Enable and disable maintenance mode

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Maintenance mode is used many cases, like deploying a new application version or fixing an unexpected error. To automate the process, we created dedicated pipelines for enabling and disabling maintenance mode. The following sections describe how to run maintenance mode pipelines.

This feature is part of a gradual rollout and will be available to everyone eventually. We will notify your team once your project is onboarded.


When you enable maintenance mode, the landing pages of your applications, like the Back Office or Storefront, are replaced with maintenance pages in public//maintenance/index.html. Adjust the pages to match the design of your application and fulfill business requirements.

Enable maintenance mode

  1. In the AWS Management Console, go to Services > CodePipeline.

  2. On the Pipelines pane, click Maintenance_Enable_{ENVIRONMENT_NAME}.

  3. On the pipeline’s page, click Release change.

    The deployment time depends on the application’s complexity. Once the deployment is finished, Storefront and Back Office visitors should see the maintenance page. To get access to the frontend applications in maintenance mode, you can allowlist the needed IP addresses. For instructions, see Configure access to applications in maintenance mode.

Maintenance mode enable pipeline

Disable maintenance mode

  1. In the AWS Management Console, go to Services > CodePipeline.

  2. On the Pipelines pane, click Maintenance_Disable_{ENVIRONMENT_NAME}.

  3. On the pipeline’s page, click Release change.

    The deployment time depends on the application’s complexity. Once the deployment is finished, Storefront and Back Office visitors will be able to access the application.

Maintenance mode disable pipeline