 24-48 hours to propagate and you will be able to access your application via the domain.

Next step

Setting up a custom SSL certificate