Configure Elasticsearch

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Elasticsearch is a NoSQL data store that lets you predefine the structure of the data you get to store in it.

Because the used data structure is static, you need to define it in advance. The definitions of the indexes and mappings are written in JSON. You can find it in the official Elasticsearch documentation.

The content of the configuration files must follow the conventions listed in the Create index API document of the official Elasticsearch documentation.


The current search installer supports only settings and mappings. However, if you need more, you can extend it on the project level.

Schema example: For the main index called page, you can find the default schema configuration in vendor/spryker/search-elasticsearch/src/Spryker/Shared/SearchElasticsearch/Schema/page.json.

Disable the default mapping installation

To disable the default mapping installation, override the core configuration defined in Spryker\Zed\SearchElasticsearch\SearchElasticsearchConfig::getJsonIndexDefinitionDirectories() by implementing it on the project level—for example, Pyz\Zed\Search\SearchConfig.

Each configured store has its index, which is installed automatically. An index name consists of the following parts:

  • An optional prefix, which is defined by the SearchElasticsearchConstants::INDEX_PREFIX configuration option.
  • A store name.
  • A configuration file name.

Index name components are delimited with an underscore—for example, spryker_de_page.

Adjust existing indexes

The following example shows how the default schema configuration file for the main index page can be changed to allow searching for keywords containing the special character & (ampersand) by switching from a standard tokenizer to a combination of keyword tokenizer and token filter of the word_delimiter_graph type.

    "settings": {
        "analysis": {
            "analyzer": {
                "fulltext_index_analyzer": {
                    "tokenizer": "keyword",
                    "filter": ["my_custom_word_delimiter_graph_filter", "lowercase", "fulltext_index_ngram_filter"]
                "fulltext_search_analyzer": {
                    "tokenizer": "keyword",
                    "filter": ["custom_word_delimiter_graph_filter", "lowercase"]
            "filter": {
                "fulltext_index_ngram_filter": {
                    "type": "edge_ngram",
                    "min_gram": 2,
                    "max_gram": 20
                "custom_word_delimiter_graph_filter": {
                    "type": "word_delimiter_graph",
                    "type_table": [ "& => ALPHA" ],
                    "split_on_case_change": false,
                    "split_on_numerics": false
    "mappings": {
        "page": {
            "properties": {
                "full-text": {
                    "analyzer": "fulltext_index_analyzer",
                    "search_analyzer": "fulltext_search_analyzer"
                "full-text-boosted": {
                    "analyzer": "fulltext_index_analyzer",
                    "search_analyzer": "fulltext_search_analyzer"

For details about applying changes made to schema configuration files, see the Install indexes and mappings section.

Define new indexes and mappings

To define new indexes and mappings, under the Shared namespace of any module, create new configuration files—for example, src/Shared/MyModuleName/Schema/myindex.json.

To extend or overwrite the existing configurations, create a new file with the same name you want to modify and provide only the differences compared to the original one.

When the search installer runs, it reads all the available configuration files and merges them by an index name per store. This might be handy if you have modules that are not tightly coupled together, but both need to use the same index for some reason, or you just need to extend or override the default configuration provided on the core level.

To extend or modify indexes and mappings for a specific store, create a new configuration file along with the store’s name—for example, de_page.json. The file is used for this store only. For example, if you have a different analyzing strategy for your stores, you must define it separately.

Install indexes and mappings

vendor/bin/console search:setup:sources
vendor/bin/console search:setup:source-map

The first command installs indexes that are not created and updates the mappings based on the JSON configurations.

If an index is created with the given settings, it’s changed by running this process, but the mapping can be modified and changed.

In the development environment, to create new analyzers or change the index settings, you must delete the index and run the installation process again.

Populate the newly created index with data:

vendor/bin/console publish:trigger-events

After running the search:setup:source-map command, a helper class is autogenerated for every installed index. You can find these classes under the \Generated\Shared\Search namespace. The name of the generated class starts with the name of the index and is followed by the suffix IndexMap.

For the default page index, the class is \Generated\Shared\Search\PageIndexMap.

These classes provide some information from mapping, such as fields and metadata. Use these classes for references to program against something related to that mapping schema.

If you change mapping and run the installer, autogenerated classes change accordingly.

Updating indexes with existing data

Elasticsearch is limited when it comes to updating indexes that contain data. If any issues occur, the errors provided by Elasticsearch are confusing.

To make sure an index is correct, do the following:

  1. Drop and recreate data:
APPLICATION_STORE=DE console search:index:delete
APPLICATION_STORE=DE console search:setup:sources
  1. If the previous command introduced or may have introduced any changes to searchable data, rewrite the data:
APPLICATION_STORE=DE console publish:trigger-events
  1. Sync the data to Elasticsearch:
APPLICATION_STORE=DE console sync:data

For help with more specific cases, engage with Spryker community or contact support.