Retrieve availability when retrieving concrete products

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This endpoint allows retrieving general information about concrete products.


For detailed information on the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see the docs:

Retrieve a concrete product

To retrieve general information about a concrete product, send the request:

GET /concrete-products/{{concrete_product_sku}}

{{concrete_product_sku}} SKU of a concrete product to get information for.


include Adds resource relationships to the request. concrete-product-availabilities

GET Get information about the 001_25904006 product with its availability.


Response sample: retrieve information about a concrete product with the details on product availability
    "data": {
        "type": "concrete-products",
        "id": "001_25904006",
        "attributes": {
            "sku": "001_25904006",
            "isDiscontinued": false,
            "discontinuedNote": null,
            "averageRating": null,
            "reviewCount": 0,
            "name": "Canon IXUS 160",
            "description": "Add a personal touch Make shots your own with quick and easy control over picture settings such as brightness and colour intensity. Preview the results while framing using Live View Control and enjoy sharing them with friends using the 6.8 cm (2.7") LCD screen. Combine with a Canon Connect Station and you can easily share your photos and movies with the world on social media sites and online albums like irista, plus enjoy watching them with family and friends on an HD TV. Effortlessly enjoy great shots of friends thanks to Face Detection technology. It detects multiple faces in a single frame making sure they remain in focus and with optimum brightness. Face Detection also ensures natural skin tones even in unusual lighting conditions.",
            "attributes": {
                "megapixel": "20 MP",
                "flash_range_tele": "4.2-4.9 ft",
                "memory_slots": "1",
                "usb_version": "2",
                "brand": "Canon",
                "color": "Red"
            "superAttributesDefinition": [
            "metaTitle": "Canon IXUS 160",
            "metaKeywords": "Canon,Entertainment Electronics",
            "metaDescription": "Add a personal touch Make shots your own with quick and easy control over picture settings such as brightness and colour intensity. Preview the results whi",
            "attributeNames": {
                "megapixel": "Megapixel",
                "flash_range_tele": "Flash range (tele)",
                "memory_slots": "Memory slots",
                "usb_version": "USB version",
                "brand": "Brand",
                "color": "Color"
        "links": {
            "self": ""
        "relationships": {
            "concrete-product-availabilities": {
                "data": [
                        "type": "concrete-product-availabilities",
                        "id": "001_25904006"
    "included": [
            "type": "concrete-product-availabilities",
            "id": "001_25904006",
            "attributes": {
                "isNeverOutOfStock": false,
                "availability": true,
                "quantity": "10.0000000000"
            "links": {
                "self": ""

concrete-products sku String SKU of the concrete product.
concrete-products isDiscontinued Boolean Specifies whether a product is discontinued:
true - the product is discontinued and requires a replacement item;
false—the product is not discontinued.
concrete-products discontinuedNote String Optional note that was specified when marking a product as discontinued.
concrete-products averageRating String Average rating of the product based on customer rating.
concrete-products reviewCount Integer Number of reviews left by customer for this product.
concrete-products name String Name of the concrete product.
concrete-products description String Description of the concrete product.
concrete-products attributes Object List of attribute keys and their values for the product.
concrete-products superAttributeDefinition String List of attributes that are flagged as super attributes.
concrete-products metaTitle String Meta title of the product.
concrete-products metaKeywords String Meta keywords of the product.
concrete-products metaDescription String Meta description of the product.
concrete-products attributeNames String List of attribute keys and their translations.
concrete-products productAbstractSku String Unique identifier of the abstract product owning this concrete product.
availability Boolean Boolean to inform about the availability.
quantity Integer Available stock (all warehouses aggregated).
isNeverOutOfStock Boolean A boolean to show if this is a product that is never out of stock.

Possible errors

302 Concrete product is not found.
312 Concrete product is not specified.

To view generic errors that originate from the Glue Application, see Reference information: GlueApplication errors.