Release notes
Edit on GitHubThis document describes new features and enhancements released for Spryker Cloud Commerce OS.
Although these features are available to all SCCOS projects, we are introducing them as part of a gradual rollout.
March 2023
The following features were released in March 2023.
Environment variable management 
Manage environment variables and secrets of applications using a UI without having to create a support ticket. This lets you to make changes autonomously, controlling the scope of the variables: application, scheduler or both. You can decide if changes should be applied immediately or as part of the next deployment.
Flexibility. You can change environment variables according to a needed schedule, which lets you adapt more easily to changing needs and requirements.
Define parameter and secret values in SCCOS environments
Maintenance mode 
Enable and disable the maintenance mode of an application using a dedicated pipeline without having to create a support ticket. This feature helps you deploy new versions of applications without disrupting the user experience by unexpected errors.
Faster maintenance. You can enable maintenance mode more quickly, reducing downtime and minimizing disruption.
Deployment optimization of RabbitMQ 
Optimized the deployment of RabbitMQ by moving it to another existing step. This significantly reduces the pipeline runtime. Deploy RabbitMQ is now part of another deployment step.
Platform upgrades 
Upgraded MariaDB, Redis, Jenkins, and their dependencies.
- Improved performance and reliability
- Improved security
August 2022
The following features were released in August 2022.
Destructive pipeline support for Multi Logical DB
This feature lets you quickly delete logical databases and associated resources, such as tables and indexes, in a single pipeline.
- Improved efficiency: delete logical databases and associated resources more quickly and easily, streamlining the process and saving time.
- Improved flexibility: delete logical databases and associated resources according to a needed schedule, rather than having to coordinate it with Spryker Support & Operations teams.
Deployment optimization of Jenkins
Optimized deployment pipeline images to speed up the build of Jenkins.
April 2022
Introduced a multi-database setup for multi-store environments. Now you can create databases per store in the same AWS environment.
Benefits of a multi-store setup:
- Each store has a dedicated index for Elasticsearch and its own virtual key-value storage (Redis).
- Shared virtual separated database per store.
- A cluster can share the same or use different database setups.
- One region can have multiple stores.
- Use code buckets for store customization logic.
- Use themes for different visual look and feel per store.
- Optimized environment instances usage and costs.
- Solves the uniqueness problem with URLs for different locales with the same language.
- Enables distinct category navigation, product schema details, and users.
- Improves privacy store management: one store has no knowledge about the users of another.
January 2022
Increased the stability of Jenkins deployment. This update addresses critical issues and bugs, resulting in a more reliable and efficient experience. You can expect fewer interruptions, faster deployment times, and overall improved performance.
May 2021
CI/CD Documentation: updated documentation with CI configuration examples for GitHub Actions, Bitbucket Pipelines, GitLab, and Azure.
PHP-FPM Workers: for better resource utilization, enabled workers to be defined per application in the configuration.
Improved image for CD pipelines: extended the image used for CD pipelines with extra development tools and capabilities to run tests and benchmarks within a CD pipeline.
Configuration of Redis replicas: for a faster response on reading operations, enabled the number of Redis replicas to be defined in the Deploy file.
April 2021
Elasticsearch prefix definition: enabled Docker SDK to support the Elasticsearch prefix definition using the namespace variable defined in a Deploy file. It allows several projects to share a single Elasticsearch instance.
March 2021
CD Pipeline documentation: described the deployment pipeline and project-level customization: deployment stages and how to customize them using hooks and scripts. See Deployment pipelines | Spryker and Customizing deployment pipelines | Spryker.
February 2021
Documentation about Docker SDK installation on Windows: updated Docker prerequisites for Windows with instructions for WSL2. See Installing Docker prerequisites on Windows.
Documentation about Onboarding deliverables: updated the cloud administration getting started page with the deliverables provided after the onboarding. See Getting started with cloud administration.
Documentation about GitLab: published the instructions on connecting a GitLab repository to the CD Pipeline. See Connect a GitLab code repository.
Documentation about Docker SDK: published new and updated existing pages covering the following Docker SDK topics: deploy file reference, choosing a version, quick start guide, installation, services, modes overview, mount options, debugging, running tests, and troubleshooting. See Docker SDK.
Load and stress test tool: released a tool that contains predefined Spryker-specific test scenarios. The tool is based on and can be used as a package integrated into a Spryker project or as a standalone package.
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