Edit user roles

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This document describes how to edit user roles in the Back Office.


To start working with user roles, go to Users > User Roles.

Review the reference information before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.

Editing roles

  1. On the User Roles page, click Edit next to the role you want to edit.
  2. In the Role pane, update the NAME.
  3. If you updated the NAME, click Save.
  4. In the Rule pane, to add a rule, do the following:
    1. Select a BUNDLE.
    2. Select a CONTROLLER.
    3. Select an ACTION.
    4. Select a PERMISSION.
    5. Click Add Rule. The page refreshes with the success message displayed and the ruled displayed in the Assigned Rules section.
  5. Repeat steps 3-7 until you add all the needed rules.
  6. In the Assigned Rules section, delete one or more rules by clicking Delete next to the rules you want to delete. This refreshes the page with the success message displayed. The rule is no longer displayed in the list.

Reference information: Editing roles

NAME Unique identifier of the role. You use this name to assign roles when managing users.
BUNDLE Depending on the PERMISSION, allows or denies access to a section of the Back Office. You can check this value by going to the needed section and looking it up in the URL. For example, in https://backoffice.de.b2b-demo-shop.local/product-attribute-gui/attribute/create, product-attribute-gui is a bundle.
CONTROLLER Depending on the PERMISSION, allows or denies access to a subsection of the Back Office. You can check this value by going to the needed subsection and looking it up in the URL. For example, in https://backoffice.de.b2b-demo-shop.local/product-attribute-gui/attribute/create, attribute is a controller.
ACTION Depending on the PERMISSION, allows or denies access to making actions. You can check this value by going to the needed action and looking it up in the URL. For example, in https://backoffice.de.b2b-demo-shop.local/product-attribute-gui/attribute/create, create is an action.
PERMISSION Denies or allows access to the BUNDLE, CONTROLLER, and ACTION.

Tips and tricks

To allow or deny access for all of the bundles, controllers or actions, select * in the needed field.

Alternatively, you can look up BUNDLE, CONTROLLER, and ACTION values in the navigation.xml of the needed module.

See the example of the navigation.xml file of the AvailabilityGui module:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                        <label>Product Availability</label>
                        <title>Product Availability</title>

                        <label>Edit Stock</label>
                        <title>Edit Stock</title>