Glue API: Search the product catalog

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The implementation of the search API offers you the same search experience as in the Spryker Demo Shops. The search engine used is Elasticsearch, and search results go beyond the simple listing of products in the results section. The list of search results is paginated according to your configuration, and spelling suggestions are offered when needed. In addition, sorting and facets are supported to narrow down the search results. In your development, this endpoint can help you to:

  • Implement catalog search functionality, including the category tree, facets, and pagination.
  • Retrieve a list of products to be displayed anywhere you want.


For detailed information about the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see the following documents:

Search by products

To search by products, send the request:

GET /catalog-search


include Adds resource relationships to the request. abstract-products
q Restricts the set of the returned items to the provided parameter value.
  • {{null}} (empty)
  • {{abstract_product_sku}}
  • {{abstract_product_name}}
  • {% raw %}{{concrete_product_sku}}
  • {{product_attribute}} (brand, color)—to provide multiple product attributes, use +
price[min] Specifies minimum prices of the products {{minimum_price}}
price[max] Specifies maximum prices of the products {{maximum_price}}
brand Specifies the product brand {{brand_name}}
label Specifies the product label {{label}}
weight Specifies the product weight {{weight}}
color Specifies the product color {{color}}
storage_capacity[] Specifies the storage capacity of a product {{storage_capacity}}
rating[min] Specifies the minimum rating of a product {{rating}}
category Specifies the category to search the products in {{category_node_id}}For the category node IDs, retrieve the category tree.
currency Sets a currency {{currency}}
sort Sorts the search results For the list of possible values, run the [catalog search request and find the list under sortParamNames in the response. For the default Spryker Demo Shop sorting parameters, see Sorting parameters.
page Sets the number of the search results page from which the results are retrieved {{page_number}}
ipp Sets the number of products per page {{number_of_products}}
merchant_name Filters the results by a merchant name. {{merchnat_name}}
GET Search for all available products.
GET Search for an abstract product by SKU 058.
GET Search for an abstract product by SKU 058 with the included product details.
GET Liquid Jade Search for an abstract product by Acer Liquid Jade name.
GET Search for a concrete product by SKU 058_261755504.
GET Search for products by multiple attributes (brand Sony and red color).
GET Search for products within a minimum (99.99) and maximum (150) price range.
GET Search for products of the Sony brand.
GET[]=NEW&label[]=SALE % Search for products with the NEW and SALE labels.
GET[]=45 g Search for products by the 45 g weight.
GET[]=Blue Search for products by the Blue color.
GET[]=32 GB Search for products by the 32 GB storage capacity.
GET[min]=4 Search for products by the rating 4.
GET Search for products by the category node ID 6.
GET Define the CHF currency for the search result products.
GET Set sorting order ascending.
GET Set sorting order descending.
GET Sort the found products by rating.
GET Sort the found products by price ascending.
GET Set a page to retrieve the search results from.
GET Set a number of products per page.
GET Filter the results by the Spryker merchant name.
GET,concrete-products,product-offers/ Search for a product by SKU 001 including its concrete products and product offers.


Response sample: search for all available products
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Response sample: search for an abstract product by SKU
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Response sample: search for an abstract product by SKU with the included abstract product details
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                "description": "Edge Handle Assign a colour and place on People Edge to five of your favourite contacts. Reach out to them at any time by simply swiping inwards from the Edge Handle. When words aren't enough, send a poke or an emoticon to your People Edge contacts. OnCircle lets you communicate in ways that really count. When it comes to your favourite tracks, sound quality matters. Enjoy rich, balanced audio with Bluetooth audio accessories that support UHQ Audio. Celebrations are always better when you are sharing. Livestream the fun straight from your Galaxy S6 edge+ using the camera's Live Broadcast function. 4GB RAM and LTE Cat.9 support ensure uninterrupted streaming. No more shaky handheld videos. Video Digital Imaging Stabilisation meets Optical Image Stabilisation to ensure you get clear and steady footage every time.",
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Response sample: search for a concrete product by SKU
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Sorting parameters

sortParamNames Array Sorting parameters. The default Spryker Demo Shop parameters:
  • rating—sorting by product rating.
  • name_asc—sorting by name, ascending.
  • name_desc—sorting by name, descending.
  • price_asc—sorting by price, ascending.
  • price_desc—sorting by price, descending.
sortParamLocalizedNames Object Localized names of the sorting parameters.
currentSortParam String The currently applied sorting parameter.
currentSortOrder String The current sorting order.


pagination.pagination Object Attributes that define the pagination.
pagination.numFound Integer Number of the search results found.
pagination.currentPage Integer The current search results page.
pagination.maxPage Integer Total number of the search results pages.
pagination.currentItemsPerPage Integer Current number of the search results per page.
pagination.parameterName String Parameter name for setting the page number.
pagination.itemsPerPageParameterName String Parameter name for setting number of items per page.
pagination.defaultItemsPerPage Integer Default number of items per one search results page.
pagination.validItemsPerPageOptions Array Options for numbers per search results page.

Abstract products

abstractProducts Array Abstract products in the search results.
abstractProducts.abstractSku String Unique identifier of the abstract product.
abstractProducts.price Integer Price to pay for that product in cents.
abstractProducts.abstractName String Abstract product name.
abstractProducts.images Array Product images of the abstract product.
abstractProducts.prices Integer Attributes describing the abstract product’s price.
abstractProducts.prices.priceTypeName String Price type.
abstractProducts.prices.currency String Attributes describing the currency of the abstract product’s price.
abstractProducts.prices.currency.code String Currency code. String Currency name.
abstractProducts.prices.currency.symbol String Currency symbol.
abstractProducts.prices.grossAmount Integer Gross price in cents.
abstractProducts.images Array Images of the abstract product.
abstractProducts.images.externalUrlLarge URL of the large image.
abstractProducts.images.externalUrlSmall URL of the small image.

Value facets

valueFacets Array Objects describing the value facets. String Name of the value facet.
valueFacets.localizedName String Localized name of the value facet.
valueFacets.values Array Values of the facet for the found items.
valueFacets.activeValue Integer Value of the facet specified in the current search request.
valueFacets.config Object Parameters describing the value facet’s configuration.
valueFacets.config.parameterName String Parameter name.
valueFacets.config.isMultiValued Boolean Defines if several values of the facet can be specified.

Range facets

rangeFacets Array Objects describing the range facets. String Name of the range facet.
rangeFacets.localizedName String Localized name of the range facet.
rangeFacets.min Integer Minimum value of the range for the found items.
rangeFacets.max Integer Maximum value of the range for the found items.
rangeFacets.activeMin Integer Minimum value of the range specified in the current search request.
rangeFacets.activeMax Integer Maximum value of the range specified in the current search request.
rangeFacets.config Object Parameters describing the range facet’s configuration.
rangeFacets.config.parameterName String Parameter name.
rangeFacets.config.isMultiValued Boolean Defines if several values of the facet can be specified.

Category tree filter

categoryTreeFilter Array Category tree filters.
nodeId Integer Unique identifier of the category.
name String Category name.
docCount Integer Number of the found items in the category.
children Array Child categories of the category. The child categories have the same parameters.

For details of the included resources, see:

Possible errors

501 Invalid currency.
502 Invalid price mode.
503 Invalid type (non-integer) of one of the request parameters:
  • rating
  • rating.min
  • rating.max
  • page.limit
  • page.offset
  • category