Install the Marketplace Shopping Lists feature
Edit on GitHubThis document describes how to install the Marketplace Shopping Lists feature.
Install feature core
Follow the steps below to install the Marketplace Shopping Lists feature core.
Install the required features:
Marketplace Product Offer | 202410.0 | Install the Marketplace Product Offer feature |
Shopping Lists | 202410.0 | Install the Shopping Lists feature |
1) Install the required modules
Install the required modules using Composer:
composer require spryker-feature/marketplace-shopping-lists:"202410.0" --update-with-dependencies
Make sure that the following modules have been installed:
ProductOfferShoppingListWidget | spryker-shop/product-offer-shopping-list-widget |
ProductOfferShoppingList | spryker/product-offer-shopping-list |
ProductOfferShoppingListDataImport | spryker/product-offer-shopping-list-data-import |
2) Set up database schema and transfer objects
Generate transfer changes:
console transfer:generate
Make sure the following changes have been applied in transfer objects:
MerchantProductCriteria.productConcreteSkus | property | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/MerchantProductCriteriaTransfer |
MerchantProductCriteria.productAbstractIds | property | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/MerchantProductCriteriaTransfer |
MerchantProductCriteria.productOfferIds | property | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/MerchantProductCriteriaTransfer |
ProductOffer.productOfferReference | property | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ProductOfferTransfer |
ProductOfferCollection.productOffers | property | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ProductOfferCollectionTransfer |
ProductOfferCollection.items | property | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ShoppingListItemCollectionTransfer |
ProductOfferCriteria.productOfferReferences | property | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ProductOfferCriteriaTransfer |
ProductConcrete.sku | property | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ProductConcreteTransfer |
ProductConcreteStorage.merchantReference | property | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ProductConcreteStorageTransfer |
ProductView.merchantReference | property | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ProductViewTransfer |
ShoppingListItem | class | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ShoppingListItemTransfer |
ShoppingListItem.merchantReference | property | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ShoppingListItemTransfer |
ShoppingListItem.productOfferReference | property | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ShoppingListItemTransfer |
ShoppingListItem.idProductAbstract | property | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ShoppingListItemTransfer |
ShoppingListItem.sku | property | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ShoppingListItemTransfer |
ShoppingListItemCollection | class | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ShoppingListItemCollectionTransfer |
ShoppingListItemCollection.items | property | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ShoppingListItemCollectionTransfer |
ShoppingListPreAddItemCheckResponse | class | Created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ShoppingListPreAddItemCheckResponseTransfer |
Run the command to initiate the changes:
console propel:install
Ensure that the following changes have occurred in the database:
spy_shopping_list_item.product_offer_reference | column | created |
3) Add translations
Append glossary according to your configuration:
shopping_list.pre.check.product_offer,Product Offer is not found.,en_US
shopping_list.pre.check.product_offer,Produktangebot wurde nicht gefunden.,de_DE
shopping_list.pre.check.product_offer.approved,Product Offer is not approved.,en_US
shopping_list.pre.check.product_offer.approved,Product Offer ist nicht genehmigt.,de_DE
shopping_list.pre.check.product_offer.is_active,Product Offer is not active.,en_US
shopping_list.pre.check.product_offer.is_active,Produktangebot ist inaktiv.,de_DE
shopping_list.pre.check.product_offer.store_invalid,Product Offer is not equal to the current Store.,en_US
shopping_list.pre.check.product_offer.store_invalid,Das Angebot gleicht nicht dem aktuellen Shop.,de_DE
shopping_list.pre.check.product_merchant_inactive,Merchant is inactive.,en_US
shopping_list.pre.check.product_merchant_inactive,Der Händler ist nicht aktiv.,de_DE
shopping_list.pre.check.product_merchant_not_approved,Merchant is not approved.,en_US
shopping_list.pre.check.product_merchant_not_approved,Der Händler ist nicht bestätigt.,de_DE
shopping_list.pre.check.product.store_invalid,Product is not equal to the current Store.,en_US
shopping_list.pre.check.product.store_invalid,Das Produkt gleicht nicht dem aktuellen Shop.,de_DE
Import data:
console data:import glossary
Make sure that, in the database, the configured data has been added to the spy_glossary
4) Configure export to Redis
Make changes to the PublisherDependencyProvider
namespace Pyz\Zed\Publisher;
use Spryker\Zed\MerchantProductOfferStorage\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\Merchant\MerchantProductOfferWritePublisherPlugin;
class PublisherDependencyProvider extends SprykerPublisherDependencyProvider
* @return array
protected function getPublisherPlugins(): array
return [
new MerchantProductOfferWritePublisherPlugin(),
Make changes to ProductStorageDependencyProvider
namespace Pyz\Zed\ProductStorage;
use Spryker\Zed\MerchantProductStorage\Communication\Plugin\ProductStorage\MerchantProductConcreteStorageCollectionExpanderPlugin;
class ProductStorageDependencyProvider extends SprykerProductStorageDependencyProvider
* @return array<\Spryker\Zed\ProductStorageExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ProductConcreteStorageCollectionExpanderPluginInterface>
protected function getProductConcreteStorageCollectionExpanderPlugins(): array
return [
new MerchantProductConcreteStorageCollectionExpanderPlugin(),
5) Import data
Prepare import data according to your requirements using demo data:
Set up configuration
Add importer configuration:
version: 0
- data_entity: product-offer-shopping-list-item
source: data/import/common/common/marketplace/product_offer_shopping_list_item.csv
Adjust the data import configuration:
namespace Pyz\Zed\DataImport;
use Spryker\Zed\ProductOfferShoppingListDataImport\ProductOfferShoppingListDataImportConfig;
class DataImportConfig extends SprykerDataImportConfig
* @return array<string>
public function getFullImportTypes(): array
return [
Enable required data import command
Modify the ConsoleDependencyProvider.php
file to enable the data import command:
namespace Pyz\Zed\Console;
use Spryker\Zed\ProductOfferShoppingListDataImport\ProductOfferShoppingListDataImportConfig;
class ConsoleDependencyProvider extends SprykerConsoleDependencyProvider
* @var string
protected const COMMAND_SEPARATOR = ':';
* @param \Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container $container
* @return array<\Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command>
protected function getConsoleCommands(Container $container): array
$commands = [
new DataImportConsole(DataImportConsole::DEFAULT_NAME . static::COMMAND_SEPARATOR . ProductOfferShoppingListDataImportConfig::IMPORT_TYPE_PRODUCT_OFFER_SHOPPING_LIST_ITEM),
return $commands;
Set up behavior
Enable the following behavior:
namespace Pyz\Zed\DataImport;
use Spryker\Zed\ProductOfferShoppingListDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport\ProductOfferShoppingListItemDataImportPlugin;
class DataImportDependencyProvider extends SprykerDataImportDependencyProvider
protected function getDataImporterPlugins(): array
return [
new ProductOfferShoppingListItemDataImportPlugin(),
Run import
Import the shopping list data:
console data:import product-offer-shopping-list-item
Make sure that the imported data is added to the spy_shopping_list_item
Set up widgets
Set up widgets as follows:
ShoppingListMerchantWidget | Enables merchant shopping list widget. | None | SprykerShop\Yves\MerchantWidget\Widget |
ShoppingListProductOfferWidget | Enables product offer in shopping list widget. | None | SprykerShop\Yves\ProductOfferWidget\Widget |
ProductOfferShoppingListWidget | Enables shopping list for product offer widget. | None | SprykerShop\Yves\ProductOfferShoppingListWidget\Widget |
namespace Pyz\Yves\ShopApplication;
use SprykerShop\Yves\MerchantWidget\Widget\ShoppingListMerchantWidget;
use SprykerShop\Yves\ProductOfferShoppingListWidget\Widget\ProductOfferShoppingListWidget;
use SprykerShop\Yves\ProductOfferWidget\Widget\ShoppingListProductOfferWidget;
class ShopApplicationDependencyProvider extends SprykerShopApplicationDependencyProvider
* @return array<string>
protected function getGlobalWidgets(): array
return [
Make sure the following widgets were registered:
ShoppingListMerchantWidget | Go to the product page. Add concrete product to the shopping list, then login to the admin page. Find a merchant that owns a concrete product and change its state. Refresh shopping list page - item will change its status to ‘Currently not available.’ |
ShoppingListProductOfferWidget | Go to the product page containing product offers. Select a product offer, e.g., offer96 . Then open another tab and login to the merchant portal with the merchant’s credentials who owns the previously selected product offer, in our case . Find product offer by SKU offer96 . Change offer availability. Refresh shopping list page - item will change its status to ‘Currently not available.’ |
ProductOfferShoppingListWidget | Go to the product page and verify that the merchants’ product offers are displayed and items are added to the shopping list with correct merchant names. |
Set up behavior
Enable the following behaviors in Client by registering the plugins:
ProductOfferShoppingListItemMapperPlugin | Maps Product Offer data to ShoppingListItemTransfer . |
None | Spryker\Client\ProductOfferShoppingList\Plugin\ShoppingList |
ProductOfferShoppingListItemToItemMapperPlugin | Maps ShoppingListItemTransfer transfer properties to ItemTransfer transfer properties. |
None | Spryker\Client\ProductOfferShoppingList\Plugin\ShoppingList |
MerchantShoppingListItemToItemMapperPlugin | Maps ShoppingListItemTransfer transfer properties to ItemTransfer transfer properties. |
None | Spryker\Client\Merchant\Plugin\ShoppingList |
namespace Pyz\Client\ShoppingList;
use Spryker\Client\Merchant\Plugin\ShoppingList\MerchantShoppingListItemToItemMapperPlugin;
use Spryker\Client\ProductOfferShoppingList\Plugin\ShoppingList\ProductOfferShoppingListItemMapperPlugin;
use Spryker\Client\ProductOfferShoppingList\Plugin\ShoppingList\ProductOfferShoppingListItemToItemMapperPlugin;
class ShoppingListDependencyProvider extends SprykerShoppingListDependencyProvider
* @return array<\Spryker\Client\ShoppingListExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ShoppingListItemMapperPluginInterface>
protected function getAddItemShoppingListItemMapperPlugins(): array
return [
new ProductOfferShoppingListItemMapperPlugin(),
* @return array<\Spryker\Client\ShoppingListExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ShoppingListItemToItemMapperPluginInterface>
protected function getShoppingListItemToItemMapperPlugins(): array
return [
new ProductOfferShoppingListItemToItemMapperPlugin(),
new MerchantShoppingListItemToItemMapperPlugin(),
Make sure the following widgets were registered:
ProductOfferShoppingListItemMapperPlugin | Go to the product details page and select product offer. Add product offer to a shopping list. Open the shopping list and verify that the correct merchant and price are stored. |
ProductOfferShoppingListItemToItemMapperPlugin | Go to a product details page and add a product offer to the shopping list. Open the shopping list and add the item to the cart. Make sure that the correct offer with its price are added to the cart. |
MerchantShoppingListItemToItemMapperPlugin | Go to the product details page and add the marketplace product to the shopping list. Open the shopping list and add the item to the cart. Make sure that the correct merchant and price are added to the cart. |
Enable the following behaviors in Zed by registering the plugins:
ProductOfferShoppingListAddItemPreCheckPlugin | Checks if a product offer exists and refers to the required product. | None | Spryker\Zed\ProductOfferShoppingList\Communication\Plugin\ShoppingList; |
MerchantProductAddItemPreCheckPlugin | Ensures that the merchant owning the marketplace product is active and approved. | Spryker\Zed\MerchantProduct\Communication\Plugin\ShoppingList | |
MerchantProductConcreteStorageCollectionExpanderPlugin | Expands ProductConcreteStorage transfers with the merchant reference. |
None | Spryker\Zed\MerchantProductStorage\Communication\Plugin\ProductStorage |
MerchantProductOfferAddItemPreCheckPlugin | Ensures that the merchant owning the product offer is active and approved. | Spryker\Zed\MerchantProductOffer\Communication\Plugin\ShoppingList | |
MerchantProductOfferShoppingListItemBulkPostSavePlugin | Expands a shopping list item that has a product offer with the merchant reference. | Spryker\Zed\MerchantProductOffer\Communication\Plugin\ShoppingList | |
MerchantProductOfferShoppingListItemCollectionExpanderPlugin | Expands a ShoppingListItemCollectionTransfer with merchant data of the product offer. |
None | Spryker\Zed\MerchantProductOffer\Communication\Plugin\ShoppingList |
MerchantProductShoppingListItemBulkPostSavePlugin | Expands a shopping list item with product concrete and its merchant reference. | Spryker\Zed\MerchantProduct\Communication\Plugin\ShoppingList | |
MerchantProductShoppingListItemCollectionExpanderPlugin | Expands a ShoppingListItemCollectionTransfer with merchant data of the marketplace product. |
None | Spryker\Zed\MerchantProduct\Communication\Plugin\ShoppingListExtension |
ProductOfferItemToShoppingListItemMapperPlugin | Maps ItemTransfer.productOfferReference transfer property to ShoppingListItemTransfer.productOfferReference transfer property. |
None | Spryker\Zed\ProductOfferShoppingList\Communication\Plugin\ShoppingList |
namespace Pyz\Zed\ShoppingList;
use Spryker\Zed\MerchantProduct\Communication\Plugin\ShoppingListExtension\MerchantProductShoppingListItemCollectionExpanderPlugin;
use Spryker\Zed\MerchantProductOffer\Communication\Plugin\ShoppingList\MerchantProductOfferShoppingListItemCollectionExpanderPlugin;
use Spryker\Zed\ProductOfferShoppingList\Communication\Plugin\ShoppingList\ProductOfferItemToShoppingListItemMapperPlugin;
use Spryker\Zed\ProductOfferShoppingList\Communication\Plugin\ShoppingList\ProductOfferShoppingListAddItemPreCheckPlugin;
use Spryker\Zed\MerchantProduct\Communication\Plugin\ShoppingList\MerchantProductAddItemPreCheckPlugin;
use Spryker\Zed\MerchantProduct\Communication\Plugin\ShoppingList\MerchantProductShoppingListItemBulkPostSavePlugin;
use Spryker\Zed\MerchantProduct\Communication\Plugin\ShoppingList\MerchantProductShoppingListItemCollectionExpanderPlugin;
use Spryker\Zed\MerchantProductOffer\Communication\Plugin\ShoppingList\MerchantProductOfferAddItemPreCheckPlugin;
use Spryker\Zed\MerchantProductOffer\Communication\Plugin\ShoppingList\MerchantProductOfferShoppingListItemBulkPostSavePlugin;
class ShoppingListDependencyProvider extends SprykerShoppingListDependencyProvider
* @return array<\Spryker\Zed\ShoppingListExtension\Dependency\Plugin\AddItemPreCheckPluginInterface>
protected function getAddItemPreCheckPlugins(): array
return [
new ProductOfferShoppingListAddItemPreCheckPlugin(),
new ShoppingListItemProductConcreteHasValidStoreAddItemPreCheckPlugin(),
new MerchantProductOfferAddItemPreCheckPlugin(),
new MerchantProductAddItemPreCheckPlugin(),
* @return array<\Spryker\Zed\ShoppingListExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ShoppingListItemCollectionExpanderPluginInterface>
protected function getItemCollectionExpanderPlugins(): array
return [
new MerchantProductOfferShoppingListItemCollectionExpanderPlugin(),
new MerchantProductShoppingListItemCollectionExpanderPlugin(),
* @return array<\Spryker\Zed\ShoppingListExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ItemToShoppingListItemMapperPluginInterface>
protected function getItemToShoppingListItemMapperPlugins(): array
return [
new ProductOfferItemToShoppingListItemMapperPlugin(),
* @return array<\Spryker\Zed\ShoppingListExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ShoppingListItemBulkPostSavePluginInterface>
protected function getShoppingListItemBulkPostSavePlugins(): array
return [
new MerchantProductShoppingListItemBulkPostSavePlugin(),
new MerchantProductOfferShoppingListItemBulkPostSavePlugin(),
Make sure that the following plugins were registered:
ProductOfferShoppingListAddItemPreCheckPlugin | Go to a product page containing product offers. Select a product offer, e.g. offer96 . Then open another tab and login to the merchant portal with the merchant’s credentials who owns the previously selected product offer, in our case . Find product offer by SKU offer96 . By changing the product offer by further pressing “Add to shopping list” on the PDP tab, check that product offer validation is enabled. The following cases may be checked:
ShoppingListItemProductConcreteHasValidStoreAddItemPreCheckPlugin | Go to the product page and select a concrete product. Then open another tab and log into the Back Office. Find a concrete product selected on PDP by a concrete SKU. Uncheck the current store option on the product edit page. Press “Add to shopping list” on the PDP tab to check that the product store validation is enabled. An error message will appear. |
MerchantProductOfferAddItemPreCheckPlugin | Go to the product page containing product offers. Select a product offer, e.g. offer96 . Then open another tab and log into the Back office, and find the merchant who owns the previously selected product offer, in our case . By changing the product offer by further pressing “Add to shopping list” on the PDP tab, check that product offer merchant validation is enabled. The following cases may be checked:
MerchantProductAddItemPreCheckPlugin | Go to the product page and select a concrete product. Then open another tab and log into the admin page. Find the merchant that owns the concrete product and change its state. Press “Add to shopping list” on the PDP tab to check that product merchant status validation is enabled. The following cases may be checked:
MerchantProductOfferShoppingListItemCollectionExpanderPlugin | Go to the product page, select the merchant product offer, and add it to the shopping list. Open the shopping list and ensure the “Sold By” field shows the merchant that owns the corresponding product offer. |
MerchantProductShoppingListItemCollectionExpanderPlugin | Go to the product page, select a marketplace product, and add it to the shopping list. Open the shopping list, and ensure that the “Sold By” field shows the merchant that owns the product. |
ProductOfferItemToShoppingListItemMapperPlugin | Go to the products page, select a merchant product offer and add it to the cart. Open the cart and press “Add to shopping list.” Ensure that the shopping list contains the selected product offers from the correct merchant. |
MerchantProductShoppingListItemBulkPostSavePlugin | Go to the product details page and add a marketplace product to the shopping list. Open the shopping list and add the item to the cart. Ensure that the correct product and merchant are transferred from the shopping list to the cart. |
MerchantProductOfferShoppingListItemBulkPostSavePlugin | Go to the product details page and add marketplace product to the shopping list. Open the shopping list and add the item to the cart. Ensure that the correct product and merchant are transferred from the shopping list to the cart. |
Install related features
Shopping Lists | 202410.0 | Install the Shopping Lists feature |
Install the Marketplace Shopping Lists Glue API | 202410.0 |
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